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ADP Cheat Sheet

This card is a quick reference guide listed from most likely to least likely to be run into.

This one-page flyer is a summary of all the value we offer ADP-CB accounts (does not include Premium since they have to buy that separately):

ADP Integration Infographic.png
Figma Demo for an ADP HR Pro CareerPlug account—This can be used to demonstrate the user experience of an ADP HR Pro account.

Table of Contents


For anything that ADP's Direct Support Team needs to assist with: 1-888-544-4237, Option 3.

Standard SLA applies to the ADP POH support.
Internet address for ADP-specific help center:

This is an example of a generic API error that may occur. In this instance, the help link will take the Client to the CareerPlug ticket portal. The Client is also given the call to action to "Retry Sending to ADP" as these kinds of errors are usually temporary.

Additionally, we ask the Client to notate the Error Code and the Error Message that they received so they can share that with HX.

We've tried really hard to offer guidance to the Client on next steps whenever an error occurs. If the Client contacts HX after trying multiple times, make sure they follow the on-screen prompts and give us the error code and message! That will help the Engineering Team diagnose what the underlying issue is, though usually these generic errors should resolve after a few re-tries..

Can I change the account name for an ADP client?

Yes, you can change the account name for an ADP specific account to whatever they would like.

Generic ADP Supportable Error


This is an example of an error that directs the Client to ADP Support. In the case of 5XX errors, that usually means there is a problem on the ADP side, and that their servers are having issues. This should be an ultra rare occurrence, but if it does happen, we make sure to let the Client know that they need to reach out to ADP directly and not HX.

Once again, the Client is also given the call to action to "Retry Sending to ADP" as these kinds of errors are usually temporary and very very rare.

If a Client does reach out to us about 5XX errors, we need to gently remind them that the issue is on the ADP end and should be resolved shortly. If the 5XX errors persist, we should notify Tier 3, and subsequently the Engineering Team about a possible outage on the ADP side. There isn't much we can do here, but being looped in about an outage would be good.

Employee Already Exists Error


This is an example of a very unique error. If a Client tries to import a New Hire into ADP Run, but for some reason that New Hire already exists in ADP Run, they will receive this error message. Typically this will happen if the Hiring Manager uses a Social Security Number that has already been used in ADP Run.

Once again, we direct the Client to ADP Support, and not HX. Additionally, we also offer a work around for them to delete the employee from ADP Run and then try again.

However, you'll notice that in this instance, we offer a "Mark as Hired without ADP Import" call to action.. This allows the Hiring Manager to mark the New Hire as "Hired" in the ATS, but skip sending additional information over to ADP, and not be blocked. If a Client does reach out to you about this, I would advise them to skip the import process if they aren't comfortable re-importing and starting over in ADP Run.



  • ADP - CB: This is the default account class for any Alex that uses the SSO option from their ADP Run HR Pro account to create a CP account. All invoices will be sent to and paid by ADP. Alex will will have the equivalent of a CP Pro account, but configured specifically for ADP.
    • Access to ~ 300 pre-built job templates
    • Generic Hiring Process configured (POH Integration)
    • Access to standard email and texting message templates
  • ADP - Basic: This account class will be used for any account that downgrades from ADP Run HR Pro into any other ADP Run Bundle. ADP's system will communicate with CareerPlug. Once a subscription is canceled directly with ADP, the change will automatically reflect on CareerPlug, and the account will be downgraded to Basic, with the option to enroll in ADP - Retail. ADP-Basic does not have access to the ADP Run POH Integration. Accounts in this account class will:
    • Continue having access to their account and all of their data (same account configuration as ADP-CB)
    • Have the option of upgrading to CP Pro or Premium as direct clients of CareerPlug with the monthly retail rates with no terms associated thus allowing them to upgrade/downgrade at any time
  • ADP - Retail: This account class will be used for any ADP -Basic account that upgrades to CP Pro or CP Premium with the monthly CP Retail rates. Accounts in this account class will:
        • Be Direct Clients of CareerPlug with access to an annual rate or monthly rate with 12 month commitment (effective as of Sept. 2024).
          • ADP-Retail does NOT have access to the ADP Run POH Integration.
    • Continue having access to their account and all of their data (same account configuration as ADP-CB

Note: If an account downgrades from adp hr pro they are automatically moved into basic -- after 30 days if they have not opted into CareerPlug keeping their data the account will be deleted (and cannot be recovered)

Relevant Looms

ADP Point of Hire Integration
SSO Function


Q: What does ADP call or refer to their clients as?
A: "Alex" - their neutral name for their user-persona. If you hear someone use the name "Alex" they are referring to an ADP user.

Q: Is the ADP client paying CareerPlug for the Pro subscription?
A: No. ADP will pay CareerPlug for Alex's CareerPlug Pro subscription, as long as they subscribe to the ADP HRPro bundle.

Q: Can Alex upgrade to Premium?
A: Yes. Alex will have the ability to upgrade to CareerPlug Premium. Each ADP account would incur the cost at $50/month/location.

Q: Can Alex post jobs to different locations?
A: Yes. Alex can add locations to their account for the cost of $0 if on Pro (included with HRPro). If they upgrade to Premium it's $50/mo/location otherwise.

Q: Will ADP clients ever use the CareerPlug Onboarding product?
A: NO. They are not exposed to our legacy Onboarding product at all... instead, they rely on ADP for Onboarding and Payroll services, so we built the ADP Point-of-Hire (PoH) integration to market for this launch so that they can push new hires over to ADP and automation creates the employee record.

Q: Will ADP have their own Help Center?
A: Yes!

Q: When SSO'ing over from ADP, what level of access will users be assigned?
A: 100% of SSO-created users will be defaulted to ADMIN access. They can later be changed to a lower access level by another Admin within the account if needed.

Q: What permissions are users granted coming in from ADP through SSO?
A: All users coming from ADP through SSO will be given Admin permissions.

Q: Is it possible for one ADP user to downgrade another user's access within CareerPlug on the Team page?
A: Yes, an admin can downgrade another admin. The first user to login to the account will be set as account owner, and the account owner user cannot be downgraded.

Q: What happens if an Admin downgrades another user to Full or Limited-access, will that user's reduced status remain the next time they SSO in?
A: Yes, the permissions set for the account will remain as set by the admin. Admin permissions are only set at the initial SSO login.

Q: If Alex downgrades from ADP RUN HR PRO they get moved into basic account class? and then when they upgrade they go into retail?
A: Yes, if they downgrade from ADP RUN HR PRO they will be downgraded to basic from CB account class. If they decide to upgrade to pro/premium, they will be moved to the retail account class. If they subscribe to ADP RUN HR PRO again they will be moved back to the CB account class, but will need to contact CP Support to link their old CP account to the new ADP RUN HR PRO subscription. CP will need to send ticket over to Implementation to make sure account class changes are completed correctly. Reference Give current account access to the new ADP HR Pro Integration.
and ADP: 3 account classes and how to transition alongside this card ADP HR Pro client has multiple CareerPlug accounts.

Q: What does it mean if we get a call from an ADP HR RUN PRO client who is claiming not to see the 'Post a Job' button that activates their CP account/access?
A: ADP HR RUN PRO clients only gain access to the 'Post a Job' button after they've run their first payroll in ADP. Their account with ADP is technically not considered active until they've run payroll once. No sooner. If you hear from a client who does not see the button to access CP, we should ask and confirm that they've run their first payroll through ADP. If not, guide them to get in touch with ADP for further details on how their ADP account is activated before accessing CP.

Q: If an account is downgraded, how do we know if the opted-in or out of CareerPlug keeping their data?
A: The client is sent automated emails via Hubspot where they have to submit a form to opt out of being purged. You can search for the client's email to verify if they opted in:

image (13).png

Q: What are these clients using for recruiting currently? Will this replace an ADP existing product or offer something they don't really currently have?
A: Some of them are using ZipRecruiter today. The rest have a variety of ways they are handling this…we haven't identified a clear pattern. This is important to ADP because they've heard that many of them are very dissatisfied with their current solution/s.

Q: Are all ADP accounts in a single account class?
A: Yes, they are in one account class. However, the ADP accounts that downgrade from ADP Run Pro will go into an ADP Basic account class. Those former ADP accounts that decide to upgrade will live in an ADP Pro/Premium account class.

Q: What are we considering small business as far as total employees per business?
A: ADP Run is intended for less than 50 employees.

Q: Is text messaging included in all ADP pro accounts?
A: Yep!

Q: Are we refunding anyone who upgrades from Pro/Premium back to ADP CB?
A: No. We are not going to offer prorated monthly charges for upgrading, and they will not get a refund if they move to ADP HR Pro (handled on a case-by-case basis).

Q: Does Basic & Retail have a limit on locations?
A: No, there is just no discount for the 11th+ location.

Q: if they go back to HR pro and just got billed, can we offer a service credit totaling the amount charged toward a premium upgrade? Would love to soften the blow of no refund and also turn it into a higher MRR account by effectively turning that payment into a premium coupon
A: Please handle on a case-by-case basis, but let's not default to this option.

Q: The batch for all of the 3 account classes will be ADP?
A: Yes.

Q: Do ADP CB accounts have open zip or hard coded locations for job postings?
A: They will not have open zip, but can have multiple locations.

Q: Is the Point of hire integration only available for ADP CB accounts?
A: Yes! Only available to those in the ADP RUN HR Pro

Q: What email should we provide to Alex if they would like to email us directly?

Q: What are ADP's support hours?
A: ADP support is available from 8:30 AM-8 PM ET Monday - Friday excluding the following holidays:

  • New Year's Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the observed day will be the Friday prior.

If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the observed day will be the Monday after.

Q: Will clients keep their access to the ZR resume database?
A: YES! Clients will keep the SSO for their ZR resume database. They won't have access to the ZR ATS.


ADP Launch Card
ADP Run Point-of-Hire Card
ADP Billing Process
ADP Contact Information

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