Submitting inventory - account - app
This resource directs how to submit Inventory photos from the app.
Steps to locating where to submit inventory photos in the app
- If you are opted into the Inventory Discount you will see on the home screen a banner with the following:
- Note to complete inventory
- Days remaining before the discount will be removed
- Click Complete Inventory to be taken to the screen where photos are uploaded
- Click on each category and follow the prompts to submit photos
Steps to uploading photos and completing inventory
- Once you click into a category you will see the following for each:
- Description of photo/s needed
- Place to click to upload photo
- Field to leave optional comments
- Place to add additional photos if you have multiple items of a category
- Click Save once you have uploaded/entered items needed
- You will be taken back to the inventory list screen to complete the above steps on the other categories
- There is a tracker at the bottom noting the percentage completed
- Click Complete inventory once you have uploaded all applicable photos