Deposits - Screen Overview
Screen Code: arlsdpi
This screen helps to view, update, split and transfer the deposit.
Navigation Tip: Account Receivable >> Service Accounts >> right click any account from the list >> Click Deposits.

It has the following parameters:
| Description
Service Code
| Service code against the deposit. (e.g DEN - Dental Services.
Sequence Number
| The sequence number of the deposit refunds; refunds will be given in this order.
Deposit Amount
| Deposit amount against the service code and category.
Deposit Date
| Deposit date.
Applied Refunded
| If a customer has requested any deposit refunds. This status has to be set yes if any deposits are to be refunded.
Applied Refunded Date
| Refund applied on the date.
Interest LTD
| This classifies the deposit as long-term debt and allows for the accrual of interest. That interest is then paid to the customer.
Last Interest Date
| Last interest credited date for the deposit.
| Account status.
Receipt Number
| Receipt number for the deposit.
To know more about how to transfer a deposit, visit the Transfer Deposit article.
Version 1.1