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Student Code of Conduct - 11. Interim Measures

There may be circumstances in which the Associate Provost Student Affairs and Dean of Students and/or University Code Administrator, or their designee must take immediate action on a student or registered student organization, prior to a formal disciplinary outcome.

  1. Interim measures are imposed only when the Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students and/or University Code Administrator determines, in consultation with university officials as appropriate, that the measure meets the below criteria:
    1. To ensure the safety and well-being of the university community
    2. To ensure the students own safety and well-being: and/or
    3. The student poses an ongoing threat or disruption of, or interference with, the regular operations of the university.
  2. Interim measures include the following:
    1. Interim suspension
    2. Interim restriction
    3. Interim class restriction
    4. Interim Housing suspension, restriction and relocation
    5. Persona non grata (university ban)
    6. No contact orders
  3. When an interim measure is issued, the student shall be afforded the opportunity to meet with the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards or designee to request reconsideration of the interim measure. At the university’s discretion alternative coursework options may be pursued to ensure minimal academic disruption.
  4. The interim measure and any review of this status does not replace the regular hearing process. Interim measures may remain in effect until the student is informed of the outcome of the conduct review process. The interim measure may be lifted earlier by action of the Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, or designee, however other sanctions can/will remain.
  5. SCCS will strive to adjudicate cases where interim measures have been issued in an expedited and prompt manner.
  6. Interim measures can be put in place for all types of conduct processes. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Informal Resolutions
    2. Educational Conferences
    3. Administrative Conduct Reviews
    4. Conduct Panel Reviews

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