Meter List Report
The meter list report focuses on information about the meter records
Step 1: Utility Billing
Step 2: Reporting
Step 3: Meter Related Reports
Step 4: Meter List
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Cycle/route number (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular cycle or route or leave it blank to capture all cycles and routes.
District (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular district or leave it blank to capture all districts.
Street name (blank for all) field is optional; however, you may enter a particular street or leave it blank to capture all streets.
City limit code: Select one (Both, Inside, Outside)
Service/rate code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a metered service code for example: WT (water), EL (electric) if applicable or GA (gas) if applicable or leave it blank to capture all service codes. Select a particular rate code or leave it blank to capture all.
Meter manufacturer code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular meter manufacturer or leave it blank to capture all meter manufactures
From/to meter placed into service date (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter the from and to service date in which the meter was placed or leave it blank to capture all service date.
From/to meter set at address date (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter the from and to meter set at address date or leave it blank to capture all the meter set address date.
Consumption multiplier (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter the consumption multiplier or leave it blank to capture all consumption multipliers.
Demand multiplier (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter the demand multiplier or leave it blank to capture all demand multiplier.
Demand meters only: field is optional; you may select one (Yes or No) depending on if you want the report to include only demand meters (if applicable) otherwise you can leave it as “No” to process the report.
Account status: Select one (Include All Accounts Status, Inactive, Not Inactive)
Meter service status: Select one (Active, Inactive, Change Out, Pulled)
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Location code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular location code (if applicable) or leave it blank to capture all location codes
Unit of measure (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular unit of measure or leave it blank to capture all unit of measures
Meter size code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular meter size code or leave it blank to capture all meter size codes
Digits on meter (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular digit on meter or leave it blank to capture all digits on meter
Digits read (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter digits read or leave it blank to capture all digits read
Special meter id (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular special meter id or leave it blank to capture all special meter id
Include special meter id’s whose size not equal
Special meter code (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular special meter code or leave it blank to capture all special meter codes
Special meter code 2 (blank for all): field is optional; however, you may enter a particular special meter code 2 or leave it blank to capture all special meter code 2
Sort by: Select one (Street, Account, Name, Special Meter ID (Transponder#), Route Number & Meter Placed At Service Addr Date, Meter Number, Meter Size, or Meter Master Placed In Service Date. You have the option to choose “Detail”, “Totals” or “Summary -?”. If you sort by meter size or placed date, you can select a summary report.
Life to date consumption to compare: Enter the consumption that you wish to include in this report. For example: If you want to include all meter with a consumption greater than 1. You will enter 1 here in this field. Another scenario is that you would like to include all meters less than 10,000 gallons of consumption.
Select consumption if: Select one (Greater than or less than). This is based on what information you entered on the life to date consumption to compare
Here is an example of what the report will look like.
Note: This process created a delimited data file that can be imported into a spreadsheet. It’s located in the STWUBFTP directory and named meters.dat
Below are the instructions to import the meter.dat file into a spreadsheet.
Step 1: Click on OpenGov Directories it’s located on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
Step 2: Click on the FTP directory:ogubftp
Step 3: You may use the “Filter Filename” and enter meters or scroll down to locate meters.datStep
4: Click on meters.dat to download the file . Select “Open file”. Below is an example of what the report will look like.
Step 5: Click on “File” and select “Save as”. You may save this file to your desktop to find it easier.
Step 6: Open a new workbook in Excel.
Step 7: Once you’ve opened the blank workbook in Excel. Select “File”, “Open” and locate the file, in this case its meters. Be sure it is set to “All Files” if you cannot see the file in the folder.
Step 8: Select “Delimited” within the original data type. The text import wizard will default to fixed width. Since this file uses ~ you want to use delimited to convert it into a spreadsheet.
Here is an example of the default screen below.
Below is an example of what type of original data type you’ve selected. In this case it’s delimited.
Step 9: Select Next
Step 10: Here on the screen below we will make a couple of changes to get this file to convert to a spreadsheet.
Below is the screen that is populated by default.
You will uncheck the box with “Tab”, check the box “Other” and enter the ~ in the field. Below is what your screen should look like. As you can see the data preview has removed the ~ from the file.
Step 11: Select Next
Step 12: The screen below will populate, and you will simply select “Finish”.
** The report will generate into a spreadsheet. Make sure to save your report in excel.
Version 1.1