Mahi MetaQuotes Bridge Support
Mahi has a number of bridges to help run and operate a fleet of MT4/5 servers.
Mahi MetaQuotes Analytics Bridge - Using a manager account obtains trade and position related information so that Mahi can perform, counterparty analysis. It also analyses positions information and can feed Compass with server, group or lifetime counterparty information. More details here
Mahi MetaQuotes Execution Bridge - Using MetaQuotes Server API, this bridge is capable of feeding prices into MetaQuotes servers and interacting with client orders i.e. filling the order, brokering the order or rejecting the order. More details here
Mahi MetaQuotes Management Bridge - Using MetaQuotes manager API, this bridge helps run common business operation tasks on a fleet of MetaQuotes (MT4/MT5) servers. More details here
Here are some of the benefits of the bridges