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Project Brief Template

Use this project brief template to create a project brief that outlines the important key elements of your project. Learn more about this template.

[Project Name]: Project Brief

Project Summary

[Provide an overview of the project, keep it short as you’ll dive further into project details below]

Project Goals & Expected Outcomes

[Add the problem we’re solving (or speculative opportunity we are addressing), why we’re solving it, any links to customer conversations or research. Clearly explain all facets of the problem.]

  • [Project goal 1]

    • [Define the goal and expected result]

  • [Project goal 2]

    • [Define the goal and expected result]

  • [Project goal 3]

    • [Define the goal and expected result]

OKRs and Deliverables

[Indicate which Pod OKRs this project is meant to support. If not aligned to OKRs, elaborate why it should take priority.]

  • [OKRs]

    • [List which OKRs this project is supporting.]

  • [Deliverables]

    • [List the deliverables for this project.]

Success Indicators

[Add how we will determine whether the problem has been solved. Qualitative and quantitative measures.]

  • [Success Indicator 1]

    • [Outline a potential indicator and how it will be measured.]

  • [Success Indicator 2]

    • [Outline a potential indicator and how it will be measured.]

Project Timeline

[Indicate the estimated project duration, key milestones and important timeline information.]

Project Stakeholders and Teams

[Include the stakeholders and teams involved in the project.]

Project Audience

[Explain the audience that the project is intended for.]

Download this template in Word or Google Docs (When you open, click File > Make a copy to edit and download in any format)

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.