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Google Drive & Folder Organization

With a few exceptions, all of our work and case files are stored in Google Drive. Drive can be accessed in two ways:

Most files should be saved to Shared Drives (sometimes called Team Drives) that are used by and visible to the whole team; use My Drive sparingly (for example, for personal notes not specific to a case).

image.pngWhat it looks like when you're accessing Shared drives using Drive for desktop.

We have our files organized into multiple Shared drives, as shown below. Data analysts will primarily use the 01_Workman Forensics Client Projects and Training drives when starting out. Other roles may use other drives such as Investigation Game or Sales & Pricing. Ask for help if you can't figure out where to find or save something!



Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 10.37.35 AM.png





For saving copies of :

  • Case Plans signed by client
  • Client & Attorney Information Forms


This folder should contain all work papers and copies of documents relied upon in the appropriate/respective folders.


1_ Data Processing Source Files\Account Statements Folder

Save a copy of all PDF bank statements, checks, deposit items, wires, credit card statements, brokerage account statements, etc. to be scheduled.

Files saved to this folder should be further grouped into subfolders named with the Account Ref (Bank initials + last 4 digits)

When you save documents to this folder, they should be bookmarked, complete, and ready to process.


1_ Data Processing Source Files

Save a copy of any other types of PDF or supporting files to be processed or cleaned up to this folder. If there is more than one file from the same source to be processed, create subfolders by source.


2_ Data Processing Schedules\Account Schedules

This folder should only contain the account schedules prepared from the bank statements, checks, deposit items, wires, credit card statements, brokerage account statements, etc. saved in [1_ Data Processing Source Files\Account Statements Folder].

Files saved to this folder should be named with the Account Ref (Bank initials + last 4 digits)


2_ Data Processing Schedules

Save a copy of the Excel schedules for the processed files in the 1_ Data Processing Source Files folder. These files should be named to match the source documents name in the Source Files folder


3.1_ Priority No. 1 -

3.2_ Priority No. 2 -


These folders correspond to the Case Plan priorities and the priorities in Asana. When performing tasks, make sure you save your work to the corresponding Priority folders.


3.1_ Priority No. - \WF Reviewed Documents (wps support)

Save all copies of documents relied upon to this folder. We DO NOT work from the Client Documents folder, so whatever files you need from Client Docs, save to this folder instead.

If you have workpapers that do not result in your final analysis, you can save them to this folder as well.

DO NOT save multiple versions of work papers. All edits are to be contained in the original file.

Please trash or scrap any work papers that did not play a role in your analysis. We do not want extraneous copies of work papers in our file for discovery purposes.



Save results from research findings including:

  • Database search results
  • Hunchly results from



To learn how to use this folder, visit: Creating and Accessing Client IDEA Project

Client Communications

To save versions of analysis sent to Client. To save PDF versions of email correspondence you want to have available (however, all emails should be copied to the Slack channel).

Client Docs_Court Docs

All documents obtained from the Client are to be saved to this folder without modification. Client documents are saved to the folder in a subfolder with the name "Rec'd YYYY-MMDD" of the date downloaded. This is important as a script runs each night to identify new folders so they can be inventoried.

More info on this:

Client Docs_Court Docs

Court Documents

Please save all Court Documents to this folder. The inventory script does not run on this folder.

Client Meeting Notes

Please save all client meeting notes to this folder.


Save reports and attachments to this folder.

DO NOT save multiple versions of work papers. All edits are to be contained in the original file.


  • Data Processing Templates are located: [01_Workman Forensics Client Projects\01_Analysis Templates\Data Processing Templates]
  • Analysis-Related Templates are located: [01_Workman Forensics Client Projects\01_Analysis Templates]
  • Case Planning Template - located in the main client case folder
  • Summary of Findings Template - located in the main client case folder
  • Findings Summary - Template word file (used to import findings from the Excel Summary of Findings template) - located in the main client folder
  • Document Inventory Template with Macro - located in Client Docs_Court Docs folder "Document Inventory - TEMPLATE". For more information on Document Inventory: How to Inventory Client Documents Folders

For more information on file naming guidelines visit Data Processing and File Organization Guidelines.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.