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Expanded Summary Trial Balance - Screen Overview

Expanded Summary Trial Balance

Screen Code: gltsytdpm

This report is similar to the Summary Trial Balance Report and displays all account balances for the selected period. You can drill down further with Department Number, Program Number, Object Number Range but without any old account number.
Navigation Tip: General Ledger >> Financial Reports >> Expanded Summary Trial Balance.


It has the following parameters:



Fund group

Name of the Fund Group. Leaving blank lists all the fund group names.
When you enter a fund group, fund Number selection will be disabled.

Fund number

Fund Number associated with the Fund. Leaving blank or zero lists all the fund numbers.
When you enter a fund number, fund group selection will be disabled.

Department number

Name of the Fund Group. Leaving blank lists all the fund group names.

Program number

Program number associated with one Fund or Department

From object

Object Code Range from.

To object

Object Code Range to.

Period ending

Accounting End Period. Period ending date format: 'mmyyyy'.

Generate delimited report

If Yes - Generates a delimited format file and provides the output in a shared directory.

Print zero amounts

Sometimes General Ledger accounts might have a zero balance. It may be a case that the account is not being used but for some reason, it's been left active.
The default option for this parameter is No. Leave this parameter setting as is if you do not want a zero value line item taking a lot of space in your report.
Yes - Prints accounts that have zero amounts in the report. Once in a while, you may want to set this to Yes to get an idea of accounts with zero amounts and you want to clean up and close the accounts.
No - This does not include accounts that have zero amounts in the report.

Click Submit. Submit Parameter page appears. Enter the Job Description, date, time to run the job, and a number of copies and click Submit again.


It displays the following message at the bottom of General Ledger- Financial Reports Navigation Page:


Version 1

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