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New Facebook Group Oct 2023

1 . Ensure that the new member has agreed to the FB rules.

2 . Check that the Madeit store is active with active listings - Use the search box to search

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3 . Open Klaviyo and merge profiles if more than 1 and ensure that the Maker is in this list; Membership_20/9/23

  • Use the search box to look up the Maker by email
  • Merge profiles & update information if required
  • Click on Lists and see that they are in the list; Membership_20/9/23
  • Also check to see if they are already on the Facebook list - they may have joined under their alternative profile. they can only join group from 1 profile.
  • If they are not on this list ask to check their membership.

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4 . Go to the Facebook list;

  • Use Quick Add
  • Add approved Maker with email only, it will connect to their profile and trigger the email flow.

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5 . Add the Maker to the spreadsheet with their Facebook profile name/page - add a link to keep it easy to track

6 . Approve the member

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.