Specialty Item Printable Area Sizes
For exact sizing info, customers should download our guides here
If you need to provide the dimensions for a customer it is recommended to send them the help article with our guide resources linked above.
If they are looking for numeric dimensions and do not want to download the guides you can check ROES for the printable area sizes by following the instructions below.
- For simple templated products you can select the product, click the directional arrow (edit tool) , and then click the product to make the height and width appear.
- This will also work for products with multiple nodes or windows. Make sure the edit tool is selected and click the blank nodes/ windows to determine the size of the blank areas.
The document below has not been updated recently. Note: Cotton T-shirts discontinued, iPhone 4 discontinued, document below is missing iPhones 6+, tote bag supplier has changed, printable area likely incorrect
The document below can be found on the share at this link: \\RPLFILES\Share\Departments\ALL_DEPT_RESOURCES\Specialty_Item_Printable_Area_Sheet
Bag Tags & ID CarDs
Round 4” diameter
Rectangular 2 3⁄4x4”
Rectangular Long 5 1⁄2x3”
Star fits to 4 3⁄4x4 1⁄2”
Credit Card Style 3 1⁄2x2”
ID Card 3 3⁄8x2 1⁄8”
Mini Football 3x1 5⁄8” rect. 2x3 1⁄4” oval
Mini Basketball 3x2 1⁄2” oval 2 1⁄2x3” oval
Mini Soccer Ball 3 1⁄8x2” rect. 2 1⁄2x2 3⁄4” oval
Mini Volleyball 3 3⁄4x2” rect. 2 1⁄4x3” rounded rect.
Mini Home Plate 4 1⁄4x4 1⁄4 space – 2 1⁄2” split
Mid-Sized Football 4 3⁄4x2 1⁄5” rect. 2 1⁄2x4 3⁄4” oval
Full-Sized Football 4 1⁄2x3 1⁄4” rect. 3x5 1⁄4” oval
Full-Sized Basketball 4 1⁄2x2 3⁄4” rect. 2x2 1⁄4” rect.
Full-Sized Soccer Ball 5x3 3⁄8” rect. 4 1⁄2” diameter circle
Full-Sized Volleyball 4 7⁄8x3 3⁄8” rect. 3x4 5⁄8” rounded rect.
Baseball 2 1⁄4x2” oval 2x2 1⁄4” oval
Softball 2 3⁄4x2 1⁄4” oval 2 1⁄4x2 3⁄4” oval
Hockey Puck 3” diameter circle
Lacrosse Ball 2 1⁄4” diameter circle
CHroMaluxe pHoTo panels
3½x5 + 5x7 Hinged Memory Mate 3½x5” Panel + 7x5” Panel
(2) 5x7 Hinged Memory Mate 5x7” Panel + 5x7” Panel
5x7 4¾x6¾”
8x10 7¾x9¾”
Large 9 1⁄2x13”
Small 6 1⁄2x9 1⁄2”
Door Hooks
Half 4 1⁄2x6”
Full 4 1⁄4x9 1⁄4”
keyCHaIns, keyfoBs, & Dog Tags
2x2” Keychain 2 1⁄2x2 1⁄2”
1½x2¼” Keychain 1 1⁄2x2 1⁄4”
1¼x3 Keychain 1 1⁄4x3”
1¾x2¾” Keychain 1 3⁄4x2 3⁄4”
Deluxe Leather Keychain 1” diameter
Deluxe Bottle Opener Keychain 1” diameter
Deluxe Round Silver Keychain 1” diameter
Keyfobs (set of 3) 2 1⁄8x1 1⁄8” each
Dog Tag 1 1⁄8x2”
Mugs & WaTer BoTTles
11 Oz. Horizontal (single and double) Mug 4x3 1⁄2”
11 Oz. Vertical (single and double) Mug 3x3 1⁄2”
11 Oz. Full Wrap Mug 8 1⁄2x3 1⁄2”
11 Oz. Black Mug Full Wrap 8 1⁄4x3 1⁄2”
15 Oz. Horizontal (single and double) Mug 4.18x3.63
15 Oz. Vertical (single and double) Mug 3.5x4
15 Oz. Full Wrap Mug 8.6x4
Travel Mug Horizontal 4 1⁄2x3” per panel
Travel Mug Vertical 2 1⁄2x2 3⁄4” per panel
Travel Mug Full Wrap 9 1⁄4x3”
Water Bottle Half Wrap 5x5”
Water Bottle Full Wrap 7x5”
MeTal prInTs
4x6 4x5 7⁄8”
5x7 4 7⁄8x6 7⁄8”
6x6 5¾x5¾”
5x10 4¾x9¾”
8x8 7 3⁄4x7 3⁄4”
8x10 7 3⁄4x9 3⁄4”
8x12 7 13⁄16x11¾”
10x10 9¾x9¾”
11x14 10 3⁄4x13 3⁄4”
11¾x11¾ 11 1⁄4x 11 1⁄4”
12x18 11 7⁄8x17 7⁄8”
14x18 13¾x17 13⁄16”
15x18¾ 15x183⁄4”
8” Round 7¾x7¾”
11” Round 10¾x10¾”
Sydney Large 10 5⁄8x13 1⁄2”Sydney Small 7 3⁄4x9 5⁄8”
Milan Large 11 1⁄2x11 1⁄2”Milan Small 7 5⁄8x7 5⁄8”Fiji Large 11 1⁄2x11 1⁄2”
Fiji Small 7 3⁄4x7 3⁄4”
Benelux Large 15 3⁄8x11”Benelux Small 11 1⁄2x8 1⁄4”
ornaMenTs (ConT.) FRONT BACK
Aluminum Oval 2x2 5⁄8” 2 3⁄8x3”
Aluminum Horiz. Rectangle 2 5⁄8x1 5⁄8” 3x2”
Aluminum Vert. Rectangle 1 5⁄8x2 5⁄8” 2x3”
Aluminum Hexagon 2 1⁄4x25⁄8” 2 5⁄8x3”
Aluminum Circle 2 1⁄2” diameter 2 3⁄4” diameter
Aluminum Tapered 2 3⁄4x4” 2 3⁄8x3 1⁄2”
Porcelain Round 3” diameter
Porcelain Star 3 1⁄4” diameter
Porcelain Round-Decorative 3 1⁄2x3 1⁄4”
Porcelain Snowflake 3” diameter
Silver Frame 3x2”
Sled 2x3”
Metal Shape Benelux 4x3”
Metal Shape London 3” diameter
pennanT sHapeD ClIngers
3x7½” Pennant Clinger 3x7½”
6x15” Pennant Clinger 6x15”
12x30” Pennant Clinger 12x30”
Laptop Clingers
Mini - 8.8x6.5
12" - 10x7.75
13/14" - 12x8.5
14/15" - 11.5x9.5
15.4" - 13.25x9.5
15.4" - 14x10
17" - 15x10
pHone & TaBleT Cases
iPhone 4/4S Cover 2 1⁄4x4 1⁄2”
iPhone 5 Cover 2¼x4 13⁄16”
iPad Snap On Case 6 1⁄8x8¼”
iPad Leather Folio 7½x10½”
iPad Mini/Kindle/Nook Neoprene Sleeve 5 5⁄8x8¼”
7x10 Hardboard (30 pc) 6 3⁄4x9 3⁄4”
10x8 (110 pc) 10x8”
11x14 (252 pc) 10 3⁄8x13 3⁄8”
rounD sHapeD ClIngers
6” Round Clinger 6” diameter
8” Round Clinger 8” diameter
12” Round Clinger 12” diameter
Cotton T-Shirt 8x10”
Poly T-Shirt 8x11”
Stickers Templated 1x1 1⁄2”
Stickers Custom 1 1⁄4x1 3⁄4”
suBlIMaTIon plaques (WITH BlaCk TrIM)
5x7 3 3⁄4x6”
8x10 6 7⁄8x8 7⁄8”
Round Shaped Plaque 7 5⁄8” diameter
Football Shaped Plaque 10x6”
Homeplate Shaped Plaque 9 5⁄8x9½”
Megaphone Shaped Plaque 10 1⁄8x6¼”
ToTe Bags
Heavy Duty Vertical 7x8”
Heavy Duty Horizontal 7x5”
oTHer ITeMs
Mouse Pad 10 1⁄4x8”
Square Coasters 4x4”
Round Coasters 4” diameter
Beverage Cooler 4 1⁄2x4 1⁄2” (each side)
4” Ceramic Tile 4 1⁄2x4 1⁄2”
6” Ceramic Tile 6x6”
License Plate 12x6”
Dry Erase Board – Templated 2 1⁄8x3 1⁄4”
Chore Chart – Templated 4x5 5⁄8”
Dry Erase Board/Chore Chart – Custom 8x10”
Bookmark 5x1 1⁄4”
Stadium Seat Cushion 12¼x14”