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Template: How to Respond to Support Questions From Twitter

When a user or prospect tweets at us with a support question, respond to them directly in Twitter letting them know that our Support Team will be reaching out directly.

  • Peggy on Marketing will ping @cust-support in the #social Slack channel to alert them of the Customer question.

For the Support Team:

  1. Log into Intercom "Platform"

  2. Search for the customer's user account, and click into their User Account

  3. On the upper-right hand corner, click the blue icon 'Start a Conversation'

  4. Craft a message to reply to the customer and answer their support question. You can follow this template below as a guide

    1. "Hi <NAME>
      Thanks for reaching out to us via Twitter. I'm happy to help with your support question here.
      Please feel free to reply here if you have any additional questions, happy to assist!

Go back to Support overview

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.