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Employee Data: Pay History



Learn about the Pay History tab within AllPay. This tab lets you see the pay history for an employee, as well as do voids, reissues, and print paycheck stubs, as well as see the details of a check and adjust your view while you're previewing check stubs. It will also let you see totals during specific date ranges and generate a PDF version of a Form W-2.

What's in this article?

An overview of the Pay History tab and how it relates to payroll.

💡Good to know: This is part of a collection of guides about employee data in AllPay. This data in particular is relevant to payroll processes.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Pay History

Log in to AllPay and from the Employees module or menu, choose the Pay HIstory section.

Here we're looking at the tab for our selected employee. You can see from the filters at the top that we’re looking specifically at the pay history data for Serenie Beanie. You can click on a check and its row to see more details.


Take a closer look look at your buttons in the top right corner, too. Going from left to right, you have:

  • Print
  • Void Check
  • Void & Reissue Check
  • Export
  • Filters
  • Edit Table Columns
  • Reload Data


You can select checks from the Pay History table to apply these actions to.

There’s another set of buttons to pay attention to. In the far right column, you can see there’s a little icon of an eye. This lets you see the details of a check.


Here are details of that check. You can click on the small red X to close this detailed view.


At the top of the column in the Pay History view is also a small gears button. This lets you adjust the Check View Settings.


In the pop-up screen, you can drag and drop attributes that you want to be brought in when you preview the check stub. This can be useful to get an accurate view of how people are being paid. Let’s say you own restaurants with tipped employees. You can bring in the Rate or Rate Code in your view here, and that will let you see exactly what an employee’s rate was for specific hours in their check. If you don’t do that, then the system will aggregate all the codes.



Seeing pay totals within a date range is a helpful part of the Pay History tab. If you select a date range and click on Show Totals, you can get an overview of an employee's pay details in that timeframe.



Further down on the Pay History tab is also an option to generate a PDF version of a Form W-2. One thing to know is that a W-2 generated here will not show an employee’s full Social Security Number; part of the number will be blocked out to protect the employee’s security.

AllianceHCM tip: If for some reason you or the employee need a W-2 that includes the full SSN, contact your Customer Service Representative.


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