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AB SCIEX Batch Creation

Welcome to the GoRev Laboratory AB Sciex Batch Creation Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will focus on the process of Creating a Laboratory Batch in GoRev. This batch creation system is specifically designed for the AB Sciex device. It does not translate to formats needed by common qPCR testing devices.

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1 : First Steps

In order to create a Laboratory Batch in GoRev, first, begin by clicking on the Create Batch button present in the Lab Modules Toolbar.

2 : Creating a New Tray

Once the “Instrument Tray Batch Creator” window appears on your screen, please begin the Tray Creation process by clicking on the New Tray button and selecting the appropriate Tray Type from the dropdown list.

3: Adding Samples

in order to Add a Sample to the Newly Created Tray, first, begin by clicking on the “Add Sample” button in the Create Batch section of the toolbar.

The “Add Sample” window will now be visible, please search for the Sample that you would like to Add to the Tray. To begin, please enter the appropriate Specimen ID, External ID, or Patient Name into the field provided.

The sample field is an instant search field, and as such will populate with a list of sample based on entered text. In the example below, we looked for results based on the entered text 'test'. Select one of the lines in your instant-search results and click 'Add' to add this Sample to your tray.

If you need to Add Additional Samples to the Batch, please repeat the above process for each Additional Sample that you require.

Automatically Add Valid Specimen IDs

in the event that you would like valid Specimen IDs to be automatically added to Samples that have been scanned with a Barcode Scanner, please utilize the “Automatically Add Valid Specimen IDs” checkbox in the “Add Sample” window to activate this feature.

Finishing the Process

After completing this process, click on the “Done” button present in the “Add Sample” window.

4 : The Batch Samples Window

At this point, the Added Samples will be present in the “Batch Samples” area of the “Instrument Tray Batch Creator” window.

Removing Samples from the Batch

On the other hand, if you need to Remove a Sample from the Batch, click on the Sample that you require from the list on your screen. and select the “Remove Sample” button in the Instrument Tray Batch Creator Toolbar to complete the Sample Removal process.

If you need to Remove Additional Samples from the Batch, please repeat the above process for each Additional Sample that you would like to remove.

Printing Labels

After you have finalized the Samples in your Batch, you will have the ability to print the appropriate labels using the “Print Labels” button in this window.

Saving a batch

In order to save this Newly Created Batch, first, begin by clicking on the “Save Batch” button in the Import/Export section of the toolbar.

Enter the desired Batch Name and select Save.

5: Send to Instrument

After successfully creating a New Laboratory Batch, please use the “Send to Instrument” button present in the Import/Export section of the Instrument Tray Batch Creator Toolbar to send the Batch to the appropriate Laboratory Device.

6: Loading a Previous Batch

Now, in the event that you would like to View or Download a Saved Batch, first, begin by clicking on the “Load Batch” button present in the toolbar of the “Instrument Tray Batch Creator” window.

After the “Lab Tray Batches” window becomes visible, please select the Batch that you require from the list on your screen. in order to View the Selected Batch, please click on the “Open” button in this window.

Conversely, if you would like to Download the Selected Batch, please click on the “Download File” button in the “Lab Tray Batches” window and save the file to the appropriate location on your device.

7: Exporting the Laboratory Worklist

Lastly, if you would like to Save the Laboratory Worklist to your device, please click on the “Export Worklist” button in the Instrument Tray Batch Creator Toolbar and save the file to the appropriate location.

Additional Resources

GoRev Support Team

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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