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Student Organizations - Registration Processes and Procedures

All student organizations seeking registration and recognition will be ‘provisional’ until all requirements of registration are complete. If these steps are not completed by a semester’s HARD DEADLINE, they will not be able to access the privileges of being a registered student organization until the requirements are complete. Provisional Student Organizations are provided some administrative support until the hard deadline in good faith as long as the Student Organization maintains good standing with relevant laws and university policies.

Student Organization Registration & Renewal Process

  • Submit registration or re-registration materials through Narwhal Nation, which include:
    • Three student officers, who accept the terms and conditions through the organization’s registration and the Narwhal Nation roster functionality.
    • Provide the name and contact information of a faculty/staff advisor, who will then confirm and consent to be your advisor through Narwhal Nation.
    • Uploading of a developed Constitution (TEMPLATE LINK HERE - template not required) detailing the mission, goals, and procedures of the organization. Once provided, the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) manually reviews the constitution for eligibility.

A Constitution, to be valid for use within the registration process at the New School, must, as Quoted from RSO Policy:

    1. Abide by policies regarding inclusivity in the organization’s name, mission, rules, guidelines, and membership in accordance with school, local, state, and federal non-discrimination laws. The purpose and goals of the RSO must benefit the students of The New School and must be open and inclusive for all interested students to participate.
    2. State the purpose and mission of the group.
    3. State the requirements and privileges of group membership and the criteria and process for member removal.
    4. State the process for electing, appointing, and removing officers, at least three in total, and the contact information of the current officers.
    5. State the frequency of group meetings and indicate how meetings will be initiated.
    6. State the process for introducing and adopting amendments to the Constitution.
    7. Indicate agreement via signatures of three officers and two member witnesses.


Quoted from RSO Policy:

"Registration must be renewed annually in accordance with procedures established by SLI-TE. If the core registration information initially provided by the RSO changes within the academic year (e.g. change of officers listed, constitution amended, name change, mission change), the organization must notify SLI-TE with the change(s) in a time-sensitive manner. "

Tiers, Privledges, & Permissions:

To best support Registered Student Organizations, a tier system is in place to on-ramp new student officers and organizations to the administrative requirements and operations of campus support.

The tiers and privileges afforded are not meant to disincentivize registered organizations of ineligible tiers to organize events without administrative support; rather, their organizing of those events and programs need to be done in collaboration with organizations with those privileges, or as an independent organization with no utilization, implementation, or endorsement of New School systems, resources, or platforms. Students at the New School should be aware of jurisdiction parameters reflected in the Student Code of Conduct. All newly registered student organizations are required to begin as a Tier 3 Student Organization. After an Organization's first year, they are eligible to upgrade to a Tier 2 or Tier 1 Organization.



Limited & Case-by-Case


Eligible If a returning student organization.

SLI-TE does not offer administrative support

SLI-TE does offer administrative support


Independent/Department Run Student Group/Organization or Initiative.


Provisional Student Organization


Tiers of Registered Student Organizations












Tabling in UC, Cafeteria, or Lang Cafe

SLI Equipment Use

Fair Tabling


External Guests or Visitors

Use of Campus Spaces with <80 capacity


Use of Campus Space with 80-140 Capacity

Use of Campus Space with 140-450 Capacity

Use of Campus Space with 450+ Capacity




NewCard Use


NewCard Issuance

Design Lab Printing


SLI Printing

Honorarium (HGL), Invoice, Contract procurement.

Supplies Procurement/Purchasing

Off-Campus Excursions in NYC or off the PATH, LIRR, or Metro North

Off-campus excursions not exceeding 100 miles.

Off-Campus Excursions Internationally or exceeding 500 miles.

Purchasing Card


Events hosted off-campus

License (Theatre/Movie) Procurement

SLI Funding

$250 (on NCard)



Tabling at Fair Funding (per fair)

$50/per fair

$50/per fair

$50/per fair

Privileges afforded to Registered Student Organizations by The Office of Student Leadership and Involvement and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) through tiers and registration are subject to amendments and sanctions in response to an investigation into or a determined violation of the Student Code of Conduct. These sanctions and admendments are individualized based on the concerns being raised and the violations in question. The appropriate amendments/sanctions would be determined through the formal processes identified within the Student Code of Conduct, facilitated by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

See Registered Student Organizations - Enforcement Procedures for more information.

Tier 1

Tier 1 is for large-scale organizations that expect to hold major events and utilize significant campus resources, and therefore have more extensive requirements than Tiers 2 and 3. These larger requirements are held in the processes and needs for the use of larger rooms/facilities, required trainings, as well as the need for more meetings with their Advisor(s). This Tier is reserved for returning Registered Student Organizations or organizations with demonstrated success who have been on campus for at least 1 year. This demonstrated success is provided through the re-registration process through submitted evidentiary materials.

Demonstrated Success

Tier 1 requires that the Organization demonstrate at least 6 of any of the below bullets through the submission of documentation:

Efficient and effective use of Narwhal Nation, which can include:

  • All Events and Meetings of the Organization provided New School Support are published and requested of through Narwhal Nation
  • Use of the Narwhal Nation RSVP tracker and utilization of check-in features at events.
  • Promotion of at least 50% of Events and Programs through the Narwhal Nation ‘News’ Feature.
  • A roster of 50 or more actively enrolled student organization members.
  • A documented attendance (Not RSVPs) listed on a Narwhal Nation event that exceeds 50 attendees.
  • Consistent and persistent hosted weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings with promotion on Narwhal Nation, regardless of numbers in attendance.
  • Use of the ‘form’ or ‘election’ function to support the operations of an organization, examples include:
    • Voting for incoming officers via ‘elections’
    • Exhibition curation (submitting portfolio to an exhibition submission via forms )
    • Survey via ‘form’ for upcoming events and programs
    • End-of-year feedback

Demonstrated Fiscal Responsibility through the Use of SLI Budget systems, which can include:

  • Clear, clean, and consistent requests of purchases. This can include:
    • The independent Tracking and linking of itemized receipts.
    • Purchases made through SLI Budget Systems are clearly identified and affiliated with a Narwhal Nation published event and program
  • Prior to purchasing static equipment - demonstrated exploration and utilization of rental equipment across the New School or New York City.
  • Pursuit of Tax-Free/Exempt Purchasing through means provided by The New School (MyNewSource, EZCater, AmericatoGo, Office-Affiliated Accounts)
  • More than 60% of the organization's institutional budget is through means that are not reimbursement.
  • Utilization of acceptable generative fund efforts to generate funds for Organizational initiatives, which enables a level of self-sufficiency that allows for continued improvement and growth with baseline funding provided by the University.

Effective Collaboration and Coalition Building:

  • Documented Success in Collaboration with other Clubs, Offices, or Departments.
  • Provides appropriate executive summaries and assessment data to both The University Student Senate and/or The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE).
  • When sponsored by the University Student Senate - clearly indicates their sponsorship on promotion materials.

Tier 2

Tier 2 is a good fit for a student group or organization who intends on utilizing a fair amount of campus resources and budget but does not intend on extensive off-campus programming or meetings that welcome external guests or attendees exceeding 100 individuals. These larger requirements are held in the processes and needs for the use of larger rooms/facilities as well as the need for more meetings with their Advisor(s).This Tier is reserved for returning Registered Student Organizations or organizations who have been on campus for at least 1 year.

Tier 3

All New Registered Student Organizations begin as Tier 3 organizations in order for Student Officers and organizers to gain a better understanding of campus processes, policies, and procedures

Being a Tier 3 Student Organization may be of interest for any low-maintenance and ‘low key’ student group that seeks to have a standard/routine presence on campus (ex: weekly meetings with food, no programming exceeding 50 participants, no programming with external guests, attendees, or visitors).

They may be supported in implementing larger-scale on campus or off-campus programming via collaborations with Departments, Offices, or higher-tiered Registered Student Organizations. Unlike tier 1 or tier 2 organizations.

Provisional Student Organization:

An organization that has submitted their registration or re-registration request, but has not completed all of the requirements will be given a ‘provisional status’ until all requirements are completed. Permissions and benefits are limited until all requirements are fulfilled.

RSO Officer Responsibilities, Requirements, & Trainings

Once registered - In order to utilize campus space, utilize funding , receive administrative support, or promote programs - 3 Identified Student Officers of an Organization (and an advisor, if applicable) need to complete specific required trainings:

Required of all tiers:

  • All Officers: Student, Equity, Accessibility, & Title IX Canvas Module that accents the existing campus-wide modules, tailored to the nuances of Student Leadership.
  • All Officers: A canvas module detailing the basics of RSO Management on campus.
  • Treasurer: The one student leader identified to take on Treasurer responsibilities must complete a canvas module going over the fiscal responsibilities of Organization Management.
  • Faculty or Staff Advisor: Must complete a synchronous 30-minute Virtual training going over the basics of being an Advisor.

Required of Tier 1 and Tier 2:

  • Treasurer: Must complete an additional in-person training going over increased permissions and administrative privileges around finance.

Tier 1:

  • Tier 1 (Optional for Tier 2): One Student Leader must complete a canvas module going over the responsibilities of:
    • Large Space/Event Planning and Programming
    • Off-Campus Event Planning and Programming

RSO Advisor Responsibilities, Requirements, & Trainings

An advisor must be a staff or faculty member of The New School. Faculty on sabbatical cannot advise a student organization. Advisors cannot be a Teacher's Assistant, Research Assistant, Resident Assistant, or any stand-alone student leader/employee. Advisor roles are volunteer positions and are not compensated.

As the role of Advisor is a volunteer position - Advisors and prospective student officers should discuss openly the type of role the advisor would play with the organization, as the level of involvement and participation is at the discretion of the Advisor. Some organizations have a pool of advisors to assist them with different aspects of the organization (financial, scholarship, expertise, programming, etc.). Some advisors have a high level of involvement with every aspect of the organization; others have a very limited role. It is up to the organization and the advisor to set the parameters of involvement.

If a faculty or staff member ultimately consents to be an advisor to a Student Organization seeking registration:

Advisors may be asked to support meetings and events by the RSO as a Chaperone (incoming policy), On-Site coordinator, or as a Responsible Party. If present at an event as a repsonsible party, chaperone, or on-site coordinator - the advisor should plan to be on call via a phone when needed, and be knowledgeable about emergency protocol and procedure.

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