Registered Student Organizations - Events, Funding, Operations, and Purchases
From the Policy on Registered Student Organizations:
"... Registration by the University allows organizations and students to access university resources, support, and opportunities through the Office of Student Leadership. Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) in the Division of Student Success. "
Emergency/Crisis/Dilemma Protocol for Student Organization Events:
I. Defining Emergency/Crises:
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) is committed to the safety and success of student-run events and organizations. An emergency or crisis is anything that impacts the holistic safety of a person (ex: physical harm, behavior reflected/outlined in the Student Code of Conduct).
Administrative barriers to the success of an event or program are not emergencies or crises and do not warrant a crisis level of response. (Ex: a locked room, a room conflict, the delay/absence of a delivery/food/supply). Appropriate planning and preparation that reflects institutional deadlines or time frames would ensure a reduction in these kinds of administrative barriers.
After any emergency or crisis -Staff or Faculty who are identified as an On-Site coordinator, chaperone, or Indicated Responsible Party at an event should submit an Incident Report to the Division of Student Success (via within 24 hours of the event and incident. Students who need to submit an incident report should do so through the PAVE SUITE platform.
Continue reading below for support in an emergency.
II. Emergency Contact Information:
- For domestic life-threatening emergencies, please dial emergency services (Health, Police, Fire) at 911
- You can reach New School Campus Safety’s 24-Hour Dispatch at 212-229-7001
- For New York City alternatives to policing, please check out this resource.
- For NYC Local Support Services, dial 311 or check out the 311 Website
- For the National Suicide Hotline, Call 988.
- For more information about Hotlines that are fully anonymous or confidential (FYI: 988 may dispatch police) - check out the Trans Lifeline Information and Advocacy around fully anonymous or confidential Hotlines.
In the event of a crisis or emergency at a Registered Student Organization Event,
III. On-Campus
- CALL 911: If a critical emergency/crisis is occurring where the health and safety of a New School Community member is at risk, First Aid Protocol mandates that a direct and specific person should be identified to immediately contact emergency services (911).
- Either a Student Officer or the On-Site coordinator should immediately contact Campus Safety (212-229-7001) to respond.
- Staff or Faculty who are identified an On-Site coordinator, chaperone, or Indicated Responsible Party at an event should submit an Incident Report to the Division of Student Success (via within 24 hours of the event and incident. Students who need to submit an incident report should do so through the PAVE SUITE platform.
IV. Off-Campus (Domestic):
- CALL 911: If a critical emergency/crisis is occurring where the health and safety of a New School Community member is at risk, First Aid Protocol mandates that a direct and specific person should be identified to immediately contact emergency services (911).
- Off-Campus Identified Responsible Parties or On-Site Coordinators should have on-hand copies of Attendee’s Emergency Contact Forms (Provided by SLI through their submission on Narwhal Nation)
- Staff or Faculty who are identified an On-Site coordinator, chaperone, or Indicated Responsible Party at an event should submit an Incident Report to the Division of Student Success (via within 24 hours of the event and incident. Students who need to submit an incident report should do so through the PAVE SUITE platform.
V. Off-Campus (International):
- If a critical emergency/crisis is occurring where the health and safety of a New School Community member is at risk, members should follow the protocol listed in the Study Abroad Emergency contact process listed here.
- Off-Campus Identified Responsible Parties or On-Site Coordinators should have on-hand copies of Attendee’s Emergency Contact Forms (Provided by SLI-TE through their submission on Narwhal Nation)
- Staff or Faculty who are identified an On-Site coordinator, chaperone, or Indicated Responsible Party at an event should submit an Incident Report to the Division of Student Success (via within 24 hours of the event and incident. Students who need to submit an incident report should do so through the PAVE SUITE platform.
VI. Defining Dilemmas and Dilemma Policy
A dilemma, as defined by The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE), is a situation where no satisfactory outcome is possible for a Student Organization’s Event, Program, or Meeting. Determination of an event, program, or meeting reaching the state of dilemma is made by the Dean of Students.
The determination of an event, program or meeting reaching a state of dilemma can be made due to the below factors:
- More likely than not, harm is determined to be imminent to:
- Minors
- Guest Speakers
- Participants
- New School Community Members
- The General Public
- More likely than not, a major interruption to The New School’s commitment to Free Speech and Free Exchange of Ideas is determined to be imminent.
- More likely than not, a major Interruption of the School’s Academic Mission and Mandate is determined to be imminent.
Once an event, program, or meeting is determined to reach this state of dilemma by the Dean of Students:
- The event as it is currently organized is immediately postponed until further notice.
- The Notification of postponement and the process of accommodation by SLI-TE must be expedient and accessible.
- Expedient: This notification should be illustrated within the hour of the determination of postponement.
- Accessible: Notification is shared to the Identified Organization’s Officers, The organization’s Faculty/Staff Advisor(s), and any staff and faculty who are identified chaperones, responsible parties, or on-site coordinators.
- From there, documented Invited Guests would then be notified through the platform of registration.
- Accommodations must ensure that the event or program achieves at least 1 desired outcome that was illustrated prior to the postponement (Ex: within the event form request on Narwhal Nation or description of the event)
- Approval of the postponed event is contingent upon appropriate measures being in place by both the University and the Registered Student Organization to ensure safety from harm, the continuance of the educational mission, and the preservation of free speech & exchange of ideas.
For general information about event cancellation - check the SLI-TE office's policies on Event Cancellation
Registered Student Organization Events Procedure:
I. Exhibition Policy
If a Registered Student Organization is planning to do an exhibition on or off campus, in order for the exhibition to be given full administrative and financial support, a student organization must demonstrate to the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) that:
- The artwork was juried and selected by at least 3 New School students.
- The exhibition submission process is clear, accessible, communicated, and transparent to the whole of the campus community or organizational membership.
- The timeframe of submissions and selection is in alignment with general timeframes and deadlines.
- The jury has clear guidance, procedures, and perimeters for exhibition selection.
II. On-Campus Events:
1. External Guests:
External Guests (Attendees, Speakers, Panelists) are permitted at On-Campus Student Organizational Events. Guests and Organizations must adhere to the Campus Visitor Policy.
If an event is intended to be open to the public, the event must be published and RSVPS must be collected on the New School Splash platform (which is requested through the Narwhal Nation Event Form). The attendance list must be accessible, viewable, and given enough time for Campus Safety to review prior to doors opening.
For internal events that anticipate inviting a limited number of guest lecturers, guests, panelists, and speakers - their attendance at this event must be communicated in the appropriate time frame to allow for their entrance and accessibility to campus buildings and facilities. Communication can be through any of the below means:
- Reflected in the description or title of the Narwhal Nation event.
- Their attendance is given advance notice by being emailed to the SLI-TE office via prior to the meeting within the appropriate time frame
- Through the submission of an Honorarium, Guest Lecturer, or Speaker payment form through the SLI-TE office 30 days prior to the event.
2. Large Room Requests and Events
Auxiliary Operations within Facilities defines the below rooms on campus as ‘Large Rooms’
- Tishman (U 100)
- Starr Foundation Hall (U L102)
- Old Tishman (A 106)
- Theresa Lang Student Center (I 202)
- Wollman Hall (B 500)
There are additional parameters for the use of these rooms defined by Facilities, Events IT, as well as The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences.
a. Rooms with 130+ occupancy:
- Requests and reservations of these rooms are done earlier than smaller rooms and classrooms. No reservations can be requested or made of these rooms outside of these timeframes/deadlines.
- All requests and reservation of large rooms require at least 1 hour of set up and breakdown. No exceptions.
b. Tishman Auditorium (Occupancy 600+)
Requesting and receiving approval to use Tishman Auditorium requires multiple items to be in place. These include:
- 1 Office or Department Collaborator
- 3 or more Student Organizations as collaborators
- $5,000 available for the funding of Event IT and Campus Safety support.
- The identification of at least 5 volunteer placements assigned to provide check in and wayfinding support for the duration of the event.
3. Events brought by National Organizations or External Collaborators:
Events that are disproportionately funded, planned, organized, hosted, sponsored by or paid for by national organizations, regardless of Student Organization Affiliation, must work through the Venue Leasing process. Registered Student Organizations may work with external collaborators and National Chapters to host events and programs external of the venue leasing process, but these events must be:
- A proactive, self-generated effort by the Registered Student Organization
- An event and program primarily for either the members of the student organization, or the New School campus community as a whole.
This eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences through the review of the event’s Narwhal Nation Event Submission.
III. Off-Campus Events, Excursions, and Strenuous Activities:
1. Safety in Excursions:
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences will not provide administrative support or access to New School systems or resources to Registered Student Organizations who seek to have excursions to areas or locations that have active, permanent, dominant, or pervasive police or military operations, and/or areas that have special, or beyond a Level 3 Travel Advisory Warning by the US State Department. Registered Organizations who independently travel to such areas do so at their own risk and as independent organizations without endorsement or affiliation with The New School.
A reminder that registration and recognition by the New School requires the adherence to the Laws wherein which they operate.
2. Transportation
Students are not permitted to rent cars for any reason for a School Affiliated Event or Program (See campus travel policy). Students are able to utilize:
- Ride-share programs (Lyft/Uber) (through an SLI account or to seek reimbursement from a personal account)
- Procure public transportation ticket/cards (ex: NYC MetroCards or NJ PATH)
- Procure Train/Plane/Bus Tickets for New School Community Members.
- Procure Charter Bus Services for transportation outside.
IV. Event Cancellation and Postponement Policy
Rarely, a determination will be made that an event organized by a Registered Student Organization needs to be canceled or postponed.
1. Criteria
A determination of cancellation or postponement can be made by the Registered Student Organization, the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) , or other relevant parties (Campus Safety, Building Operations and Facilities, Division of Student Success)
- Safety Concerns: Events could be canceled if there are safety concerns for participants or attendees, including but not limited to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or public health emergencies. (See Dilemma policy)
- Attendance/Impact: If expected attendance falls significantly below projections, impacting the event's purpose or objectives.
- Forces of Nature: Unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the student organization or their university administrative support may necessitate event cancellation. (See Dilemma policy)
2. Appropriate Steps:
- Timely Notification: Student organizations must notify the university administration and all registered participants/attendees as soon as the decision to cancel/postpone an event is made.
- Notification should include the reason for cancellation, rescheduling plans (if applicable), and any refund or reimbursement details**. It is recommended that as many communication channels (email, narwhal nation) are used to ensure information reaches all stakeholders promptly
- Rescheduling Events:
- Procedure: If possible, student organizations are encouraged to reschedule canceled events rather than cancel outright. This can be done by changing the details of an existing narwhal nation event.
- Approval: Any rescheduled event must be re-approved through the Narwhal Nation Event submission procedure.
3. Financial Considerations:
- **Refunds:
Registered Student Organizations should:
- Develop their own refund policies prior to the planning of a ticketed event or fundraising initiative.
- Review finance policies illustrated in New School Finance and Business documents.
- Review financial information and procedure held within contracts and invoices affiliated with the event.
- Refunds from vendors/service providers may depend on the timing of cancellation and any non-recoverable expenses already incurred (e.g., venue deposits, contracted services).
V.Emergency Contact Forms and Liability Waivers:
Programs and events with increased risk of physical harm can require the submission of a Liability Waiver Form and an Emergency Contact Form regardless of their locale (Ex: Mechanical Bull Riding, Rock Climbing, High-Contact sports).
VII.Summer and Winter Session Operations
The privileges provided by a Student Organization’s registration is only applicable during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Use of campus facilities and support during the Summer or Winter session is limited and at the discretion of SLI-TE staff. All financial transactions and paperwork intended for use during summer and winter sessions must be completed before the previous semester’s Budget Reconciliation deadline.
VIII. Equipment
If a piece of equipment is procured with the use of University funds - those items are property of The New School. If an organization ever dissolves, the equipment returns to the Office/Department/Program that provided the funding for future student/group use.
1. Storage of Supplies and Equipment:
A Registered Student Organization and their officers are the individuals primarily responsible for the secure storage and care of procured equipment and items. The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) cannot guarantee the safe or secure storage of items for a Registered Student Organization. While the office will hold supplies or items for a Registered Student Organization for temporary windows (ex: when something is delivered, in close proximity to an event), these are stored in unsecure and inaccessible locations on campus. An RSO provides these items to SLI-TE at their own discretion and risk.
2. Prohibited Materials, Equipment:
All materials and equipment to be utilized for an event must be permissible by local codes as determined by Buildings, Campus Operations, and Safety.
Common items requested by students that aren’t permissible include (but aren’t limited to) :
- Linens, furniture, or fabric that are not certified to be bed-bug free or fire-treated
- wood or construction material that is not appropriately certified or fire-treated
- Fog Machines or Bubble Machines
- Cooking or Food Warming Equipment (griddles, waffle makers, induction countertops, sternos).
- Hazardous or Restricted Materials (Ex: Spray Adhesive, Ceramic Glaze Chemicals) outside of designated making spaces.
Technical Equipment that is to be connected to New School Technical Systems requires review and approval by the Events IT Team through a scheduled walkthrough prior to an event within the appropriate timeframes.
Registered Student Organization Finance:
At the successful completion of Registration - Student Organizations are able to utilize university funding through the support of the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI). The sources of this funding can vary year to year. All university funding, if not utilized by the end of the academic year and financing deadlines, is reset at the Budget Reconciliation deadline at the end of the Spring Semester. Privileges affiliated with institutional funding are not accessible until Student Groups have completely registered.
I. General Procurement:
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) will make every effort to pursue fiscally responsible requisitions and purchases on behalf of Registered Student Organizations. Prior to the approval of any purchase, we will provide due diligence to ensure:
- Tax-exempt procurement avenues have been explored prior to having to pay unnecessary tax (The New School, as a 501 c-3, is a tax exempt organization)
- Avenues for the use of existing resources on campus have been explored.
- To eliminate the need for long-term storage or security of equipment - affordable/accessible rentals have been researched.
II.Treasurer Information & Responsibilities
One of the three indicated student officers must maintain the responsibilities of a Treasurer, even if their official title is not, ‘Treasurer’.
Treasurers must:
- Utilize and maintain their provided SLI Budget Sheet or Campus Labs Finance/Budget Platform with updated receipts, transactions, and requested purchases.
- Ensure, in partnership with SLI, that their Registered Student Organizations’ spending does not exceed their awarded amount.
- Be transparent and show their Registered Student Organization’s budget to The University Student Senate (if awarded funding), the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE), and any member of their Registered Student Organization when prompted.
III.Forms of Payment/Funding Accessible to Registered Student Organizations:
A. To Receive Funds:
1. TouchNet:
TouchNet Marketplace is an eCommerce platform for creation, management, and operation of online registration and secure payment pages. SLI-TE will work with an organization to provide appropriate items an organization wants to sell or distribute online on our Office’s Touchnet Marketplace.
2. Splash
Splash powers the University’s events calendar. This platform manages event registration, ticketing, attendee check-in, event email marketing, and reporting with the functionality to support any and all events. A Splash rsvp platform is required for events open to the public, and provides ticketing functionality where organizations can sell tickets and receive funds. SLI-TE will work with an organization to publish a splash page if it is requested through the Narwhal Nation Event Submission form.
3. Petty Cash/Cash Box/Check:
Any cash being used or requested for payment should be secured. If utilizing cash during an event, it must be secured in a locked cash box (available for checkout through SLI-TE) and brought to the SLI-TE office for deposit into your Account. Please make sure you request the appropriate Worktags from the SLI office to properly disperse the funds to your organization.
- You must track all cash transactions by way of a receipt booklet (available for pick up through the SLI-TE Office) and log funds raised in your clubs budget sheet.
4. Check Payments
Any payment by an external vendor or partner (Ex: Ticket Revenue as determined in an approved contract) to a Registered Student Organization with the intent of it being managed by the University should be sent by check to New School’s respective lockbox at the address below. Please add identifying information about the payment on both the envelope and the ‘note’ section of the check.
The New School
ATTN: Student Leadership and Involvement - RSO - (RSO NAME)
PO Box 411392
Boston, MA 02241-1392
Note section of the check:
ATTN: Student Leadership and Involvement - RSO - (RSO NAME)
5.Ticketing for Events
Internal Ticketing:
For large-scale events, ticketing is allowed and can be set up through the New School’s Splash Platform (similar to Eventbrite) or the Touchnet Epay Platform. SLI-TE Staff will support the ticketing setup on Splash or Touchnet for your event. Splash permits for individuals outside of the institution to pay for tickets, while Touchnet/Epay is for internal tickets only.
External Partner Ticketing and External Ticket Platforms:
SLI does not permit the use of external ticketing platforms (such as Eventbrite) if it is operated by a student, advisor, acquaintance, or member of the Registered Student Organization. External ticketing hosted or required by an external vendor is permitted as long as the protocol fits within the larger scope New School Finance Policies. This commonly occurs if a vendor’s contract mandates the use of their personal systems or a universal ticketing platform.
Once the event concludes and the total payment has been processed, the accumulated funds will be maintained by SLI and reflected into a Student Organization’s budget. Funds obtained cannot be donated to any external organizations and must be used by the end of the fiscal year in accordance with institutional deadlines. Generated funds through events and programs are not considered donations and are not held year-to-year.
6.Off-Campus Bank Accounts
Recognized student groups may not hold or use off-campus bank accounts to conduct business related to their student group. Under no circumstance may student groups establish bank accounts in the University’s name or with the University’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) and/or Tax Identification Number (TIN).
7. Fundraising
All fundraising at The New School is managed by The New School’s Development & Alumni Engagement Office.
Individual members of the University, including members of Registered Student Organizations, can make private donations to any charitable organization of their choice, however, those donations are not to be made under the auspices of The New School. For more information, please review the “Ways to Give”
a. Donating to Other Charities
The New School does not make donations to charitable organizations. Doing so would mean the University is taking a position in awarding these funds, which as a 501(3)(c) organization, the University cannot. Under the current policy, Registered Student Organizations are not permitted to raise funds for donations to external charitable organizations.
b. Generating Profit for Individuals or a Business
A Registered Student Organization cannot generate funds for the function of profit-making for any individual student or for-profit entity. This includes the freelance or small-business operations of individual students.
c. Fundraising Platforms
Student Organizations may not collect funds via mobile payment services. These services include but are not limited to: Venmo, Square, Paypal, Cash App, Zelle, GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or any similar platform used for collecting funds or making financial transactions. Individual students may fundraise on behalf of their Student Group or Organization, but those initiatives need to be clearly identified as an initiative by an individual person, but not the entity that is the Student Organization. This individual can then donate funds to a Registered Student Organization through GiveCampus.
d. Self-Funding for your Organization:
Student organizations may raise funds for the purpose of funding their OWN activities as a student group or any other New School-sponsored initiative, project or program or that will directly benefit students (ex. athletics club wants to go skiing; social justice club wants to raise funds for an on-campus initiative).
5. Sponsorships:
Depending on the extent of the sponsorship, a Sponsorship Agreement may be needed. Outside of minimal sponsorship benefits listed below, if there are specific terms for the sponsorship, this would need to be reviewed for possible need of the agreement.
Sponsorship benefit examples:
- Logo to appear on your poster and program brochure
- Flyers/coupons within the brochure
- Promotion video to be played before the event/program starts
If you have a sponsorship inquiry, please send the following information to
- Sponsors' full contact info
- Sponsorship amount
- Sponsorship details
- What is the purpose of the sponsorship?
- How does the sponsorship and/or organization align with your student group’s mission?
- What is the sponsor seeking in return (i.e. what will your student group offer in return, if anything)?
- What are the details of your student group’s event/program?
- How will the sponsorship funds be used?
a.Cross-Campus Co-sponsorships
A co-sponsorship is when a New School department or other Registered Student Organization gives financial support to a Registered Student Organization to offset the cost of an event or program. The funds will be made available to the organization and charged to the New School Department. For co-sponsorships, please email studentorgs@newschool the following:
- Department/Group Name
- Contact person’s name, email, and phone number
- Initiative being sponsored and applicable details (i.e. date, time & purpose)
- The amount to be received if known
b. Sponsorships, Donations, or Gifts from an External Party:
Charitable Donation:
A Charitable Donation is where a person or organization providing the donation is not looking for anything in return. The sole purpose is to give the money to the organization to use for a Registered Student Organizations’ initiatives.
Monetary Donations would need to be sent to the University Development and Alumni Relations Office to receive a charitable receipt.
Donations are done in a variety of different ways:
- Online:
- Individuals can give directly to a Registered Student Organization through the GiveCampus platform.
- Donors can coordinate other means by contacting
- Check: Mail a check to the Development and Alumni Engagement Office
- IMPORTANT: Please remember that we will need all checks to be made out to The New School and either noted in the check memo or on the attached paperwork the purpose of the giff (I.e For the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement: (Student Org Name)
- Checks should be written out to:
The New School
Development and Alumni Engagement
Attn: Gift Administration (for checks and donations)
55 W 13TH ST
NEW YORK NY 10011-7958
- Phone: By calling the Development and Alumni Relations Office (Gift Administration) and giving a credit card number over the phone:
- 646-909-3991
Gifts In Kind
Instead of monetary gifts, it is understood that goods or products from an organization are given free of charge, with no contracts or agreements and with nothing expected in return.
Government Sponsors:
The New School cannot accept donations on a Registered Student Organization’s behalf by the governments or government representatives of other countries or nations.
IMPORTANT: All money received from fundraising, sponsorships or donations can be used across the academic years.
B. To Utilize Funds:
1. Bank of Gnarls
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences currently utilizes synchronized Google Sheets to support Student Organizations with the management of their university-awarded funds. These are provided to student organizations at the successful completion of their registration and are named, “Bank of Gnarls”. All uses of SLI-TE awarded, USS awarded, donated, or generated funds need to be tracked on the Student Organizations, ‘AYClub Budget’ page with linked itemized receipts as well as the appropriate information. The Bank of Gnarls is processed manually, by hand, and is not a digitized system. It is the primary responsibility of an organization’s treasurer to maintain and upkeep a student organization's ‘AYClub Budget’ page and track receipts. The Bank of Gnarls only can only track the account balances of the below university funding sources.:
- University Student Senate
- Funds provided by the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE)
- NewCard Balances
- Funds donated through the Office of Development and Alumni Relations.
- Funds generated by the organization through Touchnet, Splash, or sent checks via a vendor.
Any other funds extended to the Organization by other offices and departments should be tracked, but will require additional support from the respective funding sources across the campus.
SLI provides baseline funding to Registered Student Organizations based on their participation in tabling fairs as well as based on their Tier Status. This funding does not roll over across academic years. Student Organizations, in order to utilize their funding - must complete their registration AND have a Treasurer complete their required modules. Funding to Registered Student Organizations is not limitless: Funding is on a first-come-first serve basis and may be depleted prior to the registration deadline.
2.Recuperation of Funds:
In order to provide as much funding as possible to new student organizations and active student organizations: If a Registered Student Organization does not utilize or indicate plans for any of their funds at the end of the fall semester - 50% of their existing funds are returned to the general pool to redistribute at the time of the fall fiscal reconciliation deadline. A funding proposal process can be submitted by any Registered Student Organizations to access the pool of recuperated funds at the Spring Semester Registration release. Approved funding is variable contingent upon the amount of recouperated funds.
a. NewCards:
Registered Student Organizations are able to request and refill Non-Person NewCards on behalf of their Registered Student Organizations. The overarching policies around NewCards are maintained by Campus Card Services
- The responsible party who is responsible for securely storing and utilizing the NewCard should be the identified to SLI-TE
- As Campus Card Services indicates - a lost NewCard can be replaced for a fee of $25 dollars. This cost is to be paid for and provided by the Student Organization's Budget.
- NewCards can only be utilized at identified NewCard Merchants
- SLI-TE Recommends that an RSO should TEST their card prior to using it to ensure proper event planning and management. (ex: going over to CVS and purchasing a small thing prior to the day you want to purchase a lot; Going to the restaurant you want to go to earlier in the day to check if their NewCard machine is working prior to a social outing)
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences does not permit or administratively support large transfers of remaining funding onto an Organization’s N-Card prior to any financial deadlines to skirt the reset of university budgets. Transfer of funds onto an NCard should be directly connected to specific events, meetings, and programs.
All Registered Student Organizations are able to utilize EZCater to request food for their events and programs.If needed, this guide is here to support you in making an order. Below is important guidance to ensure your submission is successful:
- DO NOT MAKE AN ACCOUNT - utilize EZ Cater as a guest
- To send your order to the SLI-TE Office - at the payment page, please click the button ‘Invite colleague’ (See below image) and email your order to to have your catering order processed.
c.New School Purchasing Card through SLI-TE Support
Professional Staff within The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences have access to New School Purchasing Cards (Credit Cards) that can be utilized at most major retailers.
3. Narwhal Nation Finance System
There is a chance within this academic year that SLI-TE will transition away from the ‘Bank of Gnarls’ model - onto a
Finance/Budget platform hosted on Narwhal Nation
This will be an automated, digital, and centralized platform for all purchasing requests, funding requests, as well as budget maintenance. Any further updates regarding the Finance/Budget Platform will be communicated to existing student officers and be published on a News Post on Narwhal Nation.
VI. Payments to External Organizations/Companies/Individuals
1. External Website and Accounts Funding:
- Student Organizations may have external websites and accounts for their organization's initiatives.
- Please refer to the Policy on External Websites and Blogs for Important and relevant information.
- If the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) provides payment for the website, service, or domain - The SLI Office must receive the website link and login information for any external websites that are created. If no funding is identified to maintain a current website funded by SLI - the website will then be put offline, this could cause the loss of information and data stored on that website.
2. National Organization Dues:
Student Organizations affiliated with a National Chapter are eligible to use their awarded student organization funding towards chapter dues. Organizations must specify if their payment encompasses the entire student organization or solely specific Officers/Members. The name of those members must be provided along with the dates of coverage for the memberships.
3. Recurring Monthly/Annual Payments:
Registered Student Organizations are allowed to maintain payments of memberships for digital services. These memberships must be in the structure of an annual payment, rather than monthly. Proper planning must be implemented to account for the cycling of the academic year and the cycling of both Office and Institutional Funding (Fiscal Year ends in June, begins again in July).
4. Contracts, invoices, or Licenses
All Contracts, Invoices, or Licenses must go through MyNewSource - the central processing platform of the institution. No student may independently procure, sign, or provide funds (for reimbursement) for any Contract, Invoice, or License seeking funding or Administrative Support by The New School
All service providers must register as an identified supplier with The New School through MyNewSource and Fill out the Service Provider Questionnaire.
a.Invoices and Contracts from Students, Faculty, or Staff:
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences cannot and will not process or pay Invoices or Contracts from Students, Faculty, or Staff for services rendered unless the invoice is sourced from a business with a separate business EIN Number independent from their Personal Identification Number (ex: Social Security Number). Invoices and Contracts provided by eligible individuals should be in alignment with the New Schools Financial Conflict of Interest Policies.
5. Honorariums, Guest Lecturers, and Speakers.
No student organization may seek to provide an Honorarium, Guest Lecturer, or Speaker Award to a Student, Faculty, or Staff.
An external Honorarium, Guest Lecturer or Speaker being provided funding under $1,000 can go through the Honorarium and Guest Lecturer(HGL*) process.
An honorarium is a gift, and as such, is not subject to the terms and conditions found in a contract. An honorarium will not be processed by SLI if an honoree requires a formal agreement, terms, or conditions to be met by the university. If an honoree requires a formal agreement, you will need to submit a contract for review. All honorarium formal agreement requests must be submitted within the appropriate time frame.
Honorariums are processed through our The New School Procurement System which can take up to 30 days for the process to be completed and a check to be sent to the individual. We cannot accept wires as a payment method, as it would require the revealing of sensitive banking information. Honorarium payments can take up to 30 days or more to process. To avoid delays and to ensure prompt processing of payments, please provide all information and/or paperwork required before the start of service.
For anyone who is not an Honorarium, Guest Lecturer, or Speaker, or if they are receiving over $1,000, they would need to through an Independent Contractor Process. Both of these processes are done through the MyNewSource Platform, which the Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) can provide by scheduling a meeting.
The procurement system (MyNewSource) will send an online registration for the individual to complete. Please inform the individual(s) that they will be receiving a registration via email from The New School email address. IMPORTANT: OFTEN THIS EMAIL IS FOUND IN AN INDIVIDUALS SPAM FOLDER. It is very important that the registration is completed in a timely manner. Accounts Payable cannot issue payment to the individual until the registration is completed.
Payees should be notified that checks are mailed to the address they provide on the required forms.
6. Payees with Special Circumstances:
a.International Payees:
Awardees or Payees who are categorized in the United States tax system as a, ‘Foreign National’, are required to fill out tax forms in order to receive this any form of payment.
Payments can be made in foreign currency, if requested.
b.Incarcerated Payees:
Specific Federal, State, and City Laws may impact The New School’s capacity or ability to provide Honorariums to incarcerated speakers and individuals. Because of this, we are unable to guarantee or affirm that funding or payment or in any form can be fulfilled or gifted to an incarcerated speaker.
7. Licensure (Movies, Theatre Productions)
Organizations must purchase the rights (licenses) from a movie or theater company to obtain permission to show or produce a movie or theater production.
Please refer to the timeframes chart for appropriate time frames for a License Procurement.
a.Movie Screening:
Please review the following protocols for film screenings:
- Student Organizations cannot use Zoom, Twitch, Discord, or other social platforms to share screen and stream an unauthorized licensed movie via their personal New School account (Netflix, Tv provider login, DVD, etc).
- Licensed films screened for educational purposes are only able to be shown without the procurement of a license if all of the below criteria are met:
- A teacher or instructor is present, engaged in face-to-face teaching activities.
- The institution must be an accredited, nonprofit educational institution.
- The showing takes place in a classroom setting with only the enrolled students attending.
- The movie is used as an essential part of the core, required curriculum being taught. (The instructor should be able to show how the use of the motion picture contributes to the overall required course study and syllabus.)
- The movie being used is a legitimate copy, not taped from a legitimate copy or taped from TV.
Because Student Organizations cannot be directly tied with any academic department or program and cannot have a credit-eligible curriculum or syllabus; more often than not, a license needs to be procured.
- Student Groups with support from SLI-TE are able to utilize the below groups to procure Film Licenses:
- Swank Motion Pictures (Typically Major Films)
- Janus Films (Criterion Collection Source)
- Criterion Pictures U.S.A (Second most likely for Major Films)
- Netflix: Educational Screenings of Documentaries
- Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC)
- International films may have separate license companies (ex: Yasraj Films for South Asian films). SLI can work with groups to identify and procure a screening license.
- Student Groups must reserve the location of the screening prior to the procurement of a license.
- Direct consent by an artist concerning a licensed film does not qualify as the procurement of a license, (Note: This is because the artist may not retain the copyright and their consent may not suffice)
b: Theatre and Music Performance Licenses
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences (SLI-TE) defines a Theatre or Music Performance as an event on campus, where any members of the general public are invited to view the performance.
- No Registered Student Organization is permitted to produce a licensed play, musical, or music performance if a license isn’t appropriately procured.
- The stipulations and requirements of the license must be adhered to.
- Location and dates of both auditions, rehearsals, and performances must be confirmed prior to the procurement of a license.
- Direct consent by an artist concerning a licensed production does not qualify as the procurement of a license, (Note: This is because the artist may not retain the copyright and their consent may not suffice)
- The Office of Student Leadership requires that for all Auditions, Rehearsals, and performances - an on-site coordinator is present.
Student Groups with support from SLI-TE are able to utilize the below groups to procure licenses for theater productions
Theatre or Music productions require the administrative support of multiple entities on campus including but not limited to Events IT, Finance and Procurement, Campus Safety, Fire and Safety, Business Operations, Facilities and Buildings, and possibly Venue professionals at The College of Visual and Performing Arts. At many stages, consent and endorsement by these and other possibly identified offices may be required.
9. Gambling, Raffles, Gifts, and Prizes
Each incentive, gift or prize given to attendees cannot exceed either $75 or 45% of an event’s operating budget.
Raffles or Bingos that require no cost for participation are permitted to generate interest in an event or program. These styles of incentives may require licensure by New York State, and may warrant an extended timeframe (ex: Bingo and Raffle)
Gambling with institutional money, resources, or funds is strictly prohibited. Playing Gambling-style games (ex: arcade-style ticket-generating games at a venue like Dave & Busters, playing card games like Poker/Blackjack for enjoyment) for no fund generation, incentive, or profit generation is permitted.
Use of university funds for the procurement of, ‘blind box’, or ‘pay to win’ style physical or digital items connected to a larger gaming system is prohibited unless for a demonstrated educational or research purpose (Ex: Game Design/Theory Workshop). Examples include but aren’t limited to : card packs [‘Starter kits’ (ex are allowed), Fortnite/Hearthstone Loot Crates), in-game currency, and in-game ‘pay to win’ shortcuts.
Gifts and prizes given to Panelists, Student Organizers/Officers, and Guests are capped at $15 per person or $225 dollars per event.
The New School prohibits the purchase or acquiring gift cards or prepaid debit cards. In specific circumstances, providing Newcard Cash onto a student's individual NewCard may be possible.
10. Reimbursement
The Office of Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences is able to work individually with New School community members to provide reimbursements for specific and eligible out-of-pocket expenses. Any out-of-pocket expense must include a detailed itemized receipt that indicates what specifically was purchased for the Registered Student Organization.
The New School does not provide reimbursements for individuals or groups outside of the New School.
The New School does not reimburse for taxes incurred in a single reimbursement submission over $100 dollars.
a.Student Reimbursements (Not Employed)
a meeting must be scheduled with SLI to work on the MyNewSource Platform to submit a ‘Student Payment’ Form. SLI has access to the MyNewSource platform (this link may not work for you) - where the form is accessible.
b. Employee Reimbursements (Students, Faculty, and Staff):
All employee reimbursements must go through the MyDay Expense Report Process. Students who have been employed at anytime by the New School can access this system. To submit a reimbursement through this method, we recommend scheduling a meeting with SLI to ensure you receive the proper expense codes.