Employee View of Submitted Absences/Leaves
After entering your absence and requesting a replacementBooking a Substitute Teacher or Casual Support | Guru (getguru.com)
Locate the Absence Menu and select View or Change option.
At the top left, click My Info >> Time & Attendance >> View or Change
- This will open the Absence Dispatch Listing Screen
2. Click on the ID No to see absence details
- Absence Cancellation
- If you need to cancel a future absence, you can use the cancel button in this page and will ask you to confirm. If a replacement has already been assigned, please contact the replacement employee or email substitute@ecsrd.ca for assistance.
- Absences can only be cancelled in atrieve if it is at least 24 hours prior to the absence date. For cancellations less than 24 hours' notice, email substitute@ecsrd.ca.