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Proofed | Editors | Emeritus | Emory Goizueta Business School (EMG) Style Guide | IGH / EDM / HCSL / CNE.SEPO / GHL.SEPO / CSL

Key Style Guide Information and Links

This card covers style guidance for EMG e-learning and marketing documents.

School and Course Terminology

course, teacher and learners

Bold green indicates the preference for this school/the specified courses.







Program Leader

Learning Facilitator

Success Coach

Course Facilitator







Program Leader

Learning Facilitator

Success Coach

Course Leader







Program Leader

Learning Facilitator

Success Coach

Course Facilitator

school name and faculty

  • School name:
    • Emory University’s Goizueta Business School
    • Goizueta Business School
      • Do not insert “the” when referencing Goizueta Business School
    • Do NOT use the acronym GBS
    • Second reference is always Goizueta
  • Retain ampersands in designations, e.g., Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management

Important Notes

  • All learning outcomes (at both course/program and module level) should end with a period.


  • Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.


  • Headers: CMoS Title Case
  • Subheaders: Sentence case
    • Exception: EMG-IGH: subheaders in CMoS Title Case
  • See the Title Case Converter to confirm correct capitalization for title/sentence casing.
  • Program titles, module titles, and module topics should be written in title case.


  • Use the serial comma.
  • For marketing content, parenthetical dashes: Use spaced em dashes. Exceptions: No spaces should be used around the em dash in brochures or month in the life (MITL) documents.
  • For marketing content, for singular nouns ending in s, to make them possessive, just add an apostrophe (e.g. Emeritus')
  • No punctuation in academic degrees: BA, MA, PhD.
  • United States (noun in running text) / US (adjective)
  • Use periods after learning outcomes.


  • Spell out numbers one to nine; use numerals for 10 and above.
    • Where there's a mix in one sentence, use numerals for all numbers (except for a number that starts the sentence).
  • Hyphenate ages used as nouns:
    • two-year-old
  • Percentages: numeral followed by word "percent".
  • Always use numerals when numbers are modifiers/measurements:
    • 8-watt bulb, 10 square feet
  • kilobytes/megabytes: capital K/M, no space between number and unit (512K, 1.3M)

Times and Dates

  • Time format: 12-hour clock; periods and lowercase letters for a.m. and p.m.
    • 10:00 a.m.
  • Always write out noon/midnight.
  • Use all four numerals for years, en dash for range:
    • 2017
    • 2005–2007
  • Use numerals for centuries:
    • the 20th century
  • No suffix for days of the month:
    • April 18 (not April 18th)


  • If the number is spelled out, so is the currency. If numerals are used, use $ or appropriate currency symbol.
  • Spell out million and billion
    • $1 million

Bullet Lists

  • Use periods for complete sentences only.
  • Do not use "and" before the final item.


  • Use CMoS Notes and Bibliography style for referencing.
    • Use Bibliography style for reading lists.
    • Use Notes style for references in videos.
  • Title-only is fine for hyperlinked third-party content (e.g., web articles), but follow CMoS guidelines for capitalization/italics as per the Notes and Bibliography link above.

Subject-Specific Terminology/Spelling Preferences

  • Where Merriam–Webster gives alternative spellings, use the first listed option.
  • Use AMA style guidelines for abbreviations of clinical technical terms.
    • e.g., ECG (not EKG)
  • acknowledgment
  • adviser
  • coursework (one word)
  • database
  • decision maker (no hyphen)
  • decision making (noun) / decision-making (adjective)
  • DM (direct message)
  • double-click (with a hyphen)
  • dual-degree (adjective); dual degree (noun)
  • email (no hyphen)
  • Ethernet (captial "E")
  • Facebook (FB)
  • firsthand (no hyphen)
  • fund-raising (hyphenate both noun and adjective)
  • health care (two words)
    • Exception: CNE.SEPO/GHL.SEPO: healthcare systems (health care still two words in all other contexts)
    • Exception: CSL: Health care is the specific things people do: see a patient and prescribe medication. Healthcare is an industry, the system by which people get the health care they need.
  • homepage
  • Instagram (IG)
  • internet (no capital)
  • ISP: internet service provider
  • judgment
  • laptop
  • listserv
  • login, logon, logoff: one word for noun, two words for verb
  • nonprofit (one word)
  • offline, online (no hyphen)
  • PC (personal computer)
  • policyholder; policy maker
  • RSS: really simple syndication OR rich site summary
  • SEO: search engine optimization
  • startup
  • URL: uniform resource locator
  • videoconference, video conferencing

sepo MARKETING notes

  • Do not use an en dash for complex range hyphenation in running text
    • Correct: 9- to 12-month
    • Incorrect: 9–12-month
  • Hyphenation:
    • noun – "decision making"
    • verb – "decision-making"
  • Bullet lists: no periods
  • Subheaders: sentence case
  • Don't capitalize "success coach" unless preceding a person's name
  • Don't make changes to module titles
  • Standard usage for introducing criteria: inclusions/exclusions, not included/excluded
  • No colon to introduce "call to action" (i.e., clickable) buttons

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