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Types of Searches

A search determines the target audience of a campaign's outreach. It answers the question, "whom do you intend to connect with?" There are six different types of searches that can be utilized within the software based on a user's target audience. This card will provide instructions on how to successfully complete an upload for each search method.

  • Creating a New Search
  • Naming a New Search
  • Types of Searches
    • Standard Search, URL Search, Sales Navigator Search, Group Search, Email Import, URL Import
  • Uploading a Search
  • Connecting a Search to a Campaign


How Does It Work?

Creating a new search

No matter what type of search you are uploading, you always start by navigating to the search page:

  1. From your dashboard, click on the Search tab

Types of Searches

  1. Click on Start New Search

Types of Searches

Naming a new search

A search name is required, regardless of upload method. The naming convention and/or title of a search should represent the filters utilized to build it for quick and easy reference.

(i.e. Human Resources - CXO - 51-500hc - 2nd - US)

Types of Searches

Standard search

A standard search is only recommended when pinpointing a specific person. For example, "George Glass AND Amazon."

If you are searching for more than one person within an organization, the search must be very broad (i.e Amazon) and thus, becomes less effective in pinpointing your target audience. In this case, another type of search would likely be a better fit; See additional options below.

Types of Searches

URL search

A URL search utilizes your general LinkedIn account, not Sales Navigator. This search method allows a user to search by an extensive list of filters such as, connection degree (i.e 1st, 2nd or 3rd), location, current company, past company, school, industry, and other profile details.

LinkedIn will only allow you to pull 1000 contacts at a time. Therefore, highly refined search parameters are recommended for this approach. The total search results are displayed on the left-hand side, right below the header of filters. Any results that succeed the 1000 contact threshold will not be captured within the platform.

Once your search is finalized, copy the URL from LinkedIn and paste it back into the platform's search pop-out under "URL Search."

  1. From your LinkedIn homepage, click on Search and hit Enter.
  2. Click on All filters

Types of Searches

  1. Choose search filters
  2. Click on Show Results
  3. Copy the LinkedIn URL

Types of Searches

  1. Go to Sales Connector and navigate to the Search tab
  2. Click on Start New Search

Types of Searches

  1. Create a name for your search. Click on URL search. Paste the LinkedIn URL & click on Add Search Task.

Types of Searches

Sales Navigator search

A Sales Navigator search is highly recommended and the most frequently utilized, as a user is able to pinpoint a target audience that is highly specified. In order to conduct a Sales Navigator search, the account is required to have a Sales Navigator Core subscription. You can sign up for Sales Navigator Core by going to

A Sales Navigator search allows you to apply the same filters as a LinkedIn search with the addition of specific titles, years of experience, specific companies, company headcount, and seniority level, to name a few.

  1. Navigate to LinkedIn's Sales Navigator. Click on Search and hit Enter.

Types of Searches

  1. Click on Expand Filter Panel

Types of Searches

  1. Choose search filters and copy the LinkedIn URL
    • It is imperative that you hit "Enter" on your keyboard from the search keywords bar once your filters are finalized. This resets the URL to ensure all filters are captured when copied.

Types of Searches

  1. Go to Sales Connector and navigate to the Search tab
  2. Click on Start New Search

Types of Searches

6. Create a name for your search. Click on Sales Navigator search. Paste the LinkedIn URL & click on Add Search Task.

Types of Searches

Group search

A group search applies your desired search filters to contacts within a designated LinkedIn group. To utilize this search method, the user must have a Sales Navigator subscription and be a member of the group. Group searches are unique as there is no limit to the amount of messages you can send to contacts who are within a mutual group.

The first, and arguably most important, step is to join as many groups as possible that align with a user's target audience.

The setup of a group search will mimic that of a standard Sales Navigator search. The key difference is that the "Group" filter must align with the group names that you want to target.

  1. From Sales Navigator, put your cursor on Search and strike Enter

Types of Searches

  1. Click on Expand Filter Panel

Types of Searches

  1. Input the Group(s) + add additional search filters

Types of Searches

  1. Put cursor in search bar, strike Enter to reset the browser's URL - Copy the URL
  2. Go to Sales Connector and navigate to the Search tab
  3. Click on Start New Search

Types of Searches

  1. Create a name for your search, click on Group search, paste the LinkedIn URL, and click on Add Search Task

Types of Searches

Email import

An email import search allows you to utilize email addresses to pinpoint a specific list of contacts. This option is most commonly used from users who have access to an external database and/or lead generation platform.

One detail to keep in mind is that LinkedIn users often link their account to a personal email address. Alternatively, a prospect list typically has an emphasis on corporate email addresses. When utilizing an email list, some contacts will be unable to be identified due to this discrepancy.

To load an Email Import, please ensure that you paste your emails in the Email Import tab as one email per line.

Please visit Email Import for more information.

URL import

A URL import allows you to create a contact list based off of standard LinkedIn URLs. Alternately, this search option does not allow for Sales Navigator URLs to be uploaded.

To load an URL Import, please ensure that you paste your urls in the URL Import tab as one URL per line with no spaces.

Please visit URL Import for more information.

Uploading a search

After selecting a search method, by completing the designated fields and clicking "Add search task," the software will automatically refresh and the new search will appear in the right-hand column.

The search can take up to 30 minutes to upload, depending on the amount of contacts being imported. If the text "waiting" or "In progress" is displayed in the bottom right corner of the specific search box, the upload has not been completed yet. If there is a time stamp (i.e 2 minutes) beneath the search title, that indicates the software has completed its work on the backend.

Types of Searches

adding a search to a campaign

Once a search is complete, you are ready to add the contacts to a campaign.

Upon doing so, each contact's status will update from "Add to Campaign" to "In Queue." That is an indication that all contacts were successfully added from the search into a campaign.

  1. From the Search tab, select the new search box on the right and select Add all new people to Connector Campaign

Types of Searches

  1. Choose the corresponding campaign and click on Add to Connector Campaign.

Types of Searches

Feature Attributes

Contacts can only live in a single search and/or campaign at any given time. When a new search is loaded, the software will never capture a contact who has already been targeted. Therefore, it is recommended you delete and reload a search if any adjustments are needed.

Lastly, if a contact is moved to a campaign but the search is deleted, the contact will stay within the campaign. The contact will also not appear in any future searches since it's already living in a campaign.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.