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Google Account Access Guidelines

Account "access" is defined as an individual's ability to log into their New School Google account. Users may access their individual and non-person Google accounts and services (Gmail, Google Drive, etc.) as well as applicable Google shared drives while they are active members of the New School community. Account access is removed and accounts are deactivated following separation from the university or prolonged inactivity as defined below.

Retention of data and files associated with accounts and drives is defined by the Google Account Retention Policy and Retention of University Records Policy. Please contact with questions.

New School Employees

Account access for New School Employees is removed as part of the official HR termination process. The termination date is identified through HR processing. Part-time faculty and student employee accounts that remain in an active state and have not gone through HR’s official termination process will remain active in Google until HR processes the termination. Retired Employees will have access to Gmail indefinitely. Emeritus Professors retain full Google account access until deactivation is requested or IT is notified of their death.

In accordance with the Google Account Retention Policy, the New School will retain Employee Google account data for a period of 365 days following the termination or retire date. After this period, the account and the account’s data will be permanently deleted. Account data for Emeritus Professors is retained until deletion is requested or IT is notified of their death.

Managers may request an extension of Google access for terminated employees for a specified period to meet identified business needs but in no case greater than 90 days. Must be approved by HR.

New School Students

Degree-Seeking Students

New School degree-seeking students retain access to all Google services as long as they maintain their degree-seeking student role. Consequently, their New School Google account will be retained for the duration of this role. However, if a degree-seeking student's status changes to any of the following statuses, access to their account and retention of the account and associated data will be based on their new role.

On Leave Status

Access to Google for students with “on leave” status remains until the “on leave” status is removed and the individual does not have another active role.

The New School retains Google accounts for students who have an “on leave” status. However, once the “on leave” status is removed and the student becomes inactive, their Google accounts will be deleted 365 days after the change in status.

Accounts Receivable Status

Students with only an Account Receivable status retain access to Gmail. Access to all other Google services is removed once the student is inactive (not actively taking courses in the current semester or does not have an “on leave” status).

The New School retains individual Gmail accounts for students with only an Account Receivable status for official communication purposes. Upon the student no longer having an Account Receivable role, The New School will retain the account for a period of 365 days after that role is removed if the student has no other role.

Upon becoming inactive (meaning the student has no other role or status at the university other than Accounts Receivable), The New School will retain Google Drive files for a period of 365 days, at which time all Google Drive data will be permanently deleted.

Academic Withdrawal/Withdrawn/Dropout Status

Access to Google accounts is removed for withdrawn or suspended students once an individual becomes inactive (not actively taking courses in the current semester).

In accordance with the Google Account Retention Policy, the New School retains individual Google accounts for withdrawn or suspended students for a period of 365 days after their last active date, defined as the date of their last enrollment in classes. After this 365 day period, these accounts will be permanently deleted and all associated data will be unrecoverable.

Non-Degree-Seeking Students

Access to Google accounts is removed for non-degree-seeking students once an individual becomes inactive (not actively taking courses in the current semester or does not have an “on leave” status).

The New School retains individual Google accounts for non-degree-seeking students for a period of 365 days after their last active date, defined as the date of their last enrollment in classes. After this 365 day period, these accounts will be permanently deleted and all associated data will be unrecoverable.


Alumni access to all Google services except Gmail is removed 30 days after degree conferral. To maintain access to Gmail after this date, Alumni must log directly into the account at at least once every 6 months.

The New School will retain Alumni Gmail for degree-seeking students so long as the account remains in an active status (defined as being logged directly into at at least once every six months). If an account remains inactive for more than 6 months, it will be suspended on the 181st day of inactivity and subsequently deleted after 365 days in a suspended state.

All files stored on Google Drive will be deleted 365 days after the date of degree conferral.

Non-Person Accounts

Non-person account access to Google is removed if the account is not verified as part of the yearly verification process.

The New School will retain non-person Google accounts for a period of 365 days after the account has been placed in suspended status due to a failure to complete the yearly verification process, at which time the account will be deleted.

Google Shared Drives

Access to Google shared drives is managed by individual shared drive managers.

The New School will maintain Google shared drives as long as an active New School employee is designated as the shared drive’s manager. In the absence of an active New School employee being identified as the shared drive’s manager, the drive and its contents will be retained for a period of 365 days. If no active New School employee claims the shared drive as a manager after this duration, the shared drive will be permanently deleted.

Google Vault

Google Vault is active for all New School accounts and is solely used for e-discovery.

Data stored in Google Vault will be automatically deleted when the corresponding Google account is deleted in accordance with the Google Account Retention Policy. The sole exception to this rule will be in cases where the General Counsel requests that accounts be placed on hold for litigation purposes.

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