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Search Auto Refresh

When adding tasks to a campaign, a user can either create a new search OR refresh an existing one. Opting for a search auto refresh is the quickest and easiest way to reload tasks into a campaign. This card provides step-by-step instructions on how to refresh a search.


How Does It Work?

  1. Click on Search

Search Auto Refresh

  1. Select the search to be refreshed

Search Auto Refresh

  1. Click on the circle arrow "Restart Search" icon

Search Auto Refresh

The search will immediately convert to a "Waiting" status. This means that the refresh is in progress. The larger the search, the longer the refresh will take.

Once the status updates to a time stamp (i.e 1 minute ago, 1 hour ago, etc), the search refresh is complete. The last step is adding these new contacts to a campaign:

  1. Be sure the refreshed search is selected

Search Auto Refresh

  1. Click on Add all new people to Connector Campaign

Search Auto Refresh

  1. Choose the campaign
  2. Click on Add to Connector Campaign

Choose the campaignClick on Add to Connector Campaign

Benefits & Value

When adding tasks to a campaign, a user can choose between creating a new search or refreshing a current one. Selecting a search refresh offers a quick and effortless method to capture new connections and load tasks into your campaign.

Feature Attributes

The search auto refresh feature is most beneficial for searches that target 2nd degree connections.

More specifically, running a connector campaign will gradually expand a user's LinkedIn network. As this happens, a user's 2nd degree network will naturally grow as well. Thus, implementing a refreshing search allows easy capture of the new 2nd degree connections.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.