Electronic Patient Statement Settings
Welcome to the GoRev Electronic Patient Statement Settings tutorial. In this guide you will learn how to configure the GoRev E-Statement settings.
1: Navigating to the Statement Settings Window
To begin navigating to the statement settings window, please navigate to the admin tab and select the configuration button. Then, select the statements button from the configuration drop-down menu before selecting the statement settings button present on your screen.
2: Configuring Statement Options
Once the statement settings screen appears on your device, you will have the ability to configure statement setting options by utilizing the available options in the top left corner of this window. To begin, please select the "Separate Statements Per Visit" option if you would like to separate each statements charges per patient visit to your facility.
Next, you may include or remove itemized charges by selecting the "Itemized Charges" option from the available option menu.
Now, in the instance that you would like to automatically write off any unrecoverable bad debt, you may utilize the "Auto Write-Off Bad-Debt" option in this list.
At this point, you may choose to allow or not allow patient receival of SMS and/or Email statements by selecting the available options from the list.
Next, if the electronic statement has not been opened by the patient, the "Send Paper If Statement is not opened" option will allow you to send a paper statement should this event occur.
Lastly, you may also include a payment QR code on the patient statement by selecting the "Include Payment QR Code" option available within the option menu.
3: Entering Provider Details
At this point, you will have the ability to enter provider details by utilizing the "Provider Details" section of this window. To begin, you may enter the payment website address for the patients utilization into the "Payment Website Address" field present in this section.
Next, you may enter the "Call-Back Number", for patient utilization, into the appropriate field on this screen. If you would not like this call back number to be used, you may also toggle off the "Use Call-Back" button available on this screen.
Now, please enter the "Statement Title" into the provided field on your screen.
Finally, this window will allow you to select the appropriate provider details and enter a specific message utilized when sending the electronic statement via sms or email. In order to do so, please select the appropriate "Provider Details" from the drop-down menu and enter the "Provider Message" into the correct field on your screen.
4: Utilizing the Design Section
Now, the design section will allow you to alter the statement design being utilized for your electronic statement. First, you may select the Paper or Email Designs by selecting the option required from the provided drop-down menus.
Note: Its important to note that you can preview these designs by utilizing the statement preview and email preview tabs at the top of this window.
Now, enter the due date for the statement, in days, by utilizing the "Due Date" field on your screen.
Next, if you wish to use an external MRN/Visit ID, you may do so by selecting the "Use External MRN/Visit ID" field within this section.
Lastly, this section will allow you to enter a custom description for your electronic statement by utilizing the "Custom Description" field on your screen.
5: Setting Up System Settings
Next, the system settings area of this module will allow you to set specific statement settings up within GoRev. First you can set the number of days per statement cycle by entering it into the "Days per Cycle" field.
Next, you may set the number of cycles for the statement before the claim becomes bad debt by entering the day amount into the "Cycles Till Bad-Debt" field.
Then, user the "Minimum Service Date" and "Minimum Balance" fields to set the minimum date and minimum balance.
Next, you may set the failover to paper statement day count by entering the day amount into the Failover to Paper (Days) field.
At this point, please select the delivery method by utilizing the "Default Delivery Method" drop down menu in this section.
Now, in the instance that you would like to auto-batch your statements, please select the "Auto-Batch Statements" option on your screen.
Finally, if you would like to auto notate and/or auto approve your patient statements in lieu of manually approving and notating patient accounts, please select the "Auto Notate" or "Auto Approve" statement options within this section.
6: Utilizing Dunning Messages
In the instance that you would like to set specific patient messages for each patient statement, the dunning message section will allow you to utilize specific messages for each patient statement. In order to change the statement message, please select the required field and enter any message needed.
7: Setting Workflow Status Updates
At this point, the Workflow Status Updates section will allow you to set a specific workflow status update for each statement that is sent to the patient. Please select the required workflow status by selecting the appropriate statement and utilizing the drop down menu provided.
8: Selecting Customization Settings
At this point, you will have the ability to select specific statement customizations by utilizing the customization section of this window. To begin, please select the "Include Patient Responsibility Breakdown" option in the instance that you would like to include a patient payment responsibility breakdown on your patient statement.
Next, please select the "Include Guarantor Information" checkbox present in the customization section to include the patients guarantor information on the patient statement.
In the instance that you would like to include external patient ID's on the patient statement, select the "Show External ID(s)" option present on your screen.
Finally, the customization section will allow you to include the patients Visit Status, Follow-Up Status, and/or their Financial Status on the patient statement. This value will pull from the statuses as they are set within the patients patient overview window for the visit in question. In the instance that you would like to enable or disable these options, please select the appropriate option from the customization options on your screen.
9: Saving and Finalizing the Statement Process
Finally, once you have finished customizing your patient statement, please select the "Save" button on the upper right side of the statement settings window.
In the instance that you would like to cancel the changes you made, you may also select the "Cancel" button to remove any changes you made.
In addition to cancelling the changes you made, you may also select the "Default" button on the right side of this screen in order to apply the default statement settings.
Finally, if you would like to utilize the old statement settings window, you may also select the "Legacy UI" button on the upper right side of this window.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at ask@gorev.com
Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.