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Employee Data: Deductions



Learn about the Deductions tab within AllPay. This is where any data for payroll deductions for health insurance, 401(k), child support, and so on are saved.

What's in this article?

An overview of what is within the Deductions tab and how it ties into payroll.

💡Good to know: This is part of a collection of guides about employee data in AllPay. This data in particular is relevant to payroll processes.


Log in to AllPay and from the Employees module or menu, choose the Deductions section.

Here we're looking at deductions for our selected employee. You can see from the filters at the top that we’re looking specifically at the employee data for Serenie Beanie.


You can see there are two lines since this employee has two deductions set up. Click on a line for a deduction to switch between them and see the details of each.



Click on the Add New button near the top right corner to add new deductions for an employee.


If we were to add a new deduction, we would need to fill out the fields appropriately to get the deduction started:

  • Deduction Code: The deduction code for this deduction. These can be customized for your company’s needs.
  • Start Date: The date on which the deduction will begin. If left blank, it will automatically populate with today’s date when saved.
  • End Date: The date on which the deduction will end. If left blank, the end date will automatically populate with 12/31/2100 (forever).
  • Calc Code: The calculation code for this deduction (e.g. Child Support, 401(k), Levy). For a flat amount, leave this blank. If you need specialized calculations set up that are not in your list, please contact your customer care representative as we can accommodate a wide range of requests in this area.
  • Frequency: The frequency for this deduction. If left blank, the deduction will be calculated on every payroll. An important note: We recommend leaving this blank for most applications since it can cause you to miss deductions accidentally. For example, if your check dates vary at all due to holidays, then deductions may not pull correctly if you have a frequency specified here.
  • Rate: The rate of the deduction. This rate gets sent to the calculation code script for this deduction. If there is no calculation code, this is treated as a flat amount.
  • Last Taken: For frequency-based deductions, this displays the date of the last deduction. This date is used by the system to determine the date of the next deduction.
  • Agency: The agency or third-party payee for this deduction. Agencies can be set up specifically for your company needs.
  • Misc Info: Any necessary additional information for the deduction, such as 401(k) loan numbers, or child support case numbers. If an agency is tagged, this number will print on the check or go on the ACH file.
  • Goal: The goal amount to reach for the deduction. Set this to zero if this deduction has no goal amount. Note that when using goal amounts, it is important to not have two active deductions with the same code as the system will apply deducted amounts for both to the paid amounts for both.
  • Paid: The amount already paid towards the deduction goal. Every time the deduction is taken from the employee’s paycheck, the paid amount is incremented by the amount deducted. Once the paid amount has reached the goal amount, the deduction will stop being taken.
  • Tabled: This indicates to use the company setup defined deduction calculation method instead of the settings on the Deductions tab. If checked, the rate, calc code, frequency, agency, minimum, maximum and YTD maximum on this page do not matter, since the deduction will use the company-defined settings instead.
  • Minimum: The minimum amount for the deduction for each paycheck.
  • Maximum: The maximum amount for the deduction for each paycheck.
  • YTD Maximum: The calendar year maximum for the deduction.

Remember to Save any new information or any edits to an existing deduction.

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