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New Visit

Welcome to the GoRev New Visit Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will focus on the process of creating a New Visit in GoRev.

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1 : Beginning the New Visit Process

To begin, click on the “New Visit” button present in the Clinic Modules tab of the GoRev Homepage toolbar.image.png

2 : Entering Patient Demographics

Once the Patient Information window becomes visible, please enter the Patient’s Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race into the corresponding fields of the Demographics area.image.png

If you are unable to obtain the Patient’s Social Security Number, please click on the “No SSN” checkbox in this area.image.png

3 : Utilizing the Optional Demographic Fields

Now, if you would like to enter the Patient’s Suffix, Marital Status, Preferred Language, Occupation, Employment, Employer, and/or Communication Preferences, begin by clicking on the “Show More” button present in the Demographics area.image.png

Once the Optional Demographic Fields become visible, please enter any additional Patient information that you require into the corresponding fields provided.image.png

In the event that you need to close the Optional Demographic Fields, click on the “Hide More” button on your screen.image.pngNote: If a Patient is already in the GoRev system for your Facility, you can allow GoRev to auto-fill the Patient's information into all of the fields in the Patient Information window by utilizing the Patient Account drop-down menu that will appear on your screen as you begin entering the Patient's Demographic information.

4 : Patient Advanced Search

Now, In the event that a Patient has a previous Visit in another Facility in your Server, you can pull this Patient information into the Visit that you are creating by utilizing the “Advanced Search” button in this window.image.pngAdditionally, if you are having difficulty finding a Patient in the GoRev system and you believe that the Patient should be in the system for this Facility, please use the Advanced Search function to search for the Patient.

5 : Entering Patient Contact Information

Next, please enter the Patient’s Address and Contact Information into the corresponding fields of the Contact area.

To enter Contact Information for Patients with International Addresses, please begin by clicking on the “International Address” checkbox in this area.

Once the International Contact fields become visible, please fill in the Patient's Contact Information into the fields provided.

6 : Patient Emergency Contact Information

At this point, please enter the patients "Emergency Contact Information" into the fields provided.image.pngNote: The "Emergency Contact Section" is not a required section. In the instance that the patient does not wish to provide an emergency contact, please continue onto the next step.

7 : Entering the Guarantor's Information

If the Guarantor is different from the Patient, please enter this individual's information into the GoRev system. To begin, click on the “Guarantor is Different from Patient” checkbox in this window.image.png

After the Guarantor Demographics and Contact areas become visible, please enter the Guarantor’s information into the corresponding fields provided.image.png

8 : Navigating to the Visit Information Window

To continue, please navigate to the Visit Information window by clicking “Next”.image.png

9 : Entering Physician Information

Once the Visit Information window becomes visible, please enter the Patient’s Referring Physician and/or Attending Physician information into the corresponding fields provided.

If the Referring Physician and/or Attending Physician is not in the GoRev system, please add the missing doctor to the system by utilizing the “Add Doctor” function in the corresponding sections of this window.

10 : Entering Patient Admission Information

Next, enter the Patient’s Admission information into the corresponding fields provided.image.png

11 : Entering Optional Appointment Information

In the instance that you require Patient Appointment Information be added to the patient's New Visit, please utilize the Appointment fields provided.image.pngNote: While the Appointment section is optional, please fill in all Patient Information that you require.

12 : Navigating to the Patient Payer Information Window

To continue, please navigate to the Patient Payer Information window by clicking “Next”.

13 : Utilizing Existing Patient Payer Information

If the Patient Payer Information window contains existing Patient Payer information, please verify the accuracy of the information provided.image.png

Then, click “Next” to navigate to the Finalize Visit Creation window.

14 : Adding Patient Insurance

If the Patient's Payer information is not present in this window and the Patient does not have existing Payer information in the GoRev system, please add the information to the system. To begin, click on the “Add Payer” button in this window.

Once the Primary Insurance area appears on your device, please enter the Patient’s Insurance information into the corresponding fields provided.

15 : Utilizing Previously Entered Patient Insurance Information

Note: If the Patient has previously entered Payer information in the GoRev system and you would like to add this information to the Visit, please utilize the “Payer History” button in this window to complete this task.

16 : Adding Worker's Compensation Information

Next, if the Patient Visit is being processed as Worker's Compensation, please use the “Add Worker’s Comp” button in the Patient Payer Information window to enter the necessary information.

17 : Utilizing the "Self Pay" Function

In the event that the Patient does not have active coverage of any kind, click on the “Self Pay” checkbox in this window.image.png

18 : Navigating to the Finalize Visit Creation Window

Once you are finished entering Patient Payer information, please navigate to the Finalize Visit Creation window by clicking “Next”.

19 : Utilizing the Quick Payment Function

In the Finalize Visit Creation window you have the ability to process a Quick Payment for the Patient. To begin, please enter the appropriate monetary value into the “Payment Amount” field present in the Quick Payment area of this window.

Then, select the appropriate Payment Type from the drop-down menu on your screen to finalize the Quick Payment process.

20 : Uploading Patient Files

Next, if you would like to upload a file to the Patient's account, please click on the “Browse” button present in the Upload Files area and upload the appropriate Patient file from your device.

21 : Locating the Newly Added Patient File

At this point, the Patient file to be uploaded will be present in the Pending Uploads section of the Upload Files area.

22 : Removing a Patient File

In the event that you need to remove a Patient file from the Pending Uploads section, please begin by selecting the Patient file that you require from the list on your screen.

Then, click on the “Remove” button present in the Upload Files area to finalize the removal process.

23 : Reviewing and Editing the Entered Information

Note: You can use the Back Arrow button in this window to complete any necessary edits to the previously entered information.

24 : Finishing the New Visit Creation Process

Now, in order to finalize the New Visit creation process, click on the “Save Visit button present in the bottom right corner of this window.

Additional Resources

GoRev Support Team

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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