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Reporting Course Challenges in PowerSchool

The following steps will guide you through the process of creating a course section that can be used for course challenges. If you would like to watch a video that demonstrates Steps 1 through 8 click here.

*For Challenge Courses that are taken at a school other than a student's home school, there needs to be courses, sections, course enrollments, and marks in the school the course is taken.


  1. Click on the Start Page and navigate to School > Sections.
  2. Find and click on the course that was challenged from the left side menu.
  3. Create a new section of the selected course by clicking the New button at the top of the page.
    *HINT: Be sure to note how many sections of this course already exist so that you can create the next section number in succession.
  4. Enter all of the section information as you normally would:
    1. Schedule information
    2. Term
    3. Teacher - Section Lead
    4. Room
    5. Section Number (next one in succession if other sections of this course exist)
    6. Grade Level
  5. Then scroll down to the Alberta Information section of the page.
  6. Enter following fields:
    1. Funding/Delivery Schedule = REG - Regular
    2. Primary Delivery Method = CHA - Course Challenge
    3. Instruction Language = EN - English
  7. Click Submit.
    (Optional: if you want to verify that the section has been created as "Course Challenge" click on the PASI Section button at the top of the page and view the information listed.)
  8. Next you will need to enroll the student into this newly created section.

STAGE 2 - Entering and Storing the Grade
(*Note: you will need to know the Credit Type of this course before storing the grade. Go to School > Courses > search for the course, click on the course title and look for the Credit Type field. Take note of that value for use in step 8j)

  1. Before storing the grade, you will need to navigate to the student you selected and click on All Enrolments from the left side menu.
  2. Click on the Edit link next to the course section that you just enrolled the student into.
  3. Ensure the course Enroll Date and Exit Date are displaying accurately. If they are not, change them now.
  4. Scroll down to the Alberta Information section and enter the following two fields:
    1. Funding Requested = this will likely be set to No since it was a challenged course
    2. Course Enrollment Status = COM - Complete
  5. Click Submit.
  6. With the student still selected, navigate to the Historical Grades page from the left side menu.
  7. Click on the Single New Entry button at the top of the page.
  8. Enter the appropriate information into the corresponding fields (skip fields that are not listed below):
    1. Verify School name and School year are correct.
    2. Store Code = enter the appropriate store code for the corresponding Term that the challenge was completed (R1, R2, R3, or R4)
    3. Verify the Hist. grade level is correct (should be the grade level the student was in when the course was completed/challenged)
    4. Course number - Section number = begin typing the course number and you should see a pick list pop up.
    5. Teacher name = Teacher that evaluated the challenge
    6. Grade = enter the final mark achieved
    7. Percent = enter the final mark achieved (will be the same as the Grade field)
    8. Earned credit hours = enter the Credits earned
    9. Potential credit hours = enter the Credits that the course section was worth
    10. Credit type = enter the Credit type value for the course (see *Note above).
    11. Teacher comment = enter if desired
    12. Mark Assignment Date = usually the current date (make sure it's within 30 days of the student's course exit date)
  9. Click Submit.

*You will then need to approve the mark for PASI. Please see the STAGE 3 - APPROVING COURSE MARKS FOR PASI section on the How to Store Course Marks for Sr. High Students guide.

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