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Creating a performance review form



Learn how to create a review form that can be used as a performance management tool. The form can be assigned to an employee, who can then complete the assigned review. A supervisor can also complete the review.

What's in this article?

How to create a review form within AllPay, including:

💡Good to know: Learn how to assign the review form to an employee here, as well as how an employee completes an assigned review form within MyPay here. Additionally, learn how a supervisor can complete any employer sections of a review form here.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Create a new review form

  1. Sign into AllPay, and click on Configuration from the menu at right and hover over the Company Setup menu. Choose Review Form Setup.
  2. From the Review Form Setup page, click on Add New
  3. Fill out the required fields:
    • Review Name: Shows to the employee and in AllPay, suggest entering a year at the beginning to be able to re- use the review for upcoming years by cloning.
    • Active: True = Checked; False = Unchecked
    • MyPay Assigned Notification Template: This is the email template that tells the employee that the Review is available to them in MyPay to complete their portion.
    • MyPay Available Notification Template: This is the email template that tells the employee that the completed review is available for them to see.
    • Employee Portion Due Date: This is a literal date and to be used when employees have a deadline to submit. Only one due date per review is available.
    • Allow Editing Employee Answers in AllPay: Choices are Never; Always; When Employee Not Completed Only
    • Re-Open User Group: Specifies which users are allowed to uncheck the 'Employer Complete' field on a review form. Once 'Employer Complete' is checked no edits are allowed to the review form. Choices are based on company user groups.
    • Scoring Method: Choices are Flat Scoring; Percentage. Note: Each question in the review form has a check box to exclude the entire question (from percentage calculations) if the provided answer for an individual review is not numeric, this allows a reviewer to specify for instance 'N/A' and not have the question effect the final score.
      • Flat: All questions choice values are simply added together to produce a final score.
      • Percentage: Each question is given a percentage score of the actual score for the question divided by the maximum score. The Percentage method also uses the Area and Question scoring weights that are assigned in this review setup to determine the relative value of each Area within the review and also each question within an area. Note that in both cases only 'Radio' and 'Checkbox' typed questions are scored and then only those that have choices that have numeric values.
    • Show Scores to Employee in MyPay: True = Checked; False = Unchecked
    • Require Employee Signoff: This box requires that employees have to sign off on their reviews. Read more here.
  4. Be sure to Save

Click on Configuration...


Then hover over Company Setup and choose Review Form Setup.


Click on Add Newperformance-management-3.png

Fill out the required fields


Adding Areas to a review form

  1. Once your required fields are filled out and saved, click on Add Area to open a composer view. An Area can contain questions, or it can be used as as an informative portion of the review.
    AllianceHCM tip: The composer view lets you format the content by changing things like fonts, sizes, and alignment. You can also edit the HTML of an Area, add a table, and more.
  2. Once you've added an Area, then you have the choice to create question(s) in it by clicking on Add Question
    AllianceHCM tip: You can preview the review at any time by clicking on the Review Form Preview icon in the top right hand corner.

Click on Add Area to open the Area composer:performance-management-5.png

The Area composer


This is an Area with only informative text and no questions. The view in the Area composer:


And the view once the composer is closed:


This is an Area with some informative text and two questions. The view in the Area composer:


And the view once the composer is closed:


Adding Questions to a review form

  1. Click on Add Question from within an Area to open a question composer
  2. Choose Question Type
    1. Text: Text
    2. Radio: Select one out of many
    3. Checkbox: Choose multiple
    4. Text area: Comments
    5. Display: Display only
  3. Configure the rest of the information for the question
    1. If the form's Scoring Method is Percentage, enter a Scoring Weight
    2. If the form's Scoring Method is Flat Scoring, then use the Choice Value field to assign a flat number for each choice in a question
      AllianceHCM tip: You can copy the choices of a question to apply to other questions as well. This can make it much easier to create multiple questions that may all be evaluated on the same scale, for example.
  4. Be sure to click on Save once all of your questions have been added
    AllianceHCM tip: You can preview the review at any time by clicking on the Review Form Preview icon in the top right hand corner.

Click on Add Question to add a question to an Area:


Choose Question Type


Using a Scoring Weight


Using a Choice Value for one of the choices in a question


Be sure to click on Save from near the top right corner of your screen


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.