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Salary Administration Policy


The goal of the university's salary administration program is to provide an equitable and systematic means of compensating its various categories of employees in relation to their assigned duties and responsibilities and, to the most reasonable degree possible, recognize differences in employee performance levels. Further, it is the university's policy that its salary administration practices and compensation levels are competitive with those in like organizations for comparable job categories.


Salary Payments

In accordance with federal and New York State law, administrative and full time faculty employees are paid on a biweekly basis.

Clerical employees who are members of Local 1205 are paid on a biweekly basis. Security and Maintenance employees who are members of Local 32B-J are paid weekly each Friday. Building Engineers who are members of the Local 94 are paid on a biweekly basis.

Part-time faculty who are members of Local 7902 or Local 802 and part-time teaching staff are paid on a biweekly basis.

See Payroll Schedules for additional information.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposits of paychecks are required for all employees who are paid through the University payroll system. New employees and continuing employees who do not yet participate are required to do so. Direct Deposit offers employees the convenience of having their pay checks automatically deposited without having to wait in lines to cash paychecks and without having to wait for paychecks to clear.

This free benefit makes your check available to you as cash each payday. Please visit for electronic proof of payment. You may deposit your earnings into almost any new or existing savings or checking account, and, you may split a deposit to more than one account. In order to qualify, a bank must be a member of the Automatic Clearing House (ACH). Most commercial banks and 70 percent of thrift (savings) banks in the New York Metropolitan area are ACH members. To verify if your bank participates, call your branch manager. Please note that due to payroll processing needs, first and final paychecks are not directly deposited. See Direct Deposit for additional information.

Payroll Deductions

The University is required by law to deduct FICA, Med-tax, Federal, New York State, and New York City taxes, if applicable, withholding taxes from each employee's check as appropriate. If you have questions about your paycheck, please consult the Payroll Office at

Additional Information

See specific salary administration information below organized by employee type.

  1. Non-Union Administrative Staff
  2. Union Administrative Staff
  3. Full-Time Faculty
  4. Part-Time Faculty

If you have any questions, concerns, or disputes with this policy, you contact the Payroll Office at or 212.229.5671 x4963.

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