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Work Hours and Categories


This applies only to administrative staff.

For more information on faculty ranking, please refer to the Full Time Faculty Handbook for full time faculty categories, and, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between The New School and Academics Come Together, ACT-UAW, Local 7902 and The International Union, UAW for part time faculty categories.


For purposes of salary administration, eligibility for overtime payments and employee benefits, the University classifies its administrative staff employees as follows:

  • Full-time employees. Employees hired to work the University's customary, full-time, 35-hour work week on a regular basis. Such employees may be "exempt" or "nonexempt" as defined below. Note: employees scheduled to work a Sunday shift in additional to working four eight-hour days during the work week are considered full-time employees for the purposes of benefit eligibility.
  • Part-time employees. Employees hired to work less than 35 hours per week. Part-time employees who work under 1,000 hours per calendar year are not eligible to receive benefits.
  • Temporary employees. In some cases, the University will hire employees to work full-time or part-time with the understanding that their employment will be for a limited period of time. Temporary personnel in either category may be used as needed in, among others, the following situations:
    • Completion of extraordinarily heavy workloads;
    • Replacement of regular employees for limited periods of time;
    • Short-term assignments and projects; and/or
    • Special peak periods of business activity.

Note: Temporary employees may be offered and may accept new temporary assignments with the University without becoming regular employees. Temporary employees may be "exempt" or "nonexempt" as defined below.

Exempt/Nonexempt Status

  • Nonexempt employees. Employees who are required to be paid overtime at the rate of time and one half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked beyond forty hours in a single workweek, in accordance with applicable federal wage and hour laws.
  • Exempt employees. Employees who are not required to be paid overtime, in accordance with applicable federal wage and hour laws, for work performed beyond forty hours in a workweek. Executives, professional employees, officers, most managers and certain employees in administrative positions are typically exempt. Exempt employees are expected to stay as long as necessary to complete assigned tasks, notwithstanding the absence of any entitlement to overtime pay.

If an employee changes positions during his/her employment as a result of a promotion, transfer, or otherwise, the employee will be informed of any change in his/her exemption status.

Employees should direct any questions regarding their employment classification and exemption status to their supervisor.

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