[FAQ] The Jones Network
If my property address is in NYC, why am I using the search tool and seeing vendors based in other cities and states such as New Jersey, and Connecticut?
A vendor will appear in the search results if they had at least 1 COI audit for a job at a property whose address is within a 50-mile radius of the same city and state as your property address (we are not looking at the vendor’s actual address, we are looking at the address of a nearby property where a vendor previously worked).
How are the Predicted Compliance Statuses calculated?
There are 3 different color coded statuses (note that construction customers have a construction image instead of a building image). There is a lot of logic that goes into this, but some client facing points we can mention:
We look to see if all policies in the requirements exist within the COI
We look at what is missing within a policy
A vendor will automatically have a “red” status if they are missing any of the big 4 policies: General liability, Automobile liability, Workers' compensation, Umbrella.
For more details, see link here.
- How do I know if a vendor or tenant is on my account?
- When searching for the record, you will see a badge if it's on your account. see example below:
Can I see waivers on the Jones Profiles?
No. You can see gaps, policies, etc but you cannot see if anyone else in your account or on Jones has waived gaps.
What are the product names within The Jones Network that we should be referring to?
What happens if the COI on The Jones Network doesn’t have the right 'Additional Insured'? Should the Jones user request a new COI?
Jones will send the vendor/tenant a specific request for whatever is missing after we audit, so if the only gap is the Additional insured that is what they will be required to send (which means a new COI)
How does Jones verify and troubleshoot the contact info vendor/ tenant profiles?
We look at domain, requests statuses, different clients using same contacts etc.
For internal company changes reasons that we know can happen (employees change) we make sure that at least one of them will still be up to date and updates the changes for us.
When a vendor or tenant gets added to the Jones Network by a different client, how long does it take for them to be added to the network? (ie. when do they become accessible)?
Within 1 week on average
Who can use the Jones Network?
Admins, Compliance Managers, Inviters, but NOT Read-Only users.
Common Reasons Jones Network Features Aren’t Working:
Make sure the address on the specific property/project is set to an address with the correct city and state field. See video here of how you can navigate to a properties settings to view/ edit the city.
Are you searching the exact name of the vendor/tenant/subcontractor? Our system is searching based on the company name & DBA name. For example, if a company called “Botz and Sons LLC” is actually a plumbing company, you cannot search “plumbing” and expect to see Botz and Sons LLC. You also cannot type in Bots (with an S not a Z), etc.
What is their user role? This feature is available for admins, Compliance Managers, and inviters, but NOT read-only users.
Are you searching for vendors but on the tenants' tab or vice-versa?
Whether or not a record is "published" or not will effect it's visbility on The Jones Network.
Tenants: Jones will only show compliance profiles for published tenants.
Vendors: Compliance profiles will always be shown for vendors, but their contacts will only be shown if published.