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Proofed | Editors | Emeritus | Cambridge Judge (CJ) Style Guide | DEI / CTO / CPO.SEPO / BTV / DEI.RED / ODDT / BA R2

Key Style Guide Information and Links

School and Course Terminology

course, teacher and learners

Bold green indicates the preferences for this school/the specified courses.







Programme Leader

Learning Facilitator

Success Coach


  • CJ-CTO






Programme Leader

Learning Facilitator

Success Coach


Important School-/Course-Specific Notes

  • Headings in green boxes need to include the type of page (this is for Emeritus designers' internal use).
    • For example, in the following, the deletion of "Discussion page title" is incorrect:​Image-2022-10-27_09_16_56.png
  • Please use the phrase Key term review cards, not Key terms review cards.
  • Text <bookended by arrows> is internal Emeritus information. Please do not edit:
    • All of the above activities should be completed by <DELIVERY TO ADD date in Date Month, Date format>, <Time> UTC.
  • Exception to UK English spelling: please retain Help Center (not Help Centre) – this is used across various Emeritus materials for different schools, and they want to retain consistency.
  • The term Programme Support should retain initial capitals in titles.
  • Retain use of "I" in contexts like this (next to photo), as it's a direct message from the faculty to the learner:


  • Please note that the introductory text will look a little different from normal Floryboard text (see below).
    • However, please maintain the general pattern of the first sentence ["This module has......and....., plus xx activities/activity."]Screen Shot 2021-11-16 at 10.53.36 PM.png
  • For CJ-BA R2:
    • In the outline, count each poll activity as a separate poll.
    • In the outline, do not include the subheaders in the Introduction section.
    • In the outline, do not include the PL Live Sessions section.


  • Use initial capital letters for:
    • Positions/job titles, eg Senior Tutor, Admissions Tutor, Director of Studies
    • Degree titles, eg BA Honours in History
    • Single Honours, Joint Honours, etc.
    • Qualifications, eg GCSEs in Mathematics, Chemistry and History.
  • Use lowercase letters for phrases such as cleantech, medtech, fintech.


  • All headers and subheaders: sentence case
    • Includes the main module heading in Floryboards
  • Following colons
    • Video/activity titles – use an initial capital (e.g. Module 2: Feedback survey; Video 7: Tech issues)
    • Other contexts – use lowercase (e.g. Capitalizing headers: how should you do it?)


  • Do not use the serial comma unless necessary to avoid ambiguity.
  • Parenthetical dashes: use spaced em dashes.
  • Use hyphens in words beginning with prefixes such as co, de, pre, or re when two of the same vowels appear together, but not when the letters are different:
    • co-operate, re-emerge, de-escalate, pre-eminent
    • proactive, reorder, codependent
  • Do not use full stops in abbreviations: eg, am, pm, op, no, cf, ie, ed, etc
  • Do not use full stops after:
    • Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc
    • Initials: Dr M P S Handley (note space between each initial)
  • Do not use the '&' symbol.
  • Use italics for non-English words.
  • Use single quotation marks for unfamiliar words/phrases.
  • Use round brackets for nested parentheses: (as Jones (YY) maintains).


  • Spell out numbers one to ten; use numerals for 11 and above.
  • Spell out the words 'million' and 'billion'.
    • Use alongside figures for currency: £1 million.
    • Also use with figures when referring to a specific amount: exactly 2.68 billion vs. approximately two billion.
  • Use the % symbol whenever referring to a figure; spell out 'percent' only when discussing the concept.
  • Only hyphenate a fraction when used as an adjective:
    • two thirds (noun)
    • a two-thirds majority (adjective)
  • Use minimum number of digits in page ranges: 34–5, 107–17, 46–54
  • No space between number and measurement unit: 6cm, 12kg
  • GBP equivalent should be given for non-GBP currency amounts.
    • Please leave a comment if this has not been included.

Times and Dates

  • Date format: Friday, 16 January 2004
  • Standard time zone: GMT/BST
  • Time format: 12-hour clock – 10am, 3.45pm
  • Use numbers for centuries: 20th century (no superscript)
  • Give full four digits for year range across different centuries: 1850–1925
    • Only use two digits for second year if within the same century: 1920–65

Bullet Lists

  • If you use a complete sentence to introduce a bulleted list, then end it with a full stop, not a colon.
    • For full-sentence bullets, start each point with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
  • For lists of points that are not full sentences:
    • place a colon at end of the sentence introducing the list
    • use lowercase to start each point
    • use a full stop only after the last item of a bulleted list of incomplete sentences/phrases.


Harvard referencing style. Please use this Proofed Guide to Harvard Referencing only to ensure consistency. However, please use single quotation marks and punctuation outside the quotation marks. Examples:

email/web addresses, filenames

  • Lowercase
  • Please include https:// at the start of web addresses
  • Follow with full stop if appearing at the end of a sentence
  • No underline
  • For downloadable files:
    • lowercase
    • hyphen between each word (instead of spaces)

Subject-Specific Terminology/Spelling Preferences

  • biomedical
  • cleantech
  • 'data' is a singular noun (not plural)
  • decision-making
  • email
  • fintech
  • focused / focusing / focuses
  • fundraising
  • learnt
  • log in (verb) (NOT log on)
  • login (noun)
  • medtech
  • micro-level
  • micro-scale
  • multidisciplinary
  • online
  • postdoctoral
  • spinouts
  • startup
  • under-representation
  • website
  • For CBS-ODDT: senseability and memorisability are terms developed by the faculty and should be retained.

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