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Starfish: Frequently Asked Questions

This guide provides answers to commonly asked questions about Starfish.


What is Starfish?

Starfish is a student success and retention network that allowed the campus community to be engaged and in communication with students, and contribute to their success.

Students are able to connect with their academic advisers, instructors, and other people and services on campus that can help them with their education and time at The New School.

How do I access Starfish?

  • Log into MyNewSchool portal
  • Navigate to Shortcuts on the left side of the dashboard
  • Click on the Starfish app

Dashboard Shortcuts.png

Alternatively, you can use the direct link:


I can’t sign into Starfish. What do I do?

  • If you're facing trouble even after using the direct link,, please try clearing your cache and history or using a different browser.
  • Be sure to check that you are using the right credentials (Net ID, which is your email address without the and password that you would use to log into your TNS email).
  • You may also try to log in through your Apps Locker, found on the left hand side of your MyNewSchool portal.

If none of the above troubleshooting options work, you may contact

How can I set up my office hours?

Office Hours can be added to your Starfish calendar using the (+) Office Hours feature on the top left hand of your homepage. This will allow you to set up regular and walk-in appointments. Students only see Appointment Types and the reasons associated with those Appointment Types when scheduling an appointment. If you are setting up recurring appointments, be sure to set a start and end date.

For a visual walkthrough, please see EAB's 'Faculty and Staff Demo Series - Updating your Office Hours' video.

Do Notes I take about students show in their 'messages' on the student dashboard?

Yes. If the "send a copy to the student" option is selected on a Note, the student will receive an email notification as soon as you save the note and the note displays to the student in the student's messages page.

Who should I contact if I have questions about Starfish?

For advisor assignment issues, be sure to check SGAADVR in Banner to confirm that you are connected to the student. If not, contact your point person in the department who manages the advisor assignment process.

For technical support, contact Student and Academic Systems at


I can’t sign into Starfish. What should I do?

  • If you're using the direct link,, please try clearing your cache and history or using a different browser.
  • Be sure to check that you are using the right credentials (Net ID, which is your email address without the and password that you would use to log into your TNS email).
  • You may also try to log in through your Apps Locker, found on the left hand side of your MyNewSchool portal.

If none of the above troubleshooting options work, you may contact

How can I set up my office hours?

Office Hours can be added to your Starfish calendar using the (+) Office Hours feature on the top left hand of your homepage. This will allow you to set up regular and walk-in appointments.

Students only see Appointment Types and the reasons associated with those Appointment Types when scheduling an appointment. If you are setting up recurring appointments, be sure to set a start and end date.

For a visual walkthrough, please see EAB's 'Faculty and Staff Demo Series - Updating your Office Hours' video.

How do I submit a progress survey?

You can follow the Starfish: Progress Survey Step-by-Step Guide that outlines how to submit a progress survey.

Can I edit a submitted progress survey?

Submitted or closed surveys cannot be reopened.

If you are looking to edit tracking items (i.e. flag, kudos, etc.) you selected within the progress survey, you have the ability to do so by directly navigating to the Tracking tab of the Students page in Starfish and clicking Edit on the said tracking item.

If you are looking to raise a tracking item due to a student concern, you also have the ability to do so outside of the progress survey.

What can I do if I forgot to complete the progress survey by the deadline?

Once the submission deadline has passed, progress surveys cannot be reassigned to faculty. If you are looking to raise a tracking item due to a student concern, you also have the ability to do so outside of the progress survey.

What are Flags in Starfish?

Flags can be raised by faculty or staff to communicate a concern about a student.

All academic related flags generate an email to the student with supportive language directing them to resources as well as recommended actions for them to resolve the concern. The email notification to the student includes faculty comments, if applicable.

In the case of Behavioral, Health, or Personal/ Social Concerns Flags, students are not notified. However, in both instances, appropriate offices will also be notified. These offices generally have a process in place to take action.

How can I raise a Flag for one of my students?

  • Search for or select a specific student.
  • Click the Flag button.


  • A new window will open – select the type of flag you are raising for the student, and add details to explain why you are raising the flag.
  • Click Save to finish.


Who can see Flags?

Each flag has different viewing permissions and these permissions are typically limited to roles who can actively work towards supporting the student for the particular item.

For instance, the Student Health Services staff would have access to viewing the Health Concerns flag, if raised.

In general, academic advisors will have the ability to view all raised flags for students assigned to their caseload so they have a holistic understanding of their students’ success.

What am I supposed to do with Flags after I have raised them?

In short, if the behavior changes or the issue is no longer a concern, you may clear the flag.

For instance, if you raise a Missing or Late Assignments flag, and the student has since turned in their missing assignments and you believe the issue is resolved, it would be appropriate to clear the flag.

How can I clear a raised Flag from a student’s record?

Flags can be cleared from a student’s record by navigating to the Tracking tab of the Students page in Starfish and clicking Resolve on the said flag. Be sure to enter the reason for the resolution.

What are Referrals in Starfish?

Referrals are designed to direct the student to a particular campus service.

For instance, if you know a student is struggling in a course or with a written assignment, you can refer them to the University Learning Center.

How can I create a Referrals for one of my students?

  • Search or select a student
  • Click the Referral button


  • A new window will open - select the type of referral, enter Course Context & Due Date (if applicable) and Comments.
  • Click Save to finish.


What happens when I raise a Flag or make a Referral for a student?

In addition to the email that is sent to the student for academic related flags, advisors and various support staff are also notified of your concern.

Depending on the nature of the flag and/or your comments, an academic advisor or staff member will follow-up and will “close the loop”, or will add a comment to the flag/referral to share relevant information regarding the issue/referral.

I had access to Starfish in the past, but not this semester. Why is that?

The most common reason you do not have access to Starfish is because you are not teaching courses in the current semester.

If you believe you should have Starfish access, contact

Who should I contact if I have questions about Starfish?

For academic policy related questions, contact your Academic Affairs office for assistance.

For technical support, contact Student and Academic Systems at


I can’t sign into Starfish. What should I do?

  • If you're facing trouble even after using the direct link,, please try clearing your cache and history or using a different browser.
  • Be sure to check that you are using the right credentials (Net ID, which is your email address without the and password that you would use to log into your TNS email).
  • You may also try to log in through your Apps Locker, found on the left hand side of your MyNewSchool portal.

If none of the above troubleshooting options work, you may contact

I am an incoming student and when I try to log into Starfish, it gives me this error message: "You do not have a user account in the Starfish system. Please contact your system administrator if you should have or would like to gain access to this application." What does this mean?

This error message means you currently do not have a Starfish account. You will have access to Starfish once you have made a deposit and a student record has been created.

I am an incoming student and I am looking to schedule an appointment with my academic advisor, but they are not listed under my connections. What should I do?

Generally, the advisor assignment process in Starfish for incoming students takes place over the summer. In the meantime, each department/college has general email addresses that you can email for assistance. You may visit the Advising website for more information.

Where do I find my advisor in Starfish?

After logging into Starfish, you will land on the Success Network page. This is where you will find “Your Connections” which lists your advisor and current instructors.

My advisor is incorrect in Starfish. What should I do?

Contact your academic advisor via email to confirm that the advisor assignment is incorrect. They will cross check the information with the other systems and contact the appropriate office to rectify the issue.

How can I schedule an appointment with my advisor?

To schedule an appointment with you advisor, follow the below set of instructions:

  • Find your advisor in “Your Connections” on the Success Network page.
  • Click the three blue dots next to their name and select “Schedule”.

  • Select the appropriate appointment type and reason. On the following screen, select a meeting time.
  • Before you confirm your appointment, please read any meeting instructions and add notes to provide your advisor with additional information.
  • A reminder email will be sent to your TNS email address the morning of the meeting.

How do I cancel an appointment with my advisor?

  • Open the main menu by clicking the hamburger menu on the left.

  • Select Upcoming from the menu.

  • Click the three dots and the Cancel Appointment option will appear.

How can I raise a Flag in Starfish?

  • Open the main menu by clicking the hamburger menu on the left.

  • Click the drop down menu under Type of help needed and select the flag that is most relevant to your concern/question.

  • After a flag is raised, the appropriate office on campus will be in touch with you about the raised flag.

Who should I contact if I have questions about Starfish?

Contact your academic advisor or instructors for any questions about flags raised by them.

For technical support, contact Student and Academic Systems at

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