Case - Missing Items
Step 1: Review Case
- Go to the Credit tab to verify the amount to be refunded
- Even if the credit amount is in the Quick Note, the Credit tab must be filled out
- If the credit tab is not filled out, send the case back to Customer Experience
- Credit tab should include dollar amount, item being refunded and/or what percentage of the order is being refunded
- Open the Sales Order (03-XXXX) under original order #
- Go to the "History" tab > "Fulfillments & Invoices"
- Open the Cash Sale (05-XXXX)
Step 2A: Ekena Products
*The following are instructions for issuing refunds for Ekena product. This can be identified by the Vendor in the case, which will start with Ekena.
- From the Cash Sale, click "Authorize Return"
- This will create a Return Authorization (10-XXXX)
- Return Reason = "84 - Shipping Error"
- Click Save
- From the Return Authorization, click "Refund"
- This will create a Credit Memo (11-XXXX)
- If refunding entire order (including shipping), add shipping costs to the Shipping tab of the Credit Memo before saving
- Shipping will not carry over to the RA from the Cash Sale so it needs to be added when creating the Credit Memo. If refunding in full, shipping needs to be refunded.
- If refunding entire order, ensure the total of the Credit Memo matches the total of the Cash Sale
- If refunding product(s) in full, but not shipping, the Credit Memo just needs to match the item's subtotal from the Cash Sale
- Click Save
- From the Credit Memo, click "Refund"
- This will create a Customer Refund
- Confirm the payment method on the Customer Refund is the same as the Cash Sale
- If pay method is a credit card, creating the Customer Refund will actually refund the customer
- If pay method is Affirm, Amazon or PayPal, you will need to also issue the refund in the portal
- See Amazon Pay, PayPal, or Affirm
- Click Save
Step 2B: Vendor Products
*The following are instructions for issuing refunds for Vendor product. This can be identified by the Vendor in the case, which will not contain Ekena.
- From the Cash Sale, click "Refund"
- This will create a Cash Refund (18-XXXX)
- A Return Authorization is not needed for Vendor refunds as the product does not affect inventory
- If refunding entire order, ensure the total of the Cash Refund matches the total of the Cash Sale
- If refunding product(s) in full, but not shipping, remove shipping costs from the Shipping tab
- Return Reason = "84 - Shipping Error"
- Check the payment method:
- If pay method is a credit card, creating the Cash Refund will actually refund the customer
- If pay method is Affirm, Amazon or PayPal, you will need to also issue the refund in the portal
- See Amazon Pay, PayPal, or Affirm
- Click Save
Step 2C: Ekena or Vendor Product - Partial Refund
*The following are instructions for issuing a partial/percentage refund. The instructions will indicate to refund a percentage of the item(s).
- From the Cash Sale, click "Refund"
- This will create a Cash Refund (18-XXXX)
- A Return Authorization is not needed as the refund will not contain any inventory items
- Replace all line items with the item number "Refund"
- Qty: 1
- Replace the description with the percentage (10%, 15% etc.) and the part number
- If these are not specified in the case or if it's a generic refund, use "Missing Items" or "Customer Service Discount" in the description
- Return Reason = "84 - Shipping Error"
- Check the payment method:
- If pay method is a credit card, creating the Cash Refund will actually refund the customer
- If pay method is Affirm, Amazon or PayPal, you will need to also issue the refund in the portal
- See Amazon Pay, PayPal, or Affirm
- Click Save
Step 3: Update the Case
- Edit the Case
- Quick Note: [Date] - Refunded on XX-XXXX - [Initials]
- If Ekena Product:
- Status: Closed
- If Vendor Product:
- Status: In Progress - Accounting
- Assigned to: Jill Fedderson
- Case Issue: Credit Memo Needed
- Email the customer:
- Insert solution: type ACCT and select the template based on the payment method
- Fill in the missing information in the template
- Information can be found on the Cash Refund or Customer Refund you created
- Uncheck "Internal Only" and check "Send Email To Customer"
- Click Save