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Registered Student Organization Posting Policy

I. Policy Statement

In conjunction with the New School University’s Poster Policy, the Registered Student Organization Posting Policy is designed to allow student organizations and responsible individuals to advertise events, programs, initiatives, exhibits, or activities, recruit or express an opinion on the New School campus without causing damage to buildings, signage, and/or property owned or leased property.

The New School (“TNS” or “university”) encourages free expression and protects academic freedom, which are central principles to the mission of higher education and New School values. In the spirit of the latter aim, campus community members are urged to reconsider creating and distributing posters or flyers containing material or language that could be construed as malicious toward or dangerous to other responsible members of the University community.

II. Definitions

  • A registered student organization (RSO) is one that has been approved for recognition by the Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences Office.
  • The responsible individuals are defined as the student, faculty, or staff member responsible for the event, program, or initiative being promoted in the poster or flyer.
  • Poster/Flyer for purposes of this policy includes, but is not limited to, banners, sandwich boards, leaflets, chalking, digital easels and displays, The New School website, and projections onto walls and similar surfaces. This policy does not include posters produced by the Office of Marketing and Communications.
  • A Sponsored event or activity is one that the University endorses by supporting it financially and/or by sending students to participate as official representatives of the University in the event, program, or initiative being promoted in the poster or flier.

III. Policy

Only designated display areas and digital easels, as outlined in the University Poster Policy, may be used for posting. Posters or flyers may not be placed on interior or exterior walls, floors, doors, windows, sidewalks, statues, elevator cabs or doors, or public art. Other prohibited behavior includes: posting messages or symbols on grassy areas, hanging banners on external surfaces without first obtaining permission, and causing damage to personal or University property.

All posted information must include the name of the sponsoring organization, department, or responsible individual, as well as the date, time, and location of the program, event, or initiative. Student organization-posted information requires approval from the Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences Office via the approval process below before it can be hung on the New School Campus.


Chalking on university or leased property may only be done on horizontal, concrete, granite, or asphalt surfaces where the rain will wash away the residue completely. There may be no promotion of an event, exhibit, activity, recruitment, or expression of opinion written on any organic surface (grass/soil).


Posters are prohibited that display true threats, discrimination, harassment, intentional false advertising, invasion of privacy, or any other message that violates or encourages violation of law or university policy and codes of conduct. The name and contact information for the staff, faculty, staff member, or student organization, academic or administrative unit responsible for the poster is required on the poster and must be visible to the reader.

Each school or college, academic facility, and administrative building has formulated procedures for posting material within its own confines. In the event that a specific posting policy by an academic or administrative facility conflicts with the requirements set forth here, that procedure, University Poster Policy, and this policy should all be followed.

General Guidelines

A few other general guidelines:

  • Leafleting under doors and soliciting are prohibited within all residences.
  • No more than one copy of a poster may be placed on an open board and should be promptly removed when information is outdated.
  • Posters should not exceed the size of 11 x 17 inches.
  • Posters may not be placed on top of existing posters.
  • Posters cannot advertise drugs, alcohol, or other illegal items and activities.
  • Posting is not allowed in stairwells and elevators.

Glue, poles, stakes, ropes, cable, or permanent fixtures are prohibited to hang a poster unless authorized in writing. Students, faculty, staff, registered student organizations, and academic or administrative units will be responsible for any damage caused by their poster. Any banners must be mounted by Buildings and Campus Operations or their contracted vendor.

Exempted from these guidelines:

  • Any communication approved by the University Emergency Response Team and/or Public Safety Authorities.
  • Any communication related to campus closure.

IV. Procedure for Official Approval

All registered student organizations (RSO), USS-funded events, programs, and student initiatives must gain approval from the Student Leadership, Involvement, and Transition Experiences Office via the process below within fifteen business days of the program, event, or initiative.

  • Student organizations will need to fill out the Poster Approval form, which can be found by visiting Narwhal Nation and visiting the “Forms” tab.
    • Please send all attachments in PDF format.
  • Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed by the SLI-TE Office.
    • Please allow at least 48 to 72 hours to receive a response regarding whether your poster can be displayed on campus.
  • After you submit the Poster Approval form and it is approved, please print your posters and/or flyers and bring the items to 39 W 13th St, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011. They will be stamped and returned to you to ensure that the posters and/or flyers you display will not be removed.

If you plan to display student marketing materials that do not fall within the communities mentioned above, please ensure that they meet the university's posting policy requirements.

Poster Requirements

  • If the poster is for an event, the event must already be approved via Narwhal Nation.
  • Name of student organization/Logo
  • Name of the event
  • Location of the event
  • Time and Date of the event
  • Email address or contact information
  • States “USS Funded” if applicable and have their logo
  • Mention of any partners of the event
  • Any other details about the event

V. Procedure for Posting

Open Bulletin Boards—General Posting

These Designated Display Areas, as outlined in the university Poster Policy, are open for student organizations to hang posters. Only one poster per event is allowed. Multiple posters will be removed. Posters covering other posters will be removed. Posters hung on borders will be removed.

Digital Easels Procedures

Digital easels, the standalone electronic displays located in lobbies on campus that display important New School events and announcements, are managed by IT. Please email IT a copy of the poster or flyer to add to the easel. *Student organizations can only send this poster or flyer after the approval process outlined in the Register Student Organization Posting Policy is completed.

Image specifications:

  • 9x16 aspect ratio
  • 1080x1920 resolution
  • .jpeg, .gif or .png
  • Content requires a start and end date
  • Important: text or images should be at least 3% away from borders to ensure it is not cropped on display

Contact Vina Perez, Manager (Faculty/Staff/Relations), IT Central, at or (212) 229-5300 x4560.

Physical Easels

A small number of wooden easels for display in rooms are available. Physical easels are no longer permitted in the lobby spaces. To request them, submit a Netfacilities work order.

Posting in Residence Halls

Advertising is strictly limited to bulletin boards in residence hall areas. Postings are not allowed on doors, windows, bathroom mirrors, floors, rugs, or in elevators or stairwells. Organizations are also not allowed to slide advertising under student room doors.

Promotional material for registered student organizations approved student programs, and campaign posters can be posted on residence hall bulletin boards unless the board is specifically designated for a particular use (e.g., the board is reserved for Hall Council information).

When posting on bulletin boards, only one advertisement per bulletin board is allowed. Organizations cannot cover up other ads when posting their own advertisement. Approved ways of hanging posters and fliers include thumbtacks and blue masking tape. Do not use duct tape, regular masking tape, or packing tape.

Promotional literature posted on any surface other than bulletin boards will be removed by the residential life staff.

Commercial advertising is not permitted in any residence hall building. These advertisements will be removed by the residential life staff.

VI. Poster Removal

Posters or flyers associated with the event, exhibit, or activity must be removed by the student, faculty, staff, or recognized student organization no later than two days after the event, program, or initiative.

Posters not related to an event, exhibit, or activity must be removed by the student, staff, faculty, recognized student organization, academic, or administrative unit at the latest 17 days after the date the poster was first displayed.

As stipulated above, posters that violate this policy may be immediately removed without notice, but generally, The New School’s staff responsible for building operations will remove posters on a routine basis in compliance with the stipulated time limitations and at the start of each month and at the conclusion of a semester.

NOTE: Posters that have not received the approval stamp will be taken down immediately.

VII. Sanctions

Individuals or organizations who do not comply with these guidelines or who, without authorization, remove materials placed by other individuals or groups may be denied access to the campus for posting materials and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Posting Procedures Offenses

Failure to comply with posting procedures will result in the following sanctions:

  • First Offense: Written letter of warning.
  • Second Offense: Posting privileges denied for the month.
  • Third Offense: Posting privileges denied for a semester.

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