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Eligible Dependents

The New School requires faculty and staff to provide proof-of-relationship documentation to establish a dependent’s eligibility for insurance coverage. This requirement ensures legal compliance and good governance and helps the university control healthcare costs.

Covered employees can enroll the following eligible dependents by providing the indicated supporting documents:

  • A spouse (a copy of a marriage certificate is required)
  • A same or opposite-sex domestic partner (a copy of an approved Statement of Domestic Partnership is required)
  • A child (or children) through the end of the year in which they turn 26* (a copy of a birth certificate that shows the names of both the parent and the child or legal documentation of adoption or court-ordered care by the employee is required)
  • A dependent child (or children) who was found to have a disability before the attainment of age 19 (a copy of a birth certificate that shows the names of both the parent and the child or legal documentation of adoption or court-ordered care by the employee and documentation of disability status is required):

A child is defined as:

  • Your biological child
  • Your stepchild
  • Your qualified domestic partner's child
  • Your legally adopted child
  • Your foster child, including any child placed with you for adoption
  • Any child for whom you are responsible under court order

Eligible dependents can be enrolled only during your initial eligibility period or enrolled or dropped from coverage during the Annual Open Enrollment period each fall unless you and/or your dependent experience a Change in Status as defined by the Internal Revenue Code.

Domestic Partnership

A domestic partnership is defined as two individuals who live together in a long-term relationship of indefinite duration. There must be an exclusive mutual commitment similar to that of marriage, in which the partners agree to be financially responsible for each other's welfare and share financial obligations.

When Your Dependent Child(ren) Is No Longer Age-Eligible for Coverage

When your child is no longer age-eligible to continue coverage as a dependent on your New School medical, dental, or vision plan, coverage will terminate at the end of the month in which the child becomes ineligible. Your child may continue coverage through COBRA for up to 36 months by paying the full group rate, plus an additional 2 percent for administrative expenses. COBRA information will be sent by The New School's third-party COBRA administrator to the home address on file.

When Your Legal Spouse Is No Longer Eligible for Coverage

A divorced or legally separated spouse is no longer eligible for coverage under the New School medical, dental, or vision plan as of the date the divorce or separation is finalized. You must elect to terminate coverage within 31 days of the date of finalization of your divorce by declaring a qualifying life event in MyDay. Your ex-spouse may continue coverage through COBRA for up to 36 months by paying the full group rate, plus an additional 2 percent for administrative expenses. COBRA information will be sent by The New School's third-party COBRA administrator to the home address on file.

*Once a child no longer meets eligibility requirements, you must notify the Benefits staff within 30 days, so that the child can be removed from your coverage and offered continuation coverage through COBRA.

Eligible dependents can be enrolled only during the employee's initial eligibility period or enrolled/dropped from coverage during the annual Open Enrollment period unless you and/or your dependent experience a change in status as defined by the Internal Revenue Code.

Return to * Medical, Vision, and Dental Insurance Overview.

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