Liquidity Pool Overview
Liquidity Pools
Liquidity Pools aggregate one or more constituent Liquidity Providers to publish a single order book to other processes within Compass. They also have their own Brokering Settings to control how Compass places orders to Providers within the pool when an order is received.
When creating a Liquidity Pool, the list of markets and instruments contained in the Liquidity Pool are required. It is possible to add overrides to include or exclude specific instruments from markets within the Liquidity Pool. Include overrides will be processed before exclude overrides.
Liquidity Providers
Liquidity Providers supply market data to Compass and optionally fill hedging and brokering orders. They are configured with a list of instruments and other provider specific settings such as price precision, min/max order sizes, supported order types and market data throttles.
They apply very basic filters to ensure that the pool is not crossed.