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Asset Classes in Client Scenarios

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Beyond Asset Class Defaults, you can further tailor asset classes for each client scenario. To review and modify asset classes in a scenario go to the Assets inputs and select the Asset Classes button. That will expand a window to review and modify the asset classes.


Use the Add, Delete, Move Up/Down buttons to create, remove, or change the placement of asset classes respectively. To modify an existing asset class, simply click in the desired cell. You can modify the name, abbreviation, and expected rates of return for assets in the class. See: Asset Rates of Return in Moneytree Plan.

Show/Hide Defaults: Select this option to show or hide the default asset classes respectively.

Add (Default): Click the lower add button to add the selected default asset class to the available asset classes in the scenario.

Replace: Use this option to replace the selected scenario asset class with the selected default asset class. This can be used to update the scenario asset classes to match defaults.

Update All Matching Asset Class Rates in this Scenario: Use this option to update the scenario rates with any matching default rates. This is especially useful if only rates were changed in the Asset Class Defaults

To close the modal, click Close button or the 'X' in the top-right.

Assigning Asset Classes


Use the Class drop-down to assign an asset class to the asset. If the box Auto-Fill these Rates of Return when Entering Assets is checked then the rate of return information for that class in this scenario is auto-populated into the Rate of Return field(s) for the asset. For Equity/Other asset the return is divided accordingly to the four return sub-divisions. For all other asset types, the total return between all four categories is entered into the general Rate of Return field.

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