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First Year Residency Procedure

First Year Students are identified in Banner by their Admit Type of "FR" (freshman) or "FT" (freshman transfer). Review the FY Housing Process Map for a detailed overview of the procedure.

All student housing requests and forms are processed through the University’s housing portal (available to students only with current login). Once a First Year Student has paid their tuition deposit, they will be emailed the link to the portal and advised to complete the Housing Preferences Form within the portal by the listed deadline. The University typically begins accepting requests for fall term housing in February, and in October for the upcoming spring term.

All First Year Students who live on campus are also required to purchase a meal plan. Students are automatically enrolled in Dining Plan 2 and may upgrade once they receive their bill for the term.


Students who qualify for an Exemption as well as those who would like to request one for reasoning that falls outside the listed criteria may submit a Residency Requirement Exemption Request. This request form is available in the housing portal and must be submitted by the listed deadline.

Below are the approved criteria for an exemption and the types of documentation required to demonstrate your qualification. All Exemption Requests must include the corresponding supporting documentation listed in the below table for consideration. Incomplete requests will not be considered. All Exemption Requests will be reviewed within 7 business days by the Residency Requirement Exemption & Appeals Committee. Students will be notified of their decision via email.

Exemption Criteria

Supporting Documentation

Admitted into an online undergraduate program

N/A - Committee will review your student record to confirm

Under the age of 17 or over the age of 24

Government photo ID such as driver’s license or passport, or birth certificate

Military veteran

DD 214 or, if unavailable at time of submission, a copy of your discharge orders, current orders, or other official paperwork indicating your ETS (estimated termination of service) date or EAS (end of active service) date


Marriage certificate or most recent federal or state tax return indicating a filing status of “married filing jointly” or “married filing separately”

Domestic partnership

Domestic partnership registration or affidavit, paperwork demonstrating power of attorney for health care, or joint will


Most recent federal or state tax return outlining your dependents or child’s birth certificate

Live with parents/guardians within 40 miles of The New School

Driver’s license or one of the below proof of residency documents that includes your parent or guardian’s name(s):

  • Copy of your lease or rental agreement
  • Mortgage statement
  • Landlord/leasing company letter (on letterhead) stating that your parent or guardian is the primary tenant
  • Utility bill, property tax statement, home insurance bill, etc.

Note: Students who have applied for and received an approved Housing Accommodation that the university is unable to fulfill will automatically be exempt from the Residency Requirement and do not need to file an Exemption Request.

If the Exemption Request is approved and the student has received a housing assignment, the housing assignment will be canceled and the charge will be removed from the student bill.

If the Exemption Request is denied, the student will be notified and will receive a room assignment.


Appeals may be made by submitting the Residency Requirement Appeals Form. All appeals will be reviewed by the Residency Requirement Exemption & Appeals Committee. All appeal requests will be considered in accordance with The New School policy's intent to support a student's intellectual, emotional, and social growth. Approval of the appeal is not guaranteed and if denied the student is expected to live on campus.

Additional appeals may not be made beyond this stage.

Return to First Year On-Campus Residency Requirement.

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