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Response Variables

Responding to messages in a timely, yet personalized manner is the key to success within Sales Connector. Response Variables are applied to Response Messages to help optimize a user's workflow.


How Does It Work?

Ensure you have a thorough understanding of how to use Response Messages before introducing Response Variables. Please review Response Messages first before diving into the details below.

The following steps provide visibility into the library of Response Variables and also allows users to seamlessly integrate them into a Response Message, directly from a single browser.

  1. From the hamburger menu, click on Response Messages

Response Variables

  1. Click on + to expand full list of Response Variables
  2. Click on a Response Message to add desired Response Variables

Response Variables

  1. Be sure to click on the blue Save icon when finished

Lastly, Response Variables must live inside of curly brackets: {example}. If they are not copied verbatim from the list, they will not work.

Feature Attributes

Fallback variables ensure that even if you don't have data for a specific contact, your variable will be filled. To create a fallback variable insert the pipe character | followed by your fallback text before the closing bracket.

For example, you can use {Company|your company} to send the company name.

    • Thanks for connecting! I hope that Mike's Plumbing is having a great start to the quarter. Looking forward to keeping in touch.

However, if a contact doesn't have information available, "your company" will be sent as the fallback.

    • Thanks for connecting! I hope that your company is having a great start to the quarter. Looking forward to keeping in touch.

Benefits & Value

Response Variables act as placeholders, representing individual-specific details to craft tailored responses. By using these variables, one can automatically insert relevant personal information or context into their message. For instance, rather than manually entering a recipient's name, a Response Variable can be set up to pull that name automatically, ensuring that the reply feels customized to each individual. This not only streamlines a user's workflow but also elevates the level of personalization, making the recipient feel more valued and engaged.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

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