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Response Messages

Response Messages provide pre-curated talking points, allowing users to respond consistently and efficiently to messages. While users may need to make modifications or edits to ensure smooth conversation flow, these messages serve as valuable starting points, and they enhance communication by providing a reliable resource for initiating replies.

  • Response Messages: Inbox
  • Response Messages: Settings
  • Response Message Templates


How Does It Work?

There are two primary places a user can engage with Response Messages: Inbox and Response Messages (from hamburger menu)

Response Messages: Inbox

Accessing Response Messages from the Inbox is most useful for small refinements and general utilization within a conversation.

  1. Click on Inbox and select a conversation
  2. Click on Type Message

Response Messages

  1. Click on Select Response Message dropdown
    • You will also notice two icons in the upper right of the dropdown. These allow a user to copy (black icon) and edit (blue icon) an existing response message.

Response Messages

  1. Edit as desired. Once finished, click on Send LinkedIn Message

  • To add a brand new response message, click on the dropdown and select the option Add New Message.

Response Messages

Response Messages: Settings Access

Accessing Response Messages from Response Messages in the hamburger menu allows a user to do major revisions to all Response Messages within an account.

  1. Click on hamburger menu
  2. Click on Response Messages

Response Messages

  • To change the order of the Response Messages, click the arrow icon & drag as desired.
  • To create a new Response Message, click on + New Message
  • To edit a Response Message, utilize the existing text boxes. Be sure to click the blue Save icon when finished.
  • To delete a Response Message, click on the red trashcan icon.
    • Once a Response Message is deleted, a user is unable to recover them from a digital archive.

Response Messages

Response Message Templates

Pick A Time

Sounds great! Would [INSERT DAY/TIME] work for you? If so, what's a good email I can send the meeting invite to? Otherwise, here's a link to my calendar if you'd like to pick out another time that might be better for you here - [INSERT CALENDAR LINK] - Looking forward to it!


That's great! I'd be happy to bounce ideas around with you when you have a free moment. Hoping maybe there could be room for us to collaborate. Are you available sometime this week for a quick chat?

Not Right Now

No problem - I completely understand. Mind if I reach out again in a month or two to check in?

No Thank You

Thank you. I appreciate your reply and completely understand. Happy to be connected! If I can ever be a resource to you in the future, please feel free to reach out. Have a great day!

No Thank You - Referral Request

That makes sense, thank you for letting me know. Is there anyone in your network who you think might be interested?

Not A Fit

Thanks so much for sharing that. Happy to be connected! Please reach out if I can be helpful to you in any way down the road. Best, [INSERT YOUR NAME]

We also recommend having a couple versions of your pitch saved as response messages. It is suggested that you keep all response messages to about 3 sentences or less.

Feature Attributes

Response variables are often included in Response Messages. Please visit the Response Variables card for more information.

Related Topics

For more information, contact your Admin or Account Manager.

You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.