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Full-Time Faculty Handbook - 03. Faculty Ranks

See Faculty Categories and Appointment Types for an overview of the full-time faculty appointments and tracks.


Faculty members with the rank of instructor have shown evidence of their potential or ability as teachers. Instructors will generally not possess the terminal degree or its equivalent in their chosen fields.

Assistant Professor

The rank of assistant professor is generally awarded upon appointment to tenure-track faculty. The same rank can be awarded to RTA faculty who possess a terminal degree in their discipline or have the equivalent in scholarly/professional/creative practice and demonstrate excellence in one of the following three categories and a good level of performance in the remaining two: research, scholarship, and/or creative or professional practice (RSCP) as recognized in the relevant fields or disciplines; teaching (encompassing pedagogy and learning along with teaching); service.

Associate Professor

The rank of associate professor is awarded to tenure-track, tenure, RTA, RTA-OARS, and EE faculty for demonstrating excellence in two of the following three categories and a good level of performance in the remaining one: research, scholarship, and/or creative or professional practice (RSCP) that is recognized for its distinction in the relevant field or discipline; disciplines teaching (encompassing pedagogy and learning along with teaching); service. The rank of associate professor is typically given to tenure-track faculty at the time that tenure is awarded, and to EE-track faculty at the time that extended employment is awarded. The same rank for RTA and RTA-OARS faculty would typically not be considered before the seventh year of employment as an RTA faculty member. RTA candidates who are performing above and beyond the minimum requirements by their second reappointment may apply to their deans to have their rank review in tandem with their second reappointment. It is assumed that the faculty member possesses a terminal degree or its equivalent in their field or discipline.


Having demonstrated excellence at the time of promotion to associate professor, the rank of full professor is awarded for substantial additional achievements either in the field of pedagogy, teaching, and learning; and/or in research, scholarship, and/or creative or professional practice (RSCP) since promotion to an associate professor that has gained national and/or international recognition. All faculty members promoted to full professor are expected to have continued to assume and undertake important leadership roles in the university. Typically, promotion to full professor takes place no sooner than five years after promotion to associate professor. There are two paths for promotion to full professor and in order to be considered for a full professor review a path must be selected in advance of the review itself in accordance with practices outlined in the Provost Office’s Operational Guidelines. Worth noting: the Operational Guidelines also contain procedures for how colleges forward names of faculty to be considered for rank review to the provost for consideration.

  1. On the pedagogy path, the faculty member will have demonstrated outstanding pedagogical leadership that could include, but is not limited to, the development of new academic programs and/or amendments to existing programs that help determine the future path of The New School and beyond; curricular development; and pedagogic innovation. In addition, the faculty member will have maintained a high standard of research, scholarship, and/or creative or professional practice (RSCP); advising, and mentoring.
  2. On the research, scholarship, and/or creative or professional practice (RSCP) path, the faculty member will have continued to produce substantial field-defining work recognized for its distinction in the relevant fields or disciplines (this can include earlier work that has demonstratively gained in significance since prior promotion) and will have maintained a high standard of pedagogy, teaching, and learning, advising, and mentoring.

Visiting Faculty Rank

Visiting faculty hold the rank of visiting instructor, visiting assistant professor, visiting associate professor, visiting professor, or visiting professor of Professional Practice based on their home institution designation or level of education and scholarly/professional/creative accomplishment.

Other Titles

Outside of the ranking system, The New School has five other titles for faculty.

University Professor
Approved by Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, January 19, 2017

In recognition of exceptional scholarly achievement of the highest distinction or important university service and/or institution-building, the board of trustees, with the recommendation from the provost and president (with the affirmation of the relevant dean and/or department where appropriate), can appoint a faculty member a university professor. A university professorship is an exceptional university-wide faculty appointment that honors a faculty member’s exceptional national and international scholarly standing, especially for scholarship that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries, and is recognized for its innovation and originality. This distinction can be given to a faculty member within the university or for special recognition at the point of hire. University Professors report to the provost who determines their annual workload.

Distinguished Professor
Senior members of the faculty may be awarded this title by the board of trustees in recognition of distinguished service to the university and eminence in their fields. In some cases, faculty with equivalent achievements at other institutions may be hired with the rank of distinguished professor.

Professor Emeritus/Emerita
Upon retirement or stepping down, this title may be awarded to faculty by the board of trustees in recognition of distinguished service to the university and significant contributions to their fields. It is an honorary title that does not carry teaching or other duties but may entitle the holder access to certain university resources and facilities.

Professor of Professional Practice
Term and visiting faculty whose careers have been formed outside of the academy may be awarded this title by the dean in consultation with the provost.

Instructional Faculty
Renewable- and fixed-term faculty may be hired as instructional faculty, a category in which the principal faculty responsibility will involve teaching with little or no expectation of RSCP or service. Instructional faculty therefore may be expected to teach as many as seven courses in an academic year.

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