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Follow Up Reports

Welcome to the GoRev Navigating Follow Up Reports Tutorial. In this tutorial, we will focus on the process of navigating Follow Up Reports in GoRev.

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1 : Navigating to a Follow Up Report

In order to navigate to the Follow Up module, first, click on the “Follow Up” button present in the Billing tab of the GoRev Homepage toolbar.image.png

At this point, the Follow Up module will be visible. To continue, please utilize the Follow Up Buckets to navigate to the required Follow Up Report.image.png

Note: If you have difficulty navigating the Follow Up Buckets, please see the Follow Up Buckets Tutorial for additional assistance.

2 : Locating & Understanding the Follow Up Report List

At this point, the Follow Up module will appear on your screen. In this window, the Patient Accounts that make up your selected Follow Up Report will be present in a list below the Follow Up Toolbar.image.png

If you have difficulty locating any information in the Report, please utilize the Search field in this window to aid in your search.

Note: The Patient Responsibility Follow Up Bucket displays Patient Accounts by MRN. As a result, each row in this Follow Up Report list represents a Patient MRN not a single Patient Visit since Patient Responsibility includes all Patient Responsibility amounts from all Patient Visits at that Facility.

3 : Locating & Understanding the Follow Up Report Toolbar

In addition to the Follow Up Report list, the Follow Up module, also, contains thirteen functional icons present in the Follow Up Toolbar.image.png

Active Facilities

First, the “Active Facilities” icon in the Follow Up Toolbar will allow you to Add or Remove Facilities from your Follow Up Report. To begin, click on the “Active Facilities” drop-down menu on your screen.image.png

At this point, the Active Facilities drop-down menu will be visible. To continue, please click on any Facility in the list that you would like to Add to the Report.image.png

Additionally, please click on any Facility with a Checkmark next to its acronym to remove this Facility from the Follow Up Report.

Lastly, please utilize the “Select All” and the “Clear Selection” options in this menu to add all listed Facilities or remove all listed Facilities from the Follow Up Report, respectively.image.png

Follow Up

Second, in the Follow Up Toolbar, the Follow Up button will allow you to navigate back to the Follow Up Bucketsimage.png

Scheduled Reports

Third, the Scheduled Reports icon will allow you to access the Report Scheduling module for ease of access when working Patient Accounts in Follow Up.image.png


Fourth, in the toolbar, the “Refresh” button will allow you to Refresh the content of your Follow Up Report to include the most up to date Patient Account information.image.png


Fifth, the “Export” drop-down menu will allow you to Export the Follow Up Report as an Excel (XLS - For Excel 2006 or older), an Updated Excel (XLSX - For Excel 2007 or newer) , a CSV, and/or a BXT file.image.png

Add to Favorites

Sixth, in the Follow Up Toolbar, the “Add to Favorites” icon will allow you to add the current Follow Up Report to your Favorites area in the Follow Up Buckets so that you can access this Report quickly and easily in the future. To begin, click on the “Add to Favorites” button present in the toolbar.image.png

At this point, the Follow Up Report will be present in the “Favorites” section of the Follow Up Buckets as a custom, blue Tile with direct access to the Favorited Report.image.png

Note: If you would like to remove a Follow Up Report from your Favorites, please click on the “Remove from Favorites” button present in the Follow Up Report Toolbar.image.png


Seventh, the Future button in the Follow Up Toolbar will allow you to view Patient Accounts with the current Report criteria that have Follow Up Dates in the Future. To begin, click on the “Future” button in the window toolbar.image.png

At this point, the Patient Accounts fitting this Report with Future Follow Up Dates will be present on your screen.image.png

Note: In order to return to the previous Patient Account list with current or past due Follow Up Dates, please click on the “Future” button in the toolbar.image.png

Patient Overview

Eighth, the Patient Overview icon in the Follow Up Toolbar will allow you to access the Patient Overview window for the Patient Account that you have selected in the Patient Account list on your screen.image.png


Ninth, in the Follow Up Toolbar, the “Financials” button will allow you to navigate to the Financial window for the selected Patient Account.image.png


Tenth, the “Workflow” icon in the Follow Up Toolbar will allow you to begin a Workflow session for the Patient Account that you have selected in the Follow Up list.image.png

Note: If you have difficulty utilizing the Workflow module, please see the GoRev Workflow Tutorial for additional assistance.


Eleventh, in the Follow Up Toolbar, the “Charging” button will allow you to access the Charging module for the selected Patient Account.image.png


Next, the “Coding” button in the window's toolbar will allow you to access the Coding module for the Patient Account that you have selected from the list.image.png

Print Services

Lastly, the “Print” icon in the Follow Up Toolbar will allow you to Print various documents for select Patient Accounts or all of the Patient Accounts that are currently present in the Follow Up list on your screen.image.png

GoRev Support Team

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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