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Bulk Posting

This page will describe the Bulk Posting module and procedures.

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There are two methods to post transactions:

  1. Create a manual batch and enter each transaction one at a time.

  2. Upload an X12 835 file and the system will auto create each transaction in the batch.

1: Post a Manual Batch

Select the Billing Modules on the top ribbon of the GoRev home page and then select the Bulk Posting button.image.png

To start posting you must first create a new batch via the New Batch button on the top ribbon and enter in your posting totals or If you have posting within the posting screen from a previous non saved batch this will automatically populate the last auto-saved batch from your local computer.

Note: If you do not know your totals simply enter in zeros and when saving select Expected Amounts are Incorrect. See section 5 Finalizing the Batch for the screenshot of this check box

Note: Once a new Batch is created you will then be able to select the facility from the dropdown within the Current Entry section and begin posting

In the Current Entry section on the right, enter in the facility and a corresponding account number. The system will automatically populate a dropdown. Select the visit/Date of Service you wish to post to from this list. Next, select the payer, this is carrier the payment is coming from or select “Patient Payment” if the payment is from the patient or guarantor. The easiest way to do this is by clicking in the Payer box. The system will show you what payers are associated with this specific patient account. Simply double click or press enter to select one. Depending on which Payer you select, the next step will vary slightly.

2: Insurance Payers

Start by filling out Payment Amount (actual cash amount received), Copay, Deductible, and Co-insurance.

If you are not final adjusting the account due to a secondary payer, denial, or other extended circumstance, you may opt to disable the Auto Adjust feature. Unchecking this box will allow you to manually edit the adjustment being posted to the account.

Your form should look like the below:

Please note, denials can be posted by leaving all fields as 0.00. Similarly, you can post an adjustment by disabling Auto Adjust and populating just this field and leaving all others as 0.00.

Color-Coded required fields The required fields within the Bulk Posting screen that require a value are Facility, Account Number, Payer, Payment Amount and Adjustment. There must be a value in all of these fields or you can not save. If all required fields have a value the Posting field line will populate in green. If any of these fields are missing it will populate in red

The first line has all required fields so it is Green, the second line is missing the payer so it is in red

3: Self/Cash Pay

Self pay posting is much simpler. You only need to fill out the Payer(0 for Patient Payment), Payment Amount and Adjustment fields.

Note: that for their to be a balance to the patient a patient responsibility (CoPay, Co-Insurance or Deductible) will need to already be posted. That transaction will move the balance from Insurance to Patient. This is tracked on the Patient Financial screen (see attached screenshot of this location)


Warning! The Auto Adjust feature is very powerful and will keep the account payments and adjustments in check, but if left on accidentally, it will zero out the account balance.

4: Finalizing a Row

There are two ways to finish the current row that you are working on.

A) Click Add row to start the next transaction. You can always return to a previous transaction by clicking on it in the grid to the left.

B) Once you get down to the Note box in the Current Entry section, you can leave a comment on the transaction and simply press enter to automatically start the next row and begin again. The Account Number field will be automatically selected.

5: Finalizing the Batch

When you are done entering all transactions click Finalize and the below window will appear. Please ensure you name your batch appropriately so you can search for it later if needed. Best practice is to name it as Carrier Name + Check Number. Also, it is very important you Click the Browse button and upload the image of the EOB. This will save the actual check images to every patient account within your batch.

Within this screen you also have the ability to override the expected amounts as stated above, as well as set Coding and Follow Up Statuses for every account contained within the Posting Batch

Click the Save Batch button to save attach the posting to the accounts.

6: Post an 835 Batch

In the ribbon at the top, select the Open 835 button and you will be greeted by a standard Browse for File dialog box. Look for your .edi file from your clearinghouse and select it.

Once you click open all the transactions in the 835 will auto populate into the batch as shown below.

You will now need to click on each line and validate the numbers as well as go through any patient responsibility posting. Not all 835 files from payers are accurate so you should be sure to validate each line.

When you are done entering all transactions click Finalize and the below window will appear. Please ensure you name your batch appropriately so you can search for it later if needed. Best practice is to name it as Carrier Name + Check Number. Also, it is very important you Click the Browse button and upload the image of the EOB. This will save the actual check images to every patient account within your batch.

Within this screen you also have the ability to override the expected amounts as stated above, as well as set Coding and Follow Up Statuses for every account contained within the Posting Batch


Click the Save Batch button to save attach the posting to the account.

7: Save Pending

Within GoRev you have the ability to save your batch but not attach the posting to the accounts. This allows posters the ability to come back at a later date and time and finish the posting where they left off. This is great for situations where the poster can not fine missing money within the posting and is unable to balance or if the poster has to leave for an unexpected reason. To use this feature the poster will need to have posting data entered into the Posting screen and then select Save Pending on the top ribbon.


This will then allow the poster to save the partially completed posting file to their device.

When the poster is ready to start posting this file again they will nee to Open Pending and select the file. Then the posting will populate on the screen in the spot where the poster previously left off.


8: Open a Batch

Within GoRev you can re-open batches by clicking the Open Batch button.


Fill in any of the Search Criteria that you would like and double click an item in the grid to open it. Batches that have already been Finalized may be re-opened to view, but they cannot be modified.

8: Posting Reconciliation Workflow

This functionality will allow you to track all outstanding remittances needing posting. The workflow should be done as follows:

  1. Every morning you should add all new checks from ClaimMD or your ClearingHouse individually to the posting workflow by clicking Workflow and Add. Be sure to attach the 835 or EOB if you have it. If you do not have an 835 or EOB put the payment into waiting on documentation.
    When you are actively posting a batch place it into “In Progress.”

  2. All posting should now be done by clicking on the Posting Workflow button and working through the batches listed here.


9: Other Features

Two other very useful features exist within the posting module. As you are entering lines you can delete a row instantly by clicking the “Delete Row” button:

You can also pull up the patient overview screen and patient financials directly from posting for the patient specified in the transaction line you currently have selected.

The posting screen can also link you directly to GoRev's advanced search function simply by clicking the Find Patient button on the top ribbon

Amount Paid to Patient field can be used to track when a payer send a check to the patient.


Note: that this field is just for documentation and does not move any balances within the account. If you wish to move a balance from Insurance to Patient you will still need to add those values to either the CoPay, So-Insurance or Deductible fields.

GoRev Support Team

If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this tutorial, please contact the GoRev Support Team by phone at (317) 794-3900 or by email at

Note: Always submit an IT Support Ticket detailing the problem that you are experiencing with this portion of GoRev, if possible, as this will give GoRev Support Agents access to information that will help expedite the resolution of your issue. If you are unsure how to submit an IT Support Ticket in GoRev, please see the IT Support Ticket Creation tutorial for assistance.

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