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Submitting safe driving discount proof - tasks - account - app & website

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This is a guide for members who need to submit proof for a safe driving discount—either on or via the Branch app. See more background information here: Tasks - account - website & app.

Submitting proof

  1. Find the Proof of accident prevention certification for [insert driver's name] task
    1. You will see a countdown notice. This will tell you how many days you have remaining or if the task is overdue
    2. You can click More details to get more information on the task including:
      1. Who is eligible
      2. Accepted documents
      3. When you need to submit proof
  2. Click Upload proof
  3. Drag and drop or select a file or image to upload into the field
  4. Once it uploads you will see a green check mark
  5. Click Submit


You must have Author or Collection Owner permission to create Guru Cards. Contact your team's Guru admins to use this template.