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Full-Time Faculty Review Dossier

The review dossier is prepared by the faculty member being reviewed and submitted electronically to the faculty member’s dean’s office. The dean’s office supplements the dossier with additional materials as specified below.

In general, all review dossiers have a similar Table of Contents and all deadlines are the same regardless of review.

For detailed information for faculty preparing dossiers (including dossier prep workshops) please consult with the Assistant Provost of Faculty Development. We also recommend reviewing the Dossier Guidelines for Reappointment and Promotion.

Additional materials provided by the college:

  1. Course evaluations from courses taught since the last review as well as teaching and enrollment history.
  2. Job description and/or MOU (for RTA and RTA-oars).
  3. Teaching observation (for Lang only at this time).
  4. In cases where external letters are required:
    • Solicitation letters used by the college to request external letter writers.
    • Letters submitted by external letter writers along with the CV of the letter writer in each case.
    • An annotated excel spreadsheet that lists all external letter writers - both those who agreed to submit letters, as well as those who declined (with reasons if available), and an indication of those names provided by the candidate. In other words, columns on the spreadsheet would include full name of potential letter writer, affiliation, field or discipline, an indication of which names were provided by the candidate, an indication as to whether the potential letter writer agreed to submit a letter or declined, and if possible, reasons for declining.
    • A narrative statement provided by the dean’s office regarding the letter set as a whole, indicating how it was put together and how and why potential letter writers were selected. The narrative would include additional information that is not included on the spreadsheet and is often a part of the ad hoc (or NSSR departmental) committee letter.
  5. Letters from every level of the review as indicated in the Review Timeline.

In the case of review for tenure or EE, redacted versions of the letters prepared by the dean or executive dean from the prior PPR may be made available to the ad hoc peer review committee (or NSSR department) on request to the Associate Provost.

In addition, in the case of positive recommendations for promotion and/or reappointment for tenure, EE, tenure-track, EE track, and promotion (in rank), the college dean’s office prepares a draft docket and submits to the PO along with the full dossier and all supplemental materials. In the case of successful reviews, the docket is finalized by the PO and submitted to the board of trustees for their formal consideration and approval. Draft dockets are not needed for RTA or RTA-oars reappointments at this time.

Finally, it is the responsibility of the deans’ offices to review the dossier submitted by each faculty member prior to the dossier being forwarded to internal and external reviewers to ensure that its table of contents, length, and overall organization and presentation are consistent with the university’s dossier guidelines.

In certain cases, college deans’ offices may reject submitted dossiers if the dossier format guidelines are not met, e.g., the table of contents, length, and overall organization and presentation are inconsistent with the university’s dossier format guidelines. Deans’ offices do not review for quality, merely format, and acceptance of the dossier by the dean’s office does not connote anticipation of a successful review. Dossiers submitted to the Provost’s Office that are excessively long or out of compliance with the dossier format guidelines in significant ways will be returned to the faculty member’s dean’s office.

Return to the Operational Guidelines for Faculty Reviews for Promotion & Reappointment.

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