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PlayPosit - Interactive Videos (Overview)

What is PlayPosit?

PlayPosit is a web-based interactive video and assessment tool that lets teachers add interactive elements (questions) to streaming video content (you can upload your own or you can use Wistia/YouTube/Vimeo). The interface is inviting, limited to three buttons that crop length, build questions (multiple-choice or free-response questions), or finish the "bulb."

Throughout any video lesson, students can rewind to hear any part of the video again. However, they can't fast-forward to skip ahead of what they've already watched. Through a dashboard, teachers can get data about students' use and performance within the embedded assessment items.

How to use PlayPosit

PlayPosit is integrated with Canvas. Create "bulbs" through PlayPosit by adding questions and other interactive elements to video lectures or other media content. These "bulbs" can be assigned to students and student results will sync to the LMS gradebook.

How to get access to PlayPosit

The university has an enterprise license for PlayPosit. In Canvas, PlayPosit can be added to a course module by clicking on the "+" sign, then selecting "External Tool," then choosing PlayPosit to link a bulb.

PlayPosit support

Related links, documents, and Guru cards

How to create a PlayPosit assignment in Canvas

New peer review tool: Playposit Peer Review Tool

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