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Payroll Processing Step 5: Closing a payroll batch and submitting payroll



Learn how to close a payroll batch and submit payroll.

What's in this article?

Instructions for how to close a payroll batch and submit payroll.

💡 Good to know: You would close a payroll batch and submit payroll after you've used batch totals to check your data (a recommended best practice) and run a pre-process register. This is a part of our Intro to Payroll Processing and Manual Entry guide, which covers starting and adding payroll batches, manually inputting payroll data, using batch totals, and running a pre-process register.

AllianceHCM tips: Keep an eye out for tips from our experts!

Closing a payroll batch and submitting payroll

Once you’ve reviewed your pre-process register and everything looks good, you’re ready to Close your batch(es). You do this from the Payroll Control tab in the Payroll module.


This may take a moment to load, but when you close all the batches it will run your payroll rules. These payroll rules are completely customizable for each company to help catch common mistakes, but they can’t prevent 100% of errors. They’re important to pay attention to, though, as an aid to look after the integrity of your payroll data.

For example, your rules can show if anyone accidentally gets auto-paid twice, doesn’t have the proper taxes set up, is active and not paid, or terminated and paid, as well as minimums and maximums for earnings. Some of these rules can be set up as custom reports in your company’s AllPay, such as a report checking for any paper checks. You will also see confirmation notices if everything looks good.

AllianceHCM tip: Payroll rules have a standard check to identify and flag any direct deposit changes made since the last payroll run. Be sure to learn how to use these rules to validate direct deposit changes, since this is a key step to preventing direct deposit fraud.


You do have the option to re-run payroll rules if there are errors that you need to go back and fix. You will want to click back on Step 2–Entry and hit the Re-Open button (the second button in the row) if that is the case.

Once everything has been reviewed and is ready, go to the Submit Payroll section toward the bottom of your screen. Check the box to confirm that you have reviewed everything and it’s ready to move forward.


Then, be sure to click on the Submit Payroll Now button.


Once you’ve clicked Submit Payroll Now, a window will pop up with a 10-minute countdown clock and a Recall Payroll button, which will recall the submitted payroll.

If you don't need to make any adjustments, you can leave the page and continue working in AllPay.

⚠ CAUTION If you make any changes in AllPay during the countdown that would get pulled into payroll, then those changes you make will be reflected in payroll. For example, if you’re still in the countdown period and give an employee a $3 an hour raise, then your payroll that is in the countdown will reflect that brand new base rate for your employee.

While you don't have to stay on the countdown screen, we recommend you avoid any major changes in AllPay. Instead, treat yourself to a short break and get a glass of water, find a snack, or have a quick chat with a coworker.


What happens if you do click on the Recall Payroll button? Well, if you recall it, you can make any final changes, then you’ll need to re-run your payroll rules to check everything one more time before re-submitting your payroll. Your payroll will not be run unless it’s been re-submitted.


Once your payroll has been submitted, you’ll see a notification that it’s no longer available for recall and is not editable.


And that’s it! Congratulations on submitting payroll.

You’ve reached the end of this guide about closing a payroll batch and submitting payroll. Iif you need additional support, please see the full list of sections in the Intro: Payroll Processing and Manual Entry guide.

Remember, if you have any questions, you can always reach out to AllianceHCM experts by phone at 281-875-1818, or you can contact your dedicated Customer Service Representative (CSR), who is listed on your AllPay dashboard. We’re happy to help and look forward to supporting all of your payroll needs.

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