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Policy on Union Relations

Collective Bargaining Policy

The University has recognized the following unions as the exclusive bargaining agents for employees within their respective bargaining units, and has entered into written collective bargaining agreements with each of them.

The University has thereby accepted the principle of collective determination of wages, hours, and conditions of employment, to be exercised in accordance with the principles set forth in the bilateral, contractual agreements to which the University is a party. The University enters into these agreements in good faith, and it is its policy and intent to abide by the letter and the spirit of the agreements. Each supervisor/manager should become acquainted with the provisions of the agreements covering employees in his or her area of responsibility.

Interpretation of Contract Language

While each agreement outlines the principal terms negotiated between the University and the union, it may not cover every situation. From time to time, specific circumstances arise which require interpretation of the contract language. Such interpretation may lead to controversy, which in turn may lead to the need for resolution through the grievance procedure of the agreement. However, mutually acceptable interpretation generally is agreed upon between the University and the representatives of the union. When such interpretations are reached which could affect the supervisor-employee relationship, supervisors will be advised.

This manual may be helpful in answering issues not specifically covered in the union agreements. Questions relating to union matters and interpretations of union agreements or contract language should be referred to the Office of General Counsel and Human Resources.

Policy Against Discrimination Because of Union Activity

It is contrary to University policy for any representative of the management of the University to discriminate against any employee because he or she is a member of a union or active in a union. This policy applies to consideration for promotion and or transfer, assignment of job duties, discipline, and other related decisions that are the responsibility of the supervisor.

The Role of the Union Shop Steward

The union representative, or Shop Steward, is an elected spokesperson for a group of employees in a particular shop or work area. It is the representative's duty to look after the members' interests, both within the union, and in their collective bargaining relationship with the university. A sincere and well-intentioned Shop Steward who has the confidence of the employees can help to prevent misunderstandings and may often settle complaints before they become formal grievances.

Wherever possible, a cooperative and reciprocal relationship should be established wherein the supervisor and the Shop Steward can work together to the benefit of both the employees and the university. The supervisor can help to promote this relationship by discussing anticipated changes and developments with the Shop Steward, giving courteous attention to the Shop Steward's views on matters affecting employees, and otherwise showing that the Shop Steward's position and role is recognized and respected. However, the supervisor should not permit the Shop Steward to share in managerial decisions or to substitute for the free and natural exchange between supervisor and employee which is essential to a good employment relationship.

Time Off for Union Business

In general, it is the policy of the University to accommodate requests for time off for union business to the extent that such requests are submitted in advance for approval and are reasonable and legitimate. Election to union office, however, does not entitle an employee to leave his or her work whenever he or she or the union considers it appropriate. For more information, please refer to the respective union contracts or contact the General Counsel’s Office.

Conduct Expected of Union Officials

It has been agreed within the various unions that engaging in union activities during working hours, with or without pay, is conditioned on the university's understanding that the privilege will not be abused and that the union officials will conform to certain procedures and standards of behavior. The more important of these conditions follow:

  1. Time off for union activities will be held to the minimum necessary for the purpose involved and will be taken at times that cause the least inconvenience to the work.

  2. The Shop Steward or other official must obtain the consent of the supervisor before leaving his or her own work area.

  3. Before entering another work area, the Shop Steward or other official must obtain the permission of the supervisor in charge of that area to enter the work area.

  4. Grievance investigations will be conducted as quietly and privately as possible so as not to disrupt the work of other employees.

  5. No meetings, investigations, discussions or other activities that involve a number of employees and would cause general disruption to the work of a particular group will be permitted during working hours.

  6. The University does not attempt or desire to stipulate union attendance at grievance meetings. It does, however, reserve the right to refuse to pay excessive numbers of union officials or employees who attend such meetings.

  7. Time spent on union business must in all cases be reasonable in light of both the work requirements of the department or laboratory and the obligations of the union officer or Shop Steward as an employee. Appropriate steps will be taken to limit union activities during working hours whenever they impair the individual's effectiveness as an employee.

Conduct Expected of Supervisors

A supervisor is expected to control the activities of his or her work area and the conduct of personnel for whom he or she is responsible in an effective and reasonable manner when union business is involved. The supervisor also is expected to respect the rights of the union and its representatives.

If a union representative requests time off for union business, a limited but reasonable period of time should be granted if the lost time will not be in conflict with the interest of the work. If the work flow will not permit the Shop Steward to be released at the time requested, then another time period should be arranged that is mutually convenient and practical.

A Shop Steward from another department may ask to visit the work area to conduct union business. He or she should be accommodated if reasonable adjustments to the work schedule can be made at the time requested. If the work may not be reasonably interrupted at the time requested then a more appropriate time should be arranged with the representative.

Official Union Membership Meetings

Official union membership meetings may be held on University property if rooms are properly arranged for in advance, and the meetings are conducted in an orderly manner. Such meetings may not be conducted during employees' normal working hours. Union members will not be permitted to leave their work area during normal work hours to attend official union membership meetings.

Bulletin Boards

All unions have been assigned bulletin boards for the exclusive use of the union officers to post notices of official union business only. These boards may not be used for any other purpose. Use of the official union bulletin board for political activity, campaigning for elections, or any other purpose is not permitted.

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