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Academic Student Workers - SENS-UAW

A strong, fair, three-year agreement between SENS-UAW Local 7902 and The New School was reached in March, 2024. The ratified contract can be reviewed here. This card is currently being updated to include information reflected in the new contract.

SENS-UAW Local 7902 has been on campus since 2017. This union represents approximately 1,000 Academic Student Workers, including teaching assistants, teaching fellows, research associates, research assistants, course assistants, and tutors.

General Information

Website: SENS-UAW Local 7902
On Campus Since 2017
Employees Represented: 1000
Work Group: Academic student workers, including Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Research Associates, Research Assistants, Course Assistants, and Tutors
Current Contract: 9/1/23 - 8/31/26

All academic student workers who belong to this union and supervisors of such employees must thoroughly review the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the university and Local 7902, UAW.

Information for Academic Student Workers

The university uses a cloud-based Web HR system called MyDay. It improves the way The New School provides key human resources services. For step-by-step instructions on how an ASW can review their compensation information in MyDay, please refer to the Guide to Viewing Your Compensation.

Tax Information for International Students

As an international student in the United States, you need to understand the tax requirements of your visa and your filing obligations with the International Revenue Service (IRS) for tax years that you are here in the United States. A tax year is the same as a calendar year (January 1-December 31). The type of paperwork you must complete and the taxes you must pay depend on whether you have income and whether you are considered a nonresident or resident for tax purposes. For more information, please visit the International Student and Scholar Services website.

SENS-UAW Rebate Information

Pursuant to Article XXII: Healthcare Rebate of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), an ASW will be eligible to receive a discount on the student healthcare insurance premiums if they meet the following criteria:

  • The ASW is enrolled in and pays for the university's Student Health Insurance Plan.
  • To receive the Tier 1 discount, an ASW has worked at least an average of ten hours per week (at least 150 hours per semester or session) in one prior semester or session in a unit position(s) as of or after fall 2017 and works at least an average of ten hours per week (at least 150 hours per semester or session) in a unit position(s) in the semester in which the rebate is sought.
  • To receive the Tier 2 discount, an ASW has worked at least an average of ten hours per week (at least 150 hours per semester or session) in two or more prior semesters or sessions in a unit position(s) as of or after fall 2017 and works at least an average of ten hours per week (at least 150 hours in the semester or session) in a unit position(s) in the semester in which the rebate is sought.

What are the Tier 1 and Tier 2 discounts?

  • Effective September 1, 2020, ASWs will receive a Tier 1 discount of 45 percent or a Tier 2 discount of 60 percent.
  • Effective September 1, 2021, ASWs wills receive a Tier 1 discount of 50 percent or a Tier 2 discount of 65 percent.
  • Effective September 1, 2022, ASWs will receive a Tier 1 discount of 50 percent or a Tier 2 discount of 65 percent.

Is there a rebate on dependent coverage?

Yes. ASWs who meet the eligibility for the discount on student healthcare premiums as described above may also be eligible to receive a discount of up to 10 percent for dependent coverage premiums from the Health Insurance Dependent Premiums Fund. The fund will be administered as described below:

  • A maximum of $10,000 will be made available for each academic year and will be divided equally between the fall and spring semesters.
  • ASWs who purchase dependent coverage under the Student Health Insurance Plan and provide proof of that coverage may apply for reimbursement of up to 10 percent of dependent coverage premiums for that semester. Actual reimbursement will depend on the number of applications and the funds allocated for that semester.
  • Unused funds, if any, will not carry over to a future semester.

Do I need to apply for these rebates?

ASWs need only apply for the dependent coverage premium rebate. The university will notify all eligible and enrolled ASWs of the application process and deadlines. For the rebate on self-coverage premiums, the university will determine eligibility and tier level discount at the end of each semester.

When should I expect to receive my healthcare rebate?

Rebates will be calculated at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

How do I become eligible for the University Services Fee rebate?

Pursuant to Article XXIII: University Services Fee Rebate, in a semester in which an ASW works at least an average of five hours per week (at least 75 hours per semester or session) in a unit position(s), the ASW will receive a 100 percent (currently $190) rebate of the University Services Fee.

What is a unit position?

Pursuant to the Recognition Clause, the unit positions for SENS-UAW are course assistant, research assistant, research associate, teaching assistant, teaching fellow, and tutor.

Do I need to apply for this rebate?

No, the university will determine eligibility at the end of each semester.

When should I expect to receive my University Services Fee rebate?

Rebates will be calculated at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

Additional Labor Relations Information

For questions, please contact the Human Resources office at

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