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Certificate of Insurance (COI) Procedure- Incoming or Third-Party Certificates of Insurance (On Campus Activities/Events & Space)

The New School requires a certificate of insurance, to be provided in advance, from outside organizations, vendors, or third parties that come on campus to perform work, provide services, or use University facilities. This stipulations will also be extended to professional services that do not work on campus i.e. consulting services (accounting, finance, academic consulting, curriculum development, IT related, software support)

Any external organization that is not able to provide a COI with Endorsements may not partner with The New School on events. Organizations may get a one-time COI from a third-party vendor, at their own expense. An exception would include the City of New York which is a self-insured entity. The Offices of the General Counsel and Asset and Risk Management Department reserve the right to cancel any event which has not provided the proper insurance.

Below are sample situations that require a COI from outside vendors or organizations:

  • An external organization co-sponsoring a university event, or having significant involvement in the planning of on-campus activities.
  • An external organization doing significant "work" on campus. This includes testing, workshops, promotional activities, recruitment, selling books, and so on.
  • Caterers, videographers, and booksellers bringing equipment and staffing for on-campus events.
  • Rental companies (furniture, AV) delivering items to the university, or moving companies removing furniture and equipment from the university.
  • Media outlet coming on campus to photograph or videotape, or to conduct an interview.
  • Party wishing to film on campus
  • External organizations tabling as an exhibitor for a conference on campus.
  • Space leasing for on campus activity/event.
  • External organizations that may not be on campus but provide TNS with consulting services (accounting, finance, academic consulting curriculum development.
  • IT related services such as website and software support


Required Insurance Coverage

In general, all outside parties that provide work or services, or that use University facilities, are required to carry the following types and amounts of insurance coverage.

  1. Commercial General Liability (GL) Insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or $2,000,000 general aggregate.
    1. If minors are invited or expected to attend, the policy must include sexual molestation/abuse in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate.
    2. General liability insurance is not required for educational speakers or instructors for academic presentations.
    3. The University reserves the right to require higher limits from a particular contractor or vendor for a particular project or event.
  2. Worker's Compensation at statutory limits.
  3. Employer's Liability at statutory limits.
  4. Automobile Coverage at $1,000,000
  5. Umbrella Liability Coverage at $5,000,000 per occurrence/aggregate.
  6. For events where alcohol is being served - Liquor Liability in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. Please note Host Liquor Liability will not be accepted as Liquor Liability as this does not provide coverage for TNS.
    1. If the caterer is providing the alcohol, they must provide a COI which has Liquor Liability and proof of Worker's Comp insurance. In situations where the caterer is not providing the alcohol, a bartender must still be hired from a staffing company that will provide a COI which has liquor liability, and proof of Worker’s Comp insurance.
  7. Cyber Liability Coverage at $5,000,000 per occurrence/aggregate.
  8. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) at $2,000,000 per occurrence, $4,000,000 general aggregate.
  9. Endorsement Required : General Liability Forms Include
  • Additional insured
  • Primary and Non-Contributory
  • Waiver of Subrogation

Certificate Requirements

The certificate of insurance must comply with the below requirements:

  1. Named Insured: The Named Insured producing a certificate of insurance must be the same as the entity entering into any agreement or partnership with The New School.
  2. Primary Coverage: Such insurance must be primary as to any other valid and collectible insurance.
  3. Additional Insured: You must name: “The New School, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, students, and volunteers as Additional Insureds on the commercial general liability policy by endorsements.”
  4. Policy must be Include endorsement forms as follows: This policy shall be primary and not contributing with any other insurance in effect for the Additional Insured on a primary and noncontributing basis. Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of The New School must also be included with the COIs.
  5. Cancellation Notice: 30 days prior written notice of cancellation or material change in the insurance must be given to the university.
  6. Contractual Liability: There MUST be a written contract or agreement between the party and The New School submitted along with the COI. The written contract or agreement must include the university's insurance requirements. Activities/Event Contract Template may be downloaded here (insert link). Activities/Event Contract Template should not be used for facilities/maintenance or technology/professional services.
  7. Certificate Holder: The certificate should list The New School as the certificate holder.
    The New School
    Attn: Shaun Cardoza and Larry Woods (
    55 West 13th Street
    New York, NY 10011


COI Submission

The COI and contract/agreement must be submitted to and approved two weeks prior to the event.

Note that the Event Director in your college's Dean's Office might also require a copy of the COI.

Purchase a One-Time COI

For partnered events, if the external organization does not have insurance, has insurance but does not meet University policy requirements, they may purchase a one-time COI through a third party insurance provider of their choice, at their own expense. The New School's preferred insurance provider program is Tulip through URMIA. Refer to One-Time COI Purchase Procedures for details.

If further assistance is required, please you may email Shaun Cardoza and Larry Woods at

Preferred Vendors

The University has an archive of blanket COIs from caterers and vendors we have previously worked with. Please contact Procurement Services for more information. When contracting a caterer, the COI on file must still have a valid date and any necessary additional coverage.

Other COI Resources

Certificate of Insurance (COI) Policy

Certificate of Insurance (COI) Procedure- Outgoing or University Certificates of Insurance

One-Time Certificate of Insurance (COI) With Tulip

Return to Certificate of Insurance (COI) Policy.

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