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View and Print Payslips

Your payslip, also known as a "paycheck" or "pay stub," outlines your earnings, taxes, withholding, and other important details by pay period. Follow the below instructions to view and better understand your payslips in MyDay. Please see the Payroll Schedule for a list of pay periods.

Contact the Payroll Office at if you have any questions about your payslip.

View & Print Payslips

  1. Log into MyDay. See Logging into MyDay if you need assistance.
  2. Select Menu in the upper left hand side of the screen.
    image (22).png
  3. Click the “Pay” icon.
  4. There are two options to view your payslips:
    1. Option 1: View your payslips in a table view by clicking Payslips under the View column.
      1. Select a desired payslip to view the details. Click the Print button to the right hand side of the table to print your payslip.
    2. Option 2: View a specific payslip by selecting the date from the Payslip column.
      1. Click the Print Payslip Image button at the top of the page to print.
  5. When the payslip loads, you will have the ability to download and print your payslip. Click the Printer icon to print your desired payslip.

Understanding Your Payslip

Displayed in a sample payslip in MyDay. The coordinating numbered sections are outlined below.


Payslip Sections

  1. Company Information: The first thing you’ll notice on the payslip is The New School contact information.
  2. Payslip Information: This section contains your employee information. It also has the pay period so you know what time period you’re receiving your earnings and the date the payment was received (check date).
  3. Current and YTD (year-to-date) Totals: The current and year-to-date fields on your payslip show your gross pay as well as how much you have paid in taxes and other deductions.
  4. Earnings: This is the part of the pay stub that shows you your hourly rate and hours worked (if you are an hourly employee) or your salary. It also includes your overtime (if hourly), as well as any other earnings. It’s important to note that the amount and year-to-date (YTD) earnings are your gross earnings, which is what you would make before taxes, contributions, and deductions.
  5. Employee Taxes: This section includes the taxes that are taken from your gross earnings and will be included on your W-2 at the end of the year for tax filing purposes. They are sent to the government by your employer.
  6. Pre-tax Deductions: Some deductions and contributions are pre-tax, which means they are taken out of your gross earnings before taxes. This is a good thing for the employee because it means your taxable earnings are actually lower, which means you’ll pay less in taxes.
  7. Post-tax deductions: These are deductions that are taken from your gross earnings after your taxes have been calculated. Federal, state and city regulations specify which deductions may be made pre-tax and which must be post-tax.
  8. Employer Paid Benefits: The "Employer Paid Benefits" line on your payslip represents the dollar amount contributed by The New School to any benefits fund for your position at the university. This section includes The New School’s contributions for retirement, healthcare, and other benefits (where applicable).
  9. Subject or Taxable Wages: This section displays information about both your 'Subject' wages (employees wages that need to be considered for taxes) and/or 'Taxable' wages (subject wages up to the statutory limit) where applicable. You may see entries for OASDI (Social Security), Medicare, Federal Withholding, and other wages listed.
  10. Withholding: The withholding section gives you a snapshot of your federal and (work) state withholding (tax) elections which are also maintained in the system.
  11. Payment Information: This section displays where your net pay is disbursed.

Return to MyDay Payroll & Compensation Guide.

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